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Cardiff City 2010-2011 season

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Clint Iguana

not an undercover cop
If your all going to Pompy clap your hands!
if your all going to Leeds clap your hands!
If your all going to swindon/millwall clap your hands!

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing
I'll Be There, I'll Be There,
With My Little Pick and Shovel I'll Be There
I'll Be There, I'll Be There,
When The Coal Comes from The Rhondda I'll be There
I'll Be There, I'll Be There
When The Coal Comes From The Rhondda On The Taff Vale Railway Line
When The Coal Comes From The Rhondda I'll Be There

We scored two wonderful goals at Wembley, and we were there.

Thanks to my beautiful season of my 34 years down ther. Today, Sunday, I cried

Oh Cardiff We Love You
I was devastated yeaterday, but in honesty I never saw it going our way and was so nervous. I only got 2 hours sleep was up at 530am, by 6am I was pacing round the garden shaking with fag and a can of Bow, I was physically sick before we left the house. Similarly after the game I was actually sick I felt that bad, it felt like my insides had been ripped out. I told my missus that I didnt have the stomach for next seson and might have to take a sabbatical for a year. I texted a mate who know TG well and told him to make sure he ploughs the investment in, keeps the squad together and keeps DJ, but in my heart I expected the Malaysians to get on a plane at Heathrow last night and disappear never to be seen again.

I am therefore shocked to see quotes from the investors urging the fans to keep faith, of DJ saying he wants to bounce back and have another pop, and some positive sounds from McPhail and others. The season that I didn't want to watch at 6pm last night, can't come too soon.

The Blues are going up!!

I don't even think there is any need to change my tagline!!
You are my Cardiff,
My only Cardiff,
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You'll never notice how much I love you,
So please don't take my Cardiff away...
Everything rests on what happens in the close season. Who stays. Who goes. How much dosh gets put on the table.
Has DJ got the stomach to build another squad with diddly sqwat?

will he have money?

If he has money we could be awesome

roll them dice
Was gutted on Saturday. Great day out don't get me wrong, but not the result anyone wanted.
It'll be interesting this summer, certainly going to be a lot of rumours.

Ledley's gonna go. Any others people reckon?
On the way home on saturday we stopped at Reading services. police out in force and services staff on edge. The area with the fruit machines had been closed and had a security fence down across the entrance and guards ensuring no one went in.

One Cardiff fan walked out of the toilets and went towards machines only to find he wasn't allowed in.

"You don't want us to win anything today do you?" he said to one of the guards. Quote of the day for me and everyone just fell about, at that moment the gloom started to lift!
Bloody awful result but we were outside The Globe pub on Baker Street before the game and the fans were singing for the tourists on the buses to do the ayotollah and when they did it it was priceless. I also thought the police presence outside the pub was sensitively done and when they started singing 'do the ayotollah coppers' and some of them did it was just great. Let's just be positive and pray for automatic promotion!

BBC... Cardiff City boss Dave Jones has committed his future to the Bluebirds after meeting with the club's new Malaysian owners on Monday.

It is also understood they have agreed securing the services of Joe Ledley is their top priority and are set to offer the Wales midfielder a new deal.

Meanwhile, goalkeeper Peter Enckelman, defender Aaron Morris, midfielders Tony Capaldi and Riccardo Scimeca, along with strike duo Warren Feeney and Josh Magennis have been released by the club.

Defender Miguel Comminges has until January to prove his fitness after injury.

And new deals have been offered to midfielder Jonathan Meads and goalkeeper Jordan Santiago.

Looking up, innit?


Last season WBA and Newcastle came down from the Premiership and it was quite clear they were going to bounce back straight away.

Now whilst it is WAY too early to predict how next season will go (we dont even know who is going to be playing for us) I think Burnley, Hull and Pompy are not sure fire bets to bounce back so i think the automatic places are going to be wide open next season.
Last season WBA and Newcastle came down from the Premiership and it was quite clear they were going to bounce back straight away.

Now whilst it is WAY too early to predict how next season will go (we dont even know who is going to be playing for us) I think Burnley, Hull and Pompy are not sure fire bets to bounce back so i think the automatic places are going to be wide open next season.

How far we have come....... until the arrival of Jones i cant think of anytime since i have been following city have i ever DREAMED that we were ever in with a shout of promotion to the 1st Division/Premiership. Avoiding relegation was all i ever hoped for. Now it is just expected that we will be in the mix at the end of the season.

It is ridiculous at this stage to suggest we are going up, but it is nice spending the summer daring to dream, knowing that it is a possibility ... even if it is a long shot.
how delusional are you lot?
Your 40 million in debt!
What is this malaysian investment doing!
Fuck about on this thread with yet more of your attention-seeking trolling and any hope of you staying on these boards will fade faster than Swansea's play off hopes last season.

This is your one and only warning. Now hush and go play elsewhere.
Quality stuff. The next month or two will be very interesting in the transfer market. Ledley's missus is pregnant isn't she? Looking to stay close to mam and dad with the new baby? It might just work...
BADLANDS: Before reading further please ensure you have nothing in your mouth, no food or drink anywhere near your pc and that ya private bits are firmly away where they should be, in order to save your screen from damage, but..................

BADLANDS: Before reading further please ensure you have nothing in your mouth, no food or drink anywhere near your pc and that ya private bits are firmly away where they should be, in order to save your screen from damage, but..................

So tantalising!

Jones, keen on a big push for automatic promotion in 2010-11, has a background of signing big name players – Paul Ince and Denis Irwin at Wolves, Robbie Fowler and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink for Cardiff City.

Isn't Bellamy going to Champions League qualifiers Spurs? And in no way is Scholes on his way. I hope we don't spend over the odds on a 34 year old Steve Howard, that would be plain daft.

We dont need him if Bellers is coming!! maybe he's the decoy signing, make everyone think we want Howard and then nick Bellamy from under harry's nose!
We dont need him if Bellers is coming!! maybe he's the decoy signing, make everyone think we want Howard and then nick Bellamy from under harry's nose!

He'll go to Spurs, fall out with Harry, then sign for City next season, as the first signing of the Premier League era. ;)

I'm liking the optimism mind you.
He'll go to Spurs, fall out with Harry, then sign for City next season, as the first signing of the Premier League era. ;)

I'm liking the optimism mind you.

Its a new feeling, optimism from Cardiff fans after the biggest disappointment ever!
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