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'Safe Standing' campaign update- It's about time!

I was just about to post that! (You must be on the FSF mailing list too.) I hope it gets somewhere this time....but I'm not particularly hopeful.

There's a link to the MPs speech here

One of the few advantages of us being in the fcuking Conference/Blue Square Premier (apart from being able to get in to all the home pubs, and being able to smuggle miniatures into the games) is actually being able to stand up to watch football. It's so much better. I can't remember the last time i actually had to sit down.
I've never understood why there can't be standing areas of season ticket holders. Numbers automatically controlled, much greater variety of pricing. It's not the full answer but it gets you part way there.
(You must be on the FSF mailing list too.)

Yep. Wholeheartedly recommend that people sign up to this. I'm thinking of actually subscribing to the magazine too, cos I'd like to give them some money, they seem to do some great work.
Is this a Private Members' Bill? If so, what are the rules around it being adopted? IIRC it needs a certain number of MPs to support it so it can go before a full session of the House and have a chance of becoming law....so this might actually be an occasion where writing to your MP could actually help.

As for FSF, yes a great organisation. Proper grass roots and they've supported fans all over the country in sorting out stupid issues around tickets, ejections, police fuckwittery etc.
I'll be so happy if this succeeds. Hopefully the FSF can get supporters flooding letters in to their MP's about this.
What are the arguments against safe standing? I really can't think of any. Apart from there might be 'more important' things to spend parliamentary time on...
What are the arguments against safe standing? I really can't think of any. Apart from there might be 'more important' things to spend parliamentary time on...
Part of it is that they can easily link names to seat numbers in case anyone does anything outrageous like stand up and start shouting.
I honestly don't know. 'Control' of supporters, maybe?

A Celtic fan who had a banner calling for the retunr of safe standing areas was told it was unacceptable and he wasn't allowed to unfurl it at a game at Celtic Park recently.
Watching football's become a lot less fun for me now that I have to sit down. Luckily, most Cardiff fans choose not to stay sat down like placid sheep, although I have sometimes found myself amongst a bunch of the sit down sort and had stewards on my back and it's really a rather rubbish way top watch the game.
I like standing at games, aside from the fact that it always seems to encourage a bit more involvement with communal singing, jumping around, piss taking, atmosphere, vibe etc it also seems to make me want to pee less often than when I sit down after the customary pre match pints...

Bring it back now. Please.
Watching football's become a lot less fun for me now that I have to sit down. Luckily, most Cardiff fans choose not to stay sat down like placid sheep, although I have sometimes found myself amongst a bunch of the sit down sort and had stewards on my back and it's really a rather rubbish way top watch the game.
Absolutely agree. I think it's good that many away fans at virtually every ground still stand up...and there's not a lot the stewards/police can do about it. Hence they normally leave it alone - other than sometimes telling you not to stand in the gangway. At home games our season tickets are in the back row, which allows us to stand up all game!

I like standing at games, aside from the fact that it always seems to encourage a bit more involvement with communal singing, jumping around, piss taking, atmosphere, vibe etc it also seems to make me want to pee less often than when I sit down after the customary pre match pints...
Yes - and I think this is one of the reasons the authorities want to keep all seating. Standing up is much more conducive to banter / liveliness / aggro and, given the police are generally massively outnumbered by fans, they'd rather we were sat down placidly in seats than jumping up and down on an open terrace.
I would be massively in favour of any return to standing areas, the experience is so much more enjoyable when you can at least watch the game with your friends, before you even consider all of the other benefits. As i private members bill i doubt that enough mp's will think it worthy of their time to pass unfortunately, but i live in hope.
I think it's good that many away fans at virtually every ground still stand up...and there's not a lot the stewards/police can do about it.

There was talk a few seasons back of clubs being fined for persistant standers. Dunno if it actually happened. But the threat of that certainly can turn supporter against supporter. Specific areas for standing would solve that.
There was talk a few seasons back of clubs being fined for persistant standers. Dunno if it actually happened. But the threat of that certainly can turn supporter against supporter. Specific areas for standing would solve that.

This happened at Cov, we were constantly threatened with fines e.t.c. and it did create a divide amongst the home fans (away we always stand regardless) When we moved to the new 'arena' areas would get closed due to persistant standing, in the last year or so the council, police and private security seem to have given up the fight and we have unnoficial standing areas again. It's not the same as a proper area though.
I always stand at all the CCFC away games, and would suggest that the redundant seats provide more of an 'elf'n'safety hazard than anything else.
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