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Old Negatives


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit of a lurker on here from time to time, but I was wondering if you can help me with this little lot.

I've just acquired some old negs and I really can't seem to place where they are..though they do look familiar.

I've searched for a while now, but to no avail.

I was just wondering if anyone here could identify where these are?

I've checked out most of the towns I could think of that has this kind of architecture..but as of yet nothing has shown up.

Sorry about the poor scans, that is something I should be able to rectify soon.



Very nice.

I'm guessing Chester. A very random guess mind! I'd say that part of the UK. Many cathedrals have lost spires and stuff...

Any more? We all love this old negatives shit :)
Found bumph that says there's been a Commercial Hotel in St Peter's churchyard since the 1800s but can't find any pictures that resemble that at all
Found bumph that says there's been a Commercial Hotel in St Peter's churchyard since the 1800s but can't find any pictures that resemble that at all

Nice idea. The names are always a good pointer. I'm still staying with Chester.

Look for family businesses of Knight and Chadwick.
Gave up on Knight and Chadwick as I just kept ending up in America and other far flung places

You're doing it wrong. I get good Google results that say Chester. Chadwicks - large arable farming family. Knight - just stinking rich bastards basically. Anyway, all says Chester.

I'd like to play more internet, but I've just been targeted by a bunch of wronguns here. 6 of them, just 1 of me. Not even I am that stupid!

Try Google...

Chadwick, chester, family, knight...

Or, summat like that. Remeber to use the commas!

e2a; All is cool. A Policia Nacional van just turned up exactly when I wanted them. Only free WiFi I can find here, but I'm a bit exposed!
Whilst I'm on the subject...

Put me blindfold in any city in Spain and I will tell you exactly where I am and where the the church bells were cast!

Take my blindfold off and I will tell which stone mason carved what and where they worked previously and afterwards.

It's not clever stuff. Just about looking and listening.
1st picture I googled for over an hour looking for an image of the distinctive buttressed steeple on the far left with nothing bearing even a close resemblance.

2nd picture... reminds me of Wells?

3rd picture... not a very big cathedral, perhaps just a big church?
1st picture I googled for over an hour looking for an image of the distinctive buttressed steeple on the far left with nothing bearing even a close resemblance.

2nd picture... reminds me of Wells?

3rd picture... not a very big cathedral, perhaps just a big church?

Have to bear in mind a lot of churches lost their steeples though

I'm still at it. Starting to get annoyed now.

Have just been on google maps looking for the Commercial Hotel and whilst it's not right near St Peter's Church, maybe when the picture was taken, the grounds of the church were larger. However, the Hotel looks right near the Church. Maybe the Hotel itself was relocated? Also, I think one of the churches (but I've forgotten which one) had a pyramidial spire added in the late 1800s

Anyway, I'm now concentrating on the big window and doorway of that third picture and it's doing my brain in

Also need to bear in mind churches that may have been damaged during WWII and not renovated to the old style
Have to bear in mind a lot of churches lost their steeples though

I'm still at it. Starting to get annoyed now.

Have just been on google maps looking for the Commercial Hotel and whilst it's not right near St Peter's Church, maybe when the picture was taken, the grounds of the church were larger. However, the Hotel looks right near the Church. Maybe the Hotel itself was relocated? Also, I think one of the churches (but I've forgotten which one) had a pyramidial spire added in the late 1800s

Anyway, I'm now concentrating on the big window and doorway of that third picture and it's doing my brain in

Also need to bear in mind churches that may have been damaged during WWII and not renovated to the old style
They may well have lost steeples etc. but it doesn't mean that images of them with their steeples don't exist.
It could very well be Coventry.

Same builders and stuff as Chester, but I am fairly sure this is Coventry.

Yeah, I've been looking at Coventry, especially as it sustained huge amounts of damage during WWII

I'm bored of looking at cathedrals and have moved on to Abbeys. Bath Abbey has a similar window.

Does anyone know what this style of window is called?

Is this the same view from the opposite viewpoint, plus more modern buildings?

...I'm trying to match up the two spires


The steeple at the forefront or rear of the picture? The one at the front (ie. the tallest one) looks like it's on a square tower

Although the very sharp pointy one looks like it could be the same steeple
mrs c, a Coventrian, has identified two of them as pre-war Coventry

[I already had a hunch it might be Cov and worth asking her]

The first one is Christchurch, Greyfriars



The second one is St Mary's Hall, at the back of the cathedral [flipped over in your neg]

Bayley Lane, Coventry by amandabhslater, on Flickr

e2a: seems you've already got close.

The third one is probably Trinity Church on Trinity Street

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Bell's Cathedrals: The Churches of Coventry, by
Frederic W. Woodhouse

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org

Title: Bell's Cathedrals: The Churches of Coventry
A Short History of the City and Its Medieval Remains

Author: Frederic W. Woodhouse

Release Date: February 11, 2007 [EBook #11403]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Keith M. Eckrich, Jeannie
Howse and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Top picture - I am almost certain is Coventry, the butressed spire is on the cathederal that was bombed out in ww2, and the closer church is prob greyfriars.

That's all I can help with at the moment, I should recognise the second one, but can't place it? and the third is also familiar!
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