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Stockwell School Squat - around 1990


I went to a few big parties in around 1990 (I think) in a squatted school in Stockwell. I can't remember much else about them, including where exactly they were. Anybody else remember more?!
I remember the school when it was squatted. It was by Larkhall Park & the Go Kart Track. There were regular parties there most weekends. It was mainly travelers living there.

Good parties, if I recall. Long time ago now...
The redevelopment started shortly after the eviction, I used to live in the main building until shortly after the last party got busted and we lost electricity.
Some great parties there, winter of 1991/2.
Rave on the ground floor
Bands on the first floor
fairshare reggae sound system on the top floor

I'll scan the flyers I have left from that and link to them later.
I was an organizer and head of security at the priory grove parties, they were a right laugh. we used to park up in the netball court. I've got a few photos from back then, how do you post pictures on here?
You won't be able to post them here.

upload them to flickr/photobucket/whateveryouprefer and then link to them here.

We probably know each other, I was living in the main building for a while till the lecky got cut off.
You won't be able to post them here.

upload them to flickr/photobucket/whateveryouprefer and then link to them here.

We probably know each other, I was living in the main building for a while till the lecky got cut off.

Just use attachments in order to post photos.
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