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bagels or pitta bread?


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Pitta. Much more versatile than a bagel. Toasted with dips, kebabs, pitta pizza, chips in pitta, falafel in pitta.

I can't think of an occasion where the choice would arise. If you only have one or the other, it's the one that you have. If you have both, they serve completely different roles.

Not rolls.
I have never had a bagel. I intend to put that right sometime soon. However to me pitta bread is not that great. It serves to put some meat in, but it is a bit too chewy. I prefer a chapatti or rosti or wrap or even a paratha all of which are thinner than a bagel and can hold more meat.

I like the combination of meat and bread in any form though. Bring on the bacon sarnies.
simple question
I totally disagree. It's not a simple question at all. It all depends on what you're planning to do with the bready thing. I mean, if you fancy some cream cheese and smoked salmon or salt beef and mustard, then it's bagels all the way. But if you fancy hummus and salad stuff, or falafels and salad stuff, or kebabs, then it's got to be pitta bread.
the variety of options for each bready product should inform your decision on which to vote for! i agree though, it's not really a simple question at all.
Get yourself to Brick Lane pronto. Salt beef and mustard bagels ftw.

I will give a miss to that tonight. I am more than 20 miles north of there. It could happen one day that I am in that neck of the woods. Or more easily could visit Marks and Sparks in the daytime which is 8 minutes walk from where I live. The salt beef I will source separately and the mustard is to hand. Salt beef and mustard is a good combination. I understand that bagels are boiled in water before they are baked. That seems odd to me.
I'm assuming by 'pitta', you mean pita bread?


Yes Johnny we mean pita bread but in the UK we tend to spell it 'pitta'. It is the same thing. Ours are more usually oval in shape if you buy the ready-made ones but round ones are becoming more popular.
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