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Police & the cuts

The police are really going to be streched, mr bishie i agree with your sentiment but a digruntled police force is to our advantage
The dehumanisation of protesters in the minds of violent police 'fuckin soap dodgers, let's kick their heads in' is a cultural thing, so I think it'll be a while before class self-interest can overcome that mindset.

I hope it does though.
Give these cunts a wage and they'll do anything that's asked of them. Sympathy or not if their bosses tell them to go baton happy that's what they'll do.
Its a bit pathetic realty. It just shows they are about the money, if they had any compassion they would feel this way irrespective of there own cuts. I suspect that even a small rise to their pay would make their handling of protests considerably more grotesque.
Fuck the police.


+ Fuck tha po-lice





The police have become what so many public bodies become. Something that exists to give them a job with as much money for doing as little as possible,along with a generous pension. The service to the public that they were created for is no longer the priority. Hence things that make peoples lives a sheer misery like antisocial behavior, drunkeness, burglary, pick pocketing etc is no longer something they can be bothered with. The public who live in areas where this is a constant part of their life no longer have anywhere to turn. Labour made the whole thing worse with their rabid PC & heaps of paperwork, which means the real police work is largely done on overtime rates, & coppers are more interested in arresting people for what they say than if they have committed a crime, or easy targets like motorists. They need a bloody good shake up, get off their arses & out of their pandas & do some keeping of law & order, which is what they are paid so handsomely for.
Quite right flicy, and the situation cannot possibly be remedied. Your already clearly unfulfilling life can only get worse so I suggest you do the principled thing and put yourself out of your misery, and in doing so put us out of ours.
The police have become what so many public bodies become. Something that exists to give them a job with as much money for doing as little as possible,along with a generous pension. The service to the public that they were created for is no longer the priority. Hence things that make peoples lives a sheer misery like antisocial behavior, drunkeness, burglary, pick pocketing etc is no longer something they can be bothered with. The public who live in areas where this is a constant part of their life no longer have anywhere to turn. Labour made the whole thing worse with their rabid PC & heaps of paperwork, which means the real police work is largely done on overtime rates, & coppers are more interested in arresting people for what they say than if they have committed a crime, or easy targets like motorists. They need a bloody good shake up, get off their arses & out of their pandas & do some keeping of law & order, which is what they are paid so handsomely for.

Lol at the tory attacking their own frontline. Please, somebody, post this on the coppers' forums.

Maggie would never have been so daft, may she die soon and rest in shit.
tempting, tempting, UK police online already served me my cards though....can I be arsed to troll Oracle...later perhaps

Police Fed basically saying 'don't cut us and we'll continue to crack heads for you'.


I dont think that is what they are saying at all; the changes that have been seen in Winsor I and Hutton would - if implemented - have very negative effects on both police officers and police staffs pay and conditions, and the forthcoming selloff of everything apart from national security and the judiciary will probably see lots of people sacked.
I dont think that is what they are saying at all; the changes that have been seen in Winsor I and Hutton would - if implemented - have very negative effects on both police officers and police staffs pay and conditions, and the forthcoming selloff of everything apart from national security and the judiciary will probably see lots of people sacked.

I'm not disputing the effects of the cuts and I'm not denying that police offices and civilian staff alike have genuine fears. However, if you don't think the police fed are playing the 'you need us to stop them' card then I'm afraid that is incredibly naive. Paul McKeever didn't choose to focus on the cuts themselves or the impact on society, he focussed on how 'close' police officers could come to the wider labour movement, and how the police fed has to be careful about being too closely associated with the TUC even though they're 'sympathetic'.

As it happens, I spoke to a number of coppers the other week who were fairly sympathetic to us and by their own admission hacked off. But McKeever and the fed know what game to play to get what they want.

The Force Duty Planners are having real trouble getting volunteers for March 26th in London. This could be where ministers learn the hard way just how much good-will is used up in the public sector. If our overtime is cut, why should we give up our spare time to deploy for public order duty? I have seen at least two begging emails now, and I know that the places are still not filled. This could be the first time I can remember where they have to order officers to deploy to London from the Counties. You won’t read that in the media.


Am I the only one wondering how we can suddenly afford to get involved in yet another conflict in the middle-east, when we have been told over and over again that there is no money for public services here at home?

Source: 'inspector gadget' I won't link.
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