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Scumoween squat party, London


All aboard the 303 bus.
I believe its happening this weekend...... I've never been to one, but would like to make it up....

I got given a flyer, but lost it..... need to try and find out the info from somewhere....

Anyone else planning on visiting?
Yeah i've been googling..... think ill have to look when i get home, everything is blocked by my work proxy :(
Book early, I mean, get there early.

I went to my first ever Scumoween and didn't believe the tales of the queues/scrum to get in. There was one gate and it was being strictly controlled last year and I ended up standing/swaying around for a couple of hours. I'd had a couple of those blood boiling rave drugs I believe the yound people are into though, and was actually quite happy being in the middle of a sea of people occasionally surging forwards or backwards or left of right, with someone hanging on to me around the waist, and the occasionall duff duff coming from the distance.

AMAZING ballooons at the Malfaiteurs rig too :cool:
I believe its happening this weekend...... I've never been to one, but would like to make it up....

I got given a flyer, but lost it..... need to try and find out the info from somewhere....

Anyone else planning on visiting?

You should go. :)
What time you about Sim? Might be some early doors meeting up or something? No funny stuff or anything like.
What time you about Sim? Might be some early doors meeting up or something? No funny stuff or anything like.

Not sure if its a definate, its a tough job getting the troops on the road.......

If you pm me your number, ill give you a shout if i head up.

If i dont maybe some xmas drinks in order?
Sorry I just read it again properly...... early doors meeting up...... still depends on whether i make it or not tho. Best bet, PM me a time and place where you're going to be anyway, if im there im there, if im not, then just accept there will be casualties in the great war.

But yes, i could be hitting on you, who knows? I dont even know what im doing most of the time. :confused:
Was at a friend's housewarming in the area when we heard some shouting and cheering. Went out to have a look and there was a stand off between revellers and riot police :eek: Eventually had to head back inside as everyone streamed down my friend's road; at one point the police line was literally outside the door of her block.

Crazy stuff for Bloomsbury.
What were they thinking...having it so central and posting the details all over the internet...:rolleyes:
Text from person currently in party just said 'it's epic' which sounds like a promising review :)
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