I've never been, is it worth it?
Hmm. Gotta go shopping later. How does it affect the P5?
Their advertising is as good as ever, never even knew it was on till someone mentioned it on friday.
It looks totally photoshopped to me. Badly, too. Top-left in front of the girl in the red t-shirt... woman with her fingers stuck in her ears? Great advert for a music event!
Is it just me, or has the main photo on the flier been totally Photoshopped? Look at all the people in the front couple of rows. They look like they've been cut'n'pasted in.
The proportions seem a bit wrong to me - if you look at where the Albert is in the background, the road seems to be way too wide.
Their advertising is as good as ever, never even knew it was on till someone mentioned it on friday.
Ok, so the organisers probably aren't the best planners, but the space really is badly designed
...Peace Gardens opposite have turned into what looked like an art fair...
...yet when I go to the council asking for help with Urban Art I am told they cannot fund such events. The hypocrites.
They are charging for the pitches...