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Worst job in London?



Man, I felt for this guy.

At least it would keep you warm and nobody you know would recognise you.
If you look closely you can see the poor fellas eyes. I've done a similar job (I wore a gorilla suit) and you get grief from smartarse passer-bys all day long.
On the scale of shit jobs, I don't think that's anywhere near top of the list.
I've done some REALLY shit jobs - like filling industrial batteries with acid in a sub zero factory with no protective clothing, dodgy roof tiling, motorway construction, industrial temping - but at least you're not in the full public gaze being ridiculed when you're earning your (often less-than) minimum wage.
Scraping grease/shit out of sewers. Office cleaning at 4am. I could go on.......
Well, I guess it's down to personal thresholds. I've done some really grim cleaning jobs at ungodly hours, but I'd still prefer that to my stint as a gorilla. And at least it was warm in the office.
Well, cleaning is a good job, especially if it's someone's house, but getting up at 3am is no fun. Still better than cleaning in a office when the workers are there. They treat cleaners like shit.
The thing about a cleaning job is at least you're actually doing something which helps pass the time; a luxury not experienced by those employed as human sign posts.
That's a very good point C66. The time would drag unless one has an insanely rich internal life going on. There's probably a limit to how many haiku one can compose, or doing mental arithmetic, or even shopping list compiling.
The "amusing" comments from passers-by are easily ignorable if English isn't really a language you're comfortable in and so long as you can load up many hours of music and podcasts on a mp3 player, you don't really need a rich internal life (which would be lucky for me, because I don't).

But I'm not volunteering for it, either.
The thing about a cleaning job is at least you're actually doing something which helps pass the time; a luxury not experienced by those employed as human sign posts.
Yep. It's insanely boring and playing music doesn't really help as it makes you feel uncomfortably cut off - and of course you're supposed to answer the rare question that comes your way about the business (even if all you usually get is lost tourists wanting directions).
In terms of the boredom stakes it's up there with the British Royal Guards (?) keeping still and a straight face all day long but at least they receive training and (presumably) greater financial recompense.
The thing about a cleaning job is at least you're actually doing something which helps pass the time; a luxury not experienced by those employed as human sign posts.

Well people watching in Oxford Street can be fun, but I guess even the novelty of that wears off.

I'd proberbly take the office cleaning and sleep during the day. At least the 4am starts mean you get left in peace to work.
Voice over tannoy system in London Bridge tube station:

Would the contract cleaner proceed to the northbound Northern Line platform, where there has been an incident.

Probably some City boy honked up his Corney & Barrow dinner. Cleaning up City boy sick, and being told to do so by a disembodied voice, does not seem like a life-enhancing job.

It would seem even worse somehow if the tannoy announcement was made by a voice synth, like they have at Kings Cross, rather than a person. Being ordered to mop up sick by a computer.
Yeah train cleaning is a pretty shit job, and often involves cleaning up sick and anti social hours too. I think I'd take the promotion job in the silly suit in that case.
I wouldnt have thought it was very effective as and advert - who suddenly decides in the middle of a shopping trip to get a waxing? And why on earth would anyone choose a place that was that desperate for customers?
Having managed a train operattion , I assure you , that what the cleaners have to contend with - especially around Xmas and the New Year really does rank amongst "beyond the call of duty" ........

Being in charge of stations when there is major disruption is no joke either ....the abuse is pretty wearisome , though the bloke who had to clean out the grease from track sewers near Dalston JUnction must have been made of strong stuff....
Nono, it's the subway sandwich man who works Westminster Bridge. From the sweaty summer when he sits there looking crumpled and despondent to the grey winter where, in the rain he stands there looking alone and forsaken.
This, and not only this; he can never escape that bagpiping or the bimbling tourists while the loudest bell in London tolls the passing of another wasted hour.
Sounds quite a good job, standing there disguised as a beaver all day, especially when no one can see your face. But do you get toilet breaks? And is the suit waterproof? Must get pretty sweaty on hot summer days though.
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