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Cardiff Rally Against the Cuts


Well-Known Member
Meeting coming up that people might be interested in.

Cardiff Rally Against The Cuts

Transport House, Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9SB

February 3rd

7.00 pm

Speakers include:

ANDY RICHARDS (Welsh Regional Secreatry, Unite the Union)

MARK DRAKEFORD (Sociology lecturer at Cardiff uni and Welsh assembly candidate for Cardiff West)
POLLY WHITWORTH (FE student who led mass walkouts against education cuts)

CHRIS BAMBERY (Secretary of the Right to Work Campaign)

BECKY HAINES (Cardiff People First disability rights group)

EAMON KELLY (UCU member at Newport Uni where 239 redundancies have just been announced)

And a report on the fantastic popular revolution in Tunisia.

Sponsored by Unite the union,

Backed by PCS Wales, FBU Wales, CWU Wales, Keep The Post Public, UCU Newport and others.

The Con-Dem coalition aims to roll back the welfare state, slash our living standards and education, attack our pensions and to drive up unemployment.

The cuts affect us all. In Wales 300 workers at Newport
passport office face the sack, over 200 lecturers are oosing their jobs at Newport Uni, 10,000 council workers in the Rhondda could have their contracts ripped up and students in Cardiff are having whole university courses scrapped.

We need to respond with protests, direct action and strikes.

Recent student protests have been an inspiration both locally and nationally. As Len McCluskey, the leader of Unite, has said:
"Their mass protests against the tuition fees increase have refreshed the political parts a hundred debates, conferences and resolutions could not reach".

As the movement develops their is a growing call for unity. We are inviting all local anti cuts campaigns and trade unions to join and help organise this event. There are series of key dates to discuss, most importantly the national TUC demonstration on 26 March.
We need to come together and make sure that every part of our movement bends it’s back to make that day the biggest mobilisation of workers and students for decades.

Organise, resist and fight back!
is that not the same night as the other cuts meeting? :facepalm:

oh and unison are shit!
I'm hoping that they are the same meeting and it has been moved, probably a cock up tho!
Cardiff Against The Cuts meeting
The movement against the cuts is building momentum. RMT train drivers working for Arriva Trains Wales were striking on the 27th December in protest at unfair pay, CWU members from around the UK will converge on David Cameron's constituency in January to protest against plans to privatise Royal Mail, both the NUT and UCU education unions are discussing balloting for strike action against cuts to pension entitlements - as are PCS - and in every workplace, college and university there's discussion and debate about how to stop this vicious government in its tracks.
Students linking up with university lecturers, school students taking action alongside their teachers, alongside action by other workers could defeat these attacks.
If we can unite the forces fighting back - by making sure the demonstration on the 26th March is as big as possible - we can build a movement to stop the cuts. Come to the meeting and help plan the campaign.
When Thu 3 Feb 19:30 – 21:30 London
Where Upstairs O'Neills, St. Marys Street, Cardiff
oh ffs! that's really handy :mad:

ta for heads up
so we should be flippin coins now on which to go to! :rolleyes:
is that not the same night as the other cuts meeting? :facepalm:

oh and unison are shit!

Er , I don't think Unison were mentioned .
I agree it's an unbelievable cock-up . As far as I understand it Right to Work have been planning this since last autumn and publicity for it was launched at last year's Wales TUC .
I believe that negotiations are going on to hold a joint meeting but I don't know how that's going .
Let's hope there be more co-operation and communication in future .
My understanding is that Right to Work didn't announce the date of their rally until CATC had already announced their meeting, and that attempts were made, unsuccessfully, to get RTW to put a few days in between them. Also none of the SWP members at previous CATC meetings mentioned any potential clash.
Well I'm only saying what I've been told and you're only saying what you've been told .
Let's hope such a situation doesn't arise again .
You're understanding is incorrect.

The CATC meeting at O'Neils was announced after Christmas. Leading members of CATC and SP (which runs CATC) were given leaflets for the other meeting in late November at a Wales TUC gathering indeed a leading member of Cardiff SP was given a whole wad of leaflets, the meeting at Transport House was also apparently mentioned at a public meeting on student fees before Christmas as well at which leading members of Cardiff SP were at. Over Christmas I was also copied into a correspondence which included members of the SWP and SP - on a completely different issue - where it was also mentioned in passing that Transport House was booked for a meeting on Feb 3rd.

It's possible that the clash could be entirely accidental - I hope so.

I'm not a member of RTW or CATC, by the way, my own feeling is that we don't have a decent anti-cuts alliance that is fit for purpose in Cardiff - hence, for example, the demonstration on Oct 23rd was way smaller than in other cities - and that these organisations should merge with the student anti-cuts group and others to form a proper Cardiff Anti-Cuts Alliance that isn't unduly the property of this or that left wing group.

From what I hear RTW also approached CATC saying that they were quite happy to have a unified meeting, even delaying some publicity for their meeting to try and reach an- agreement apparently discussions are ongoing.

This kind of discussion is unbelievably tedious anyway and detracts from the urgent task at hand
no communciation
don't appear to be backing any anti cuts groups
no statements against cuts
no meetings for members
no apparent action
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