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Do you want AV for the UK? Cast your vote here!

AV referendum, May 2011

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Do posh types get the two (at a min) votes they want -one for and as many against as they like to stop the oiks votes counting?
It better than 1st past the post but hardly say its "bring it on" enthusiasm as expressed in the poll choice so its mercury for me.

It is less democratic that FPTP, it will punish small parties, and encourage centrist vote chasing, do nothing to remove the problem of safe seats, and voting no will cause problems for the coalition.
You're right, they're campaigning for a yes vote and have based their last remaining prinicple on this being the change they can bring. No way can a no vote hurt them. I can't see how it's possible.
i don't really care. i just want to see clegg's face when he finds out his council base has been wiped out, the party in scotland is now danny alexander and his mum, and he's lost a vote on electoral reform that looked in the bag 9 months ago.
I still do have sympathy for AV. It gives some weight to who you don't like as well as who you do. That's more democratic, imo.
Does damaging the libdems damage the govt? I suspect Cameron might be quite pleased by the libdems' current unpopularity.

I think it will, it was the big factor in the Lib Dems signing up - if the vote is lost - what's the point of the coalition? It was the major reason the Lib Dems agreed to the coalition - without it - the party will implode - and along with it - the coalition (hopefully)
I doubt that. All the libdems' ministers are orange-book rightwingers. They have nowhere else to go.

They will spin it that they won what they wanted - a vote - and that they must now abide by the decision of the electorate. I can see the libdems coming through it.
I don't know yet, because the optimist would say it's the first step on the road to PR, whereas the pessimist would say giving a very little will stop the Tories and Labour ever giving a lot and getting PR.
I doubt that. All the libdems' ministers are orange-book rightwingers. They have nowhere else to go.

All those who see their majorities threatened by the cuts - anger at expressed by no not vote, pressure on their leadership, Cameron utterly dependent on lib-dem rats. Parliamentary blockage.
Fuck the tories up. Vote yes!!

fptp sucks, I want to vote in a general election and not have my vote chucked straight in the bin. If we vote to keep things the same then that'll be it, we won't get another chance.
I don't know yet, because the optimist would say it's the first step on the road to PR, whereas the pessimist would say giving a very little will stop the Tories and Labour ever giving a lot and getting PR.

It means that the lin-dems get to choose forever. And ever. Not you. See why they like it?
I don't believe in public polls..

But I would have voted no.

I don't like that voters who vote for the least popular candidates get their second preferences counted while everyone else does not!
Fuck the tories up. Vote yes!!

fptp sucks, I want to vote in a general election and not have my vote chucked straight in the bin. If we vote to keep things the same then that'll be it, we won't get another chance.

Tories are quite happy with a yes - it either won't hurt or will benefit them.
All those who see their majorities threatened by the cuts - anger at expressed by no not vote, pressure on their leadership, Cameron utterly dependent on lib-dem rats. Parliamentary blockage.

They'r buggered whatever. I'm sure Simon Hughes fully expects to lose to Labour next election. But he and Kennedy and the others who would have preferred coalition with Labour are utterly marginalised in the party now, and they're fucked whatever. I hadn't fully appreciated last year exactly how at home with the Tories the likes of Clegg were - they are ideologically opposed to any coalition with Labour - and they'll try to cling to five years of coalition whatever. I don't see what else they can do.

In any case, losing the vote doesn't mean the coalition has failed on libdem terms. They've already got what they demanded - a vote. They didn't demand av or pr or anything else, they demanded a vote on it.
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