is there anything other than optimism behind your hope froggy?
There certainly should be. firstly, as a result of the complicated negotiations that led to the creation of the LDP out of the alliance, the grassroots in that party have more hold over the parly party than is the case with the other 2 parties; they can do a lot more to hold the leadership to account. When they see the coalition about to wreck 40 years of backbreakingly hard grassroots work, I can see them using all of those powers. secondly, philosophically the LDP is a broad and unusual church, comprising everything from anarchist-lites, ecowarriors and radical libs to electoral reform junkies,purelibertarians and orange book neoliberals. That is - at the best of times - a huge systemic strain on their unity.
Next, By the end of next year they will have experienced their first ever local elections wipeout since the 1960s, and as the effect of the cuts begins to really bite home, their party will find itself marginally less popular than the average leper. The implications for ALL their MPs (and surviving councillors, MSPs, MLAs and GLA members) will become terrifyingly clear, and
nothing focuses a politico's mind better than the imminent loss of their meal ticket; the thought will go round and round in all their heads; "At this rate, and unless we change things I will be turfed out of my seat at the next election". The temptation for each and every one of the politicos to break ranks and save their own skins will by then be nigh-on overswhelming, and the pressure from a titanically pissed off grassroots to do so just as great. Decision time.....
The key point is which way they go then; do they tough it out, hoping the polls improve in time, or scramble for a lifeboat (revolt, depose clegg, break the coalition). My bet is the latter, simply because I don't think they've got the balls for the former. They're not used to this situation, none of them, they've not had the experience to develop the character and spine.
so I reckon a revolt, a hasty swing leftwards - and a tottering minority govt by the end of 2012