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Tamsin bloody Omond


New Member
Did anyone else read the article in the Evening standard? Who the fuck does this cambridge educated middle class twat think she is? And who made her the mouthpiece of the new 'mainstream' green movement.

Apparently she was , by her own admission never interested in anything before a friend 'enlightened' her. But being the posh darling she is, doesn't like direct action or smelly crusties! Fuck off and die.... :mad:
Did anyone else read the article in the Evening standard? Who the fuck does this cambridge educated middle class twat think she is? And who made her the mouthpiece of the new 'mainstream' green movement.

<hands danbreen soothing mug of hot tea>
No, never heard of her. Can't be arsed to schlep downhill to pick up a substandard either. More details please, if you can bear to give them.
Yeah I saw this last night. "there comes a crucial time in any revolution when the activities of the small group of radicals who started it become a bit irrelevant. And although that can be a terrifying moment for hardcore activists who define themselves outside the mainstream, the reality is that the mainstream have embrassed the green movement and it is important for us to grow up and embrace the mainstream" she goes on to add later "if I can go on to play a lead role in that transformation, so much the better"

but then again who am I to judge? I'm probably "unkempt, unwashed and up a tree" :rolleyes:
How dare she! No-one middle class should be allowed to be part of a protest movement.

Am surprised she doesn't like crusties, cos they are largely middle class too.
I didn't read the Evening Standard, but she has always been very irritating in the past.
She did come across as

a) completely smug
b) either ignorant, naive, or actually encouraging the environmental movement to trust state and corporate interests.
c) actually really quite ignorant. it's always nice when a model comes out in favour of green interests, but the idea that this is something more important to the movement than campaigning, direct action, or publishing research is a little stupid.
d) a liar.

but that's the nature of the movement. this has happened before and it will happen again. student rebellion turns into personal branding for upper class mouthpiece. and if it doesn't happen, if she'd not been co-opted or sold out she'd not be in the paper trying to encourage others to do the same.
Yeah I saw this last night. "there comes a crucial time in any revolution when the activities of the small group of radicals who started it become a bit irrelevant. And although that can be a terrifying moment for hardcore activists who define themselves outside the mainstream, the reality is that the mainstream have embrassed the green movement and it is important for us to grow up and embrace the mainstream" she goes on to add later "if I can go on to play a lead role in that transformation, so much the better"

but then again who am I to judge? I'm probably "unkempt, unwashed and up a tree" :rolleyes:

So she admits to being a vanguardist?
Fuck her, fuck the horse she rode in on, and fuck the people who spawned her!
How dare she! No-one middle class should be allowed to be part of a protest movement.

Am surprised she doesn't like crusties, cos they are largely middle class too.

Nah, you're thinking of trustafarians, who're only a minor subset of crusties, like ciderpunks.
So she admits to being a vanguardist?
Fuck her, fuck the horse she rode in on, and fuck the people who spawned her!

Well, she hit the wall of teenage / student protesting, innit.

See, you reach a point where it stops being an exciting way of fighting for what you believe is right and starts being a drag. Activist burn-out. Now some people take a break. Others decide to find ways of working in the field. Some just get normal jobs and try and pretend they never wanted to save the world in the first place.

Some wish they had never been involved with the entire movement and spend the rest of their life sneering at the idealism they once displayed.

Very few are gifted with a media status based on their class background and photogenic looks, and when they decide they never really wanted to save the world and would rather be riding the gravy train with the winning team... well, who can blame them for saying, fuck the environment, there's money to be made here. And that's why her parents paid so much for her education.
irritating twit.
but has a point until the majority is pushing for low carbon and prepared to take the pain higher taxes less stuff or at least agree the green agenda is important it will still be a ignored
Notice the way normal people are defined as those who grow up in Hampstead attending a £15,000-a-year public school, then Cambridge then become embedded in a network of powerful friends and so on - these are the people that need to be reached - the vast mass of normal people.
The trajectory is there to see, meeting Boris Johnson at private parties:-


If London is a centre of influence, a melting pot of creative partnerships, deals, competition and unlikely alliances then last night the Evening Standard's party for London's top 1,000 influentials was a microcosm of that in action.
The party was held in the chequered splendour of Burberry's new HQ in London....
The Mayor was soon deep in conversation: first with Ken Livingstone, later with rock chick Jo Wood. Blonde eco-warrior Tamsin Omond was on the prowl, bending the ear of as many politicians as possible.
I think she was spot on and honest. And she's attractive.


"We are old skool!"


"Who would you prefer?"

Tasmin 1 Crusties 0
what struck me was this:
there comes a crucial time in any revolution when the activities of the small group of radicals who started it become a bit irrelevant
which seems to be somewhat modified by this:
The revolution will not happen unless everyone is invited. And if I can play a lead role in that transformation" - she rubs her hands in glee - "so much the better."
that is, the 'revolution' has not yet happened but when it does she and her mates will become irrelevant.
For balance a bit of devils advocacy:

All of this is true, and there was a semi-public spat between her and plane stupid that took place (she used to be in it), based mainly on her becoming too high profile, with delusions of leadership. This lead I gather to her breaking off and starting Climate Rush/Suffragette thing. Thing about the Climate Rush lot is they have done some good and high-visability actions - true of Plane Stupid too I guess (of whch there have already been some critical class-based threads on here).

I know people in the peace/anti-military movement who regularly do equally risky actions, forever going in and out of court/jail, but the profile of their actions just isn't there.If you believe that nonviolent direct action is a worthwhile thing, even if it isnt done by a critical mass of people, but small crack-squad cores, then she at least deserves credit for doing this effectively. The suffragette movement for me is one of, if not the, golden moment in british 'activist' history, and before I knew anything about the people involved, I warmed to the picking up of their mantle - especially as from a distance it appeared to be an apparently inclusive all female, all ages group

None of which stopped me having the same reaction as posters have so far on this thread. Talking about it the other day with someone a bit older who has worked with her, she defended Tamsin by saying that she was young (I think she's about 24 now) and she just follows her heart and acts a bit naively, but is genuinely passionate.

All in all I could give a shit but I just thought Id say a few words for balance.
The suffragette movement for me is one of, if not the, golden moment in british 'activist' history, and before I knew anything about the people involved, I warmed to the picking up of their mantle - especially as from a distance it appeared to be an apparently inclusive all female, all ages group

:facepalm: i dont think i know where to start, ive never seen so much wrongness packed into one sentence
Very few are gifted with a media status based on their class background and photogenic looks, and when they decide they never really wanted to save the world and would rather be riding the gravy train with the winning team... well, who can blame them for saying, fuck the environment, there's money to be made here. And that's why her parents paid so much for her education.

Photogenic? :confused:
What an awful person this Tasmin seems to be. From the article it now seems as though she's being frozen out of the real radical green movement, which can only be a good think.
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