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List to end all lists - what to bring on Saturday 26 - demo and day of action

Spare batteries/charger for your mobile. Radio. Banner (non Socialist Worker variety). Whistle. Foghorn for the lolz.
I'm agonising over whether to take my camera. On the one hand you've got a chance to get some great shots and potentially keep an eye on the piggies should they find their leash a mite too slack; on the other you've got the danger of the thing getting confiscated by those selfsame pigs. Having just regained my beloved SLR after its six-month sabbatical in an evidence locker I dunno if I want to risk it.
I'm definitely taking my camera (s) along. My main fear is getting kettled for hours on end as I'm doing an after party at the Albert after the march!
I'm gonna bring this, or more likely something like it with wheels:


I picked up a blue one of these (with wheels) for 4 quid yesterday:

But definitely take lots of water

shewee then too.

Nooses. I'm considering having a banner saying ''revolutionary noose-making masterclass here'' and giving lessons underneath.

I'm also bringing a madzone.

(((cameron and clegg)))
Consider leaving ID at home. Plus delete texts and pics from your mobile (if you bring one) that could be incriminating. Check and double check to see you have no blims of hash in a long forgotten pocket. Write telephone number of bindmans solicitors (0)20 7833 4433 in permanent marker on your upper arm. It could be a cold day and the possibility of getting kettled (then possibly searched) does exist. So remember thermal long johns, hats, scarves, gloves. Don't wear your favourite clothes. Good luck comrades.;)
Consider leaving ID at home. Plus delete texts and pics from your mobile (if you bring one) that could be incriminating. Check and double check to see you have no blims of hash in a long forgotten pocket. Write telephone number of bindmans solicitors (0)20 7833 4433 in permanent marker on your upper arm. It could be a cold day and the possibility of getting kettled (then possibly searched) does exist. So remember thermal long johns, hats, scarves, gloves. Don't wear your favourite clothes. Good luck comrades.;)

Also consider getting a (non-registered) PAYG Oyster card, rather than using your usual travelcard.
Twitter accounts to upload pictures and video of police being naughty onto, so they can't take the evidence.

Films to include bad copper behaviour, but beware of exposing protesters identity in any conflict.
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