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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London


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Just been sent this email by unite:



I'm going. Who else?
i'll be going, although it's a bit late in the game imo.

a lot of the people that Unite/GMB etc represent - in local authorities at least - will have lost there jobs already by then :(
Why are we waiting until March for this demo with the hairy going on in indymedia and bent cops I can't help but wonder if this the day of the march been design to "defused" the roits in central london and as like everything else controlled by the state. Why not a Feb date for the demo what's special about the 26th March date? I am understandably suspicious, anyway I go just for the knees up.
This date's been around for months now. If you're impatient there are demos on saturday in London and Manchester called by NCAFC, NUS and EAN. There is also a CWU (post office) demo in Brum.
there will be a demo against council cuts in Brum on Feb 26th.

I imagine there will be quite a few other decent sized demos between now and March as well.

TUC has been roundly criticised for not holding it sooner, thankfully the student demos have been filling in the gap to some extent, it'll be interesting to see how many people come out this weekend.
Why are we waiting until March for this demo with the hairy going on in indymedia and bent cops I can't help but wonder if this the day of the march been design to "defused" the roits in central london and as like everything else controlled by the state. Why not a Feb date for the demo what's special about the 26th March date? I am understandably suspicious, anyway I go just for the knees up.

It might sound shit, but it's the first non-student mass protest that's been called that has any chance of having loads of people turn up, which means I'll make the trip to london. The TUC should have made it sooner imo. It was organised back in october or something, I've no idea why they put it so far in the future.

If there was anything going on round here before then I'd join in. But there isn't and I'm not up to organising anything myself.
Yeah, I could have come up this weekend, but family commitments, poor organisation, apathy and despair at making a difference took over.
I'm coming on a coach down from Birmingham for this, I expect there will be quite a few Unison there with all the cuts.
I might pop along.....

is it likely to be a manic kettling fiasco? Should i be prepared?

I havent been on a march since bush came to visit (2001?) so a bit out of touch :/
I don't think the cops will be able to get the kettle on this time... there will be too many of us i reckon (hope)...
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