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South London feeder for March 26th TUC demo - Kennington Park 11am


Just got this. It's going to be a big day alright!

Saturday 26 March – Rallying the resistance
11am @ Kennington Park (tbc)
Marching to join the mass demonstration against the Tories called by the Trade Union Congress

Our feeder was iniated by Right to Work supporters in Southwark Save Our Services. It has been quickly co-sponsered by serveral other important anti cuts groups locally including: Lambeth TUC, Southwark TUC, Disabled people Against the Cuts, Lambeth Save Our Services,* Lewisham Anti-cuts alliance, Lambeth Right to Work and Lewisham Right to Work.

Lambeth Right to Work has set ourselves the task of getting as many local organisations to back the feeder march as possible. We want a sea of banners and delegations from local friends of parks, Trade Unions, childrens groups, youth centres and more. We need to turn the TUC demonstration into a rallying point to build the resistance for everyone effected by the cuts. Email lambethagainstcuts@gmail.com if you would like to add your organisation to those supporting the feeder march. Lets turn out tens of thousands from South London!

Supported by:

Lambeth TUC

Lambeth Right to Work

Disabled People Against the cuts

Lambeth Save Our Services

Lambeth NUT

Southwark TUC

Southwark SOS

Southwark Woodcraft Folk

Defend Southbank, Defend Education

Lewisham Right to Work

Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance

Damn...I agreed to let a fucking band come in for rehearsal at lunchtime that day. Pah. Solidarity and all that. I'll march up and down Blenheim Gardens.
There are no official feeder marches!

Posted in March logistics on March 10, 2011

A number of people approached us some weeks ago about organising feeder marches on March 26th.

We thought long and hard about this, but decided against, other than the TUC stewarded short assembly point in St James St for those unable to march the whole route.

There are a number of reasons for this, but there are two in particular.

* We do not want to merge marches. This will inevitably involve delaying the main march, and we do not think it is right to ask people who have patiently waited at our assembly area to wait again while other people enter in front of them. Stopping and starting marches is always to be avoided if possible.
* We do not want any additional road closures that will interfere with our arrangements for disabled marchers. This is already a challenge, and we do not want to make it any more difficult.

So whatever anyone says, there are no official feeder marches nor any organised in any way in co-operation with the TUC.


Not that it'll make a shit's worth of difference to where I decide to start from, but :mad: anyway.
Where is the start of the official main march? I will be leading a feeder march of 3, starting in Brixton where we will be marching on the bus to more central locations.
Local TUCs have a degree of autonomy from the TUC nationally, Onket. (Mostly because the TUC nationally doesn't give a fuck about local TUCs :)).
Currently trying to convince the missus that this'll be perfectly safe with a pram. Hope to see you there. :)

I'm leaving my baby at home with his dad. I'd love to take him with but don't know what I'd do if he got bored and unhappy and I couldn't get him out because of the crowds or if we got kettled or something.
I don't reckon we'll be out longer than 2 or 3 hours and if it's an 11am start I seriously doubt there'll be any kettling going on that early. Plus they won't kettle a 4 month old baby, quite obviously.
I don't reckon we'll be out longer than 2 or 3 hours and if it's an 11am start I seriously doubt there'll be any kettling going on that early. Plus they won't kettle a 4 month old baby, quite obviously.

How about a 15 month old:hmm:
I don't reckon we'll be out longer than 2 or 3 hours and if it's an 11am start I seriously doubt there'll be any kettling going on that early. Plus they won't kettle a 4 month old baby, quite obviously.
You can almost always tell when a kettlin' is a-comin' up so you just keep to keep your wits abut you and immediately head to the outskirts when you see the cops assembling. Oh and charging into trashed banks and shouting "Smash it up!" with your pram probably isn't a good idea either.
They might be utter cunts, but they're not going to kettle a fucking toddler. :facepalm:

It was just one of a couple of thoughts. Being trapped in a big crowd when a toddler calls time is also not appealing. And toddlers, as you'll soon know, aren't that keen to stay in their pushchairs for extended periods and he's too heavy to carry and not walking yet.
You won't be trapped in a crowd though. I really can't see what you are worrying about. But it's entirely up to you, obviously.

My missus is worrying too.
I'm not worrying. I just thought about it and decided it would be easier if he stayed with his dad. Some things are just easier that way. If I had a burning desire for him to be on a demo at 15 months then I'd take him, but I don't. And as I said after 20 minutes, he'd want to be out of his pushchair and playing, toddlers don't have a lot of patience for pushchairs.
There are some interesting shenanigans going on trying to get Labour MP speakers onto the platform at this, rather than real grassroots organisers and passionate local people. I think we all need to go along with the attitude that the platform will be a 'peoples platform' and take any necessary actions to 'liberate' it from any superfluous MPs who turn up :) This is going to be a fun day out for all the family and MPs who've voted through cuts budgets and supported their own party's programs of welfare cuts are just no fun :D
Lambeth SOS and Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance are clear they won't support any such speakers on the platform. Unfortunately Right to Work (SWP) and some in the trades councils want to put pro-cuts MPs such as Kate Hoey and Chuka Umunna on the platform. Unbelievable but I'm hoping they won't get their way.

Chuka Umunna voted against the Trade Union Freedom Bill for fucks sake!
Buggy Bloc C
Meeting point Victoria Embankment Gardens
Directions - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en...esult&ct=image&resnum=4&sqi=2&ved=0CC4QnwIwAw
Meandering from Embankment to Hyde Park. Babies and buggy boarders, spread the word… kids against cuts being seen and heard!
Joining the myriads to oppose the squandering of our future
More info: Buggy bloc facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=198049950215055

From here- http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/2011/03/17/march-26th-action-map/
Oh that buggy bloc thing is encouraging. I, in fact, do worry about taking my toddler to a march - too ripe for trouble on a number of levels for my liking - but solidarity in numbers and all that.... I think we may go and join this bunch. I'll see what gaijinboy thinks...
Interesting reaction in South London to the SWP trying to get pro-cuts MPs on to the 26 March South London Feeder assembly point as speakers.

Lewisham Against the Cuts Alliance 16 to 2 against.
Southwark SOS 13 to 2 against.
Lambeth SOS 35 to 5 against.

At least six of the nine votes for were the SWP. Good to see those groups overwhelmingly voting against having those hypocritical tossers on the platform.

The last two planning meetings for Lambeth SOS have been 50 and 40 people with a genuine mix of people. Now has backing from Lambeth UNISON, GMB, NUT, UNITE, UCU, RMT (four different RMT branches), Lambeth Tenant's Council, Defend Council Housing, Lambeth Pensioners Action Group, BARAC, Lambeth TUC and others.
Where is the start of the official main march? I will be leading a feeder march of 3, starting in Brixton where we will be marching on the bus to more central locations.

March for an Alternative to cuts

The March for the Alternative is taking place in central London on Saturday 26 March. The march will form up from 11am on the Victoria Embankment between Waterloo and Blackfriars bridges and proceed through central London until reaching Hyde Park, where the rally will start from around 1.30pm.


Im going up to start at central London. If im going on march I want to be where main action is. And its easier to meet friends from other parts of London
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