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Huge billboard goes up on Coldharbour Lane without planning permission and car wash shenanigans


There appears to be a hefty billboard being constructed on Coldharbour Lane outside the Barrier Block, but there hasn't been any of the usual planning notices pinned up anywhere.

Don't they need to do that first?

They may as well affix a 'Gentleman's Toilet' sign to it too because that's exactly what it's going to be used for for the day drinkers/betting shop/My Fathers Place clientèle.
I think you do need planning permission. Might check it up if have time.
At the moment it's still a rather peculiar random selection of steel girders at rather unusual angles, but the workman said that it was going to be a billboard.

They got rid of the last one because people were using the space under it for nefarious activity/toilet and this looks in an even more stupid location.
At the moment it's still a rather peculiar random selection of steel girders at rather unusual angles, but the workman said that it was going to be a billboard.

They got rid of the last one because people were using the space under it for nefarious activity/toilet and this looks in an even more stupid location.

I'd call the council. They put a massive one up above Iceland a few years back which I think was taken down due to a lack of planning permission. It certainly was put on the advertising version of the naughty step for some reason!
Lambeth Council got done for this kind of thing a few years ago....they stuck a big dot matrix display board on the side of the Town Hall.....
a) No planning permish
b) Listed building
I'm wondering if that dot matrix thingy that fell foul of the planning laws was on the very building that housed the planning department. That'd be Lambeth's style.

I couldn't get through to the planning department (10 mins on hold was enough), but I've posted up a piece that will hopefully get some attention.

My old flatmates actually got off the sofa and donned the hiviz jackets and done this yesterday lunchtime:


Simple, silly, but made me laugh. It's at top of Brixton Hill.
I used to work in outdoor advertising and it was standard procedure to erect hoardings without planning permission. The thinking behind it was that if there were objections the company would apply for permission, appeal the almost inevitable refusal and wait until the very last minute before complying with the enforcement notice and removing the hoarding for reuse elsewhere (most of the hoarding is reusable and as you will have seen they're quite quick to erect). By dragging their heels as much as possible they could probably get a year of 'sales' out of the site and a 48 sheet hoarding in a good location is quite lucrative.

What caused us the most problems was vandalism. There's a good chance the advertising agency that books the site will inspect the site every so often and if the advert has been subverted or just plain vandalised the owner of the hoarding has two choices... Re-post the advert or forego that month's fee. Either way costs them money.

Not that I'm suggesting you get out there with the paint and 4" brush of course ;)
This is the size of the beast:


In my world, illegal billboards would immediately become the property of the community who could choose to either demolish it or deface it as they chose, just for the lolz.
You don't even need a ladder to criminally damage that one.

What's the betting it gets an advert for the Samaritans or something.
It won't be a lot of fun for the people living directly opposite to have that billboard in their face 24/7.
Perhaps it's going to publicise that new Spearmint Rhino coming to Brixton!
Your weak, unfunny, Grade Z trolling is making you look like a tired, flabby, out of shape boxer who should have retired for good years ago.

A condition of you returning here was that you'd stop trolling and contribute something meaningful, but all we're getting is the same waaaaay-past-its-sell-by-date tosh about beans, racist and liberals and all the other stuff that no one else gives a fuck about any more.

I've actually bothered to defend you against the mods who wanted you kicked off ages ago but even I have my limits.

So here's how it's going to be. From now on, you keep out of the Brixton forum and if you start up any more of your painfully outdated and pointlessly disruptive antics on any other forum, then I'm afraid your time here is permanently over.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this post, take it to the feedback forum. Any further posts in the Brixton forum will result in a ban.
You could ask this guy from the top of Brixton Hill to make a contribution.



A big empty billboard next to a busy road. What more could one ask for to lift the spirits on a dark and grey morning? After a bit of manic brainstorming and stencil cutting we had everything ready to rock. I was convinced that time was of the essence and that the boards would probably have new adverts on by the time we got back to them but it would appear the Gods were on our side. We donned our hi-vis jackets and set to work. I think this probably sums up the struggle to get out during the winter months when it's really just not as fun as summer time...

Payment (of sorts) came via the loud cackling laughter we received from a car waiting at the lights behind us when we took the stencil down. It's things like that make it all worth while!

As the sign is illuminated by night we thought we'd head back to get an evening shot too. As i wasn't sure which i preferred i thought i'd just bang them both on.


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