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Brixton Market redevelopment?


Pleomorphic Adenomas R us
Sorry for the C&P, but thought that this might be of interest. It came from the "Friends of Brixton Market"
Dear Friends of Brixton Market,

We want to update you on something big that's happening.

Over the past few months we've asked London Associated Properties (the owners of most of the covered markets in Brixton) to share their plans for the market with us and consult with the Friends group prior to submitting any applications.

On Tuesday last week, LAP showed us the architectural plans for a planning application they intend to submit to Lambeth Planning Department in the next week. The plans are to redevelop Granville Arcade (aka Brixton Village). This will involve completely rebuilding the arcades and building apartments on top.

There are some images of the plans on the website of the architects they propose to use:


(We've also downloaded the images on to the FBM Facebook page)

In LAP's presentation to Friends of Brixton Market they said the following:

For Granville Arcade/Brixton Village market:
- Granville needs infrastructure work, especially on its sewage system, which would require reconstruction (taking at least 6 months)
- In the proposed scheme the number of small shop units would decrease by about 30
- LAP currently proposes to introduce 3 large units (though they said they are flexible on this)
- LAP want to connect the last avenue to a possible Brixton Station platform extension, and widen it, removing all the shops from one side.
- To retain the current character of the market
- The building work would take an estimated 18 - 24 months. In this time no trading could take place and existing traders would have to be relocated
- LAP indicated that they were aware of the difficulties involved in relocating Granville's traders, and had no concrete suggestions to deal with this. They asked if FBM and Lambeth council could help with this
- LAP said they would guarantee that current traders would be able to return to the new market space. LAP also indicated they are open to providing returning traders with guarantees of current rent levels. They didn't give any specifics of how these guarantees would work. They indicated that they are open to developing these guarantees as formal documents through the planning consultation process.

For the housing above:
- LAP want to build a 10 storey tower and other lower towers
- LAP propose a private park built on top of the market roof

Note: You will see in the plan from the website that LAP have plans for Market Row too. Our understanding is these are being saved for a future application and will not form part of this current application to Lambeth.

There are many possible questions and alarms that the plans raised for us (and for you no doubt). LAP indicated that they would be willing to be open and inclusive in discussing their plans and getting input from traders and surrounding community during the planning process. However, we are disappointed with LAP's intention to submit the application so quickly, without proper pre-application consultation.

For a development of this scale and impact, it is essential for LAP to consult with community groups such as ourselves and the traders at all stages of their development process. We have therefore written to LAP urging them to reconsider submitting their application so quickly and instead develop a pre-application consultation starting in January. We look forward to hearing their response, and will keep you informed.

The Friends of Brixton Market is now formulating a response to the proposal. We will be taking a long close look at the scheme, consulting traders, community groups and Brixton residents as part of our response to the scheme. We'll keep you informed of developments and hope you will get involved with us in this process and help us make sure Brixton gets the outcome it needs.

Please note: If you want to email us to find out more, we may not be able to respond just now - mainly because we don't know much more than this at this point.

Friends of Brixton Market

Please join the mailing list at:

PS, just a note that Friends of Brixton Market is now constituted as a not-for-profit company and has a range of small initiatives in the pipeline - including some Brixton Market shopping bags, a website being made in collaboration with Brixton Market Traders Federation, and more. We are run entirely by volunteers giving up their free time and depend on the generosity of people volunteering or donating to keep supporting the Market. Join in!
I will have to look at the planning app when it comes up on the lambeth website...
I've seen the architect's drawing and it's as ugly as fuck and totally out of scale for the area.
I've seen the architect's drawing and it's as ugly as fuck and totally out of scale for the area.

10 Storeys I could just about take if it were nice. But this whole thing rings alarm bells that seriously worry me... :(:hmm:
are there that many? tbh none of them look to be particularly thriving. In the last few months two of the traders have told me they're getting out as soon as they can :(

but at the moment the markets offer relatively cheap opportunities to set up a small food shop/record shop/caff/whatever. And if the development goes ahead i can imagine a smaller number of larger shops (chain shops like next, borders, gap, burger king etc) leaving less opportunities for locals to be entreprenurial, taking money away from the locality (...and giving it to all the rich shareholders and investors who lost £ during the banking crisis :mad:)
not much of a looker it has to be said:


but it's got trees! (I could be an architect I reckon, draw crap add trees)
Doesn't look like there's any planning guidance on a possible Overground station, judging by the plan on the architect's website. Although I'd not be surprised if Lambeth weren't forward-thinking enough to think about it. The planning app will make things clearer.
but at the moment the markets offer relatively cheap opportunities to set up a small food shop/record shop/caff/whatever. And if the development goes ahead i can imagine a smaller number of larger shops (chain shops like next, borders, gap, burger king etc) leaving less opportunities for locals to be entreprenurial, taking money away from the locality (...and giving it to all the rich shareholders and investors who lost £ during the banking crisis :mad:)

oh yes, the whole thing makes me cringe.

- LAP want to connect the last avenue to a possible Brixton Station platform extension, and widen it, removing all the shops from one side.
can anyone explain how this is supposed to work. I'm obviously missing something because to my uneducated eye there's a slight height difference :eek:
The new plan looks like an opportunity to make a killing and put two fingers up at the local character or amenity of the area. I'd argue that Granville arcade forms a very significant part of the Brixton built environment and to rip it down and put down another characterless development would be an absolute shame and would really detract from the area.

Incidentally my dad told me that his uncle Philip (Granville-Grossman) built the place in the 1930's.
It's also important to note that the similarly large building development on the corner of Coldharbour Lane and Valentia Place remains unfinished, years after work started, and the adjacent site of Cooltan is a flattened wasteland, with the buildings lying empty for getting on a decade. And then there's the disused petrol station a little further down the road.

What makes the council think that this new development is likely to succeed, particularly bearing in mind the current downturn?
Having overlayed the plan on gmaps, I'm almost certain that the "possible Brixton Station platform extension" refers to a possible Overground station.

If I was Lambeth Council, I'd say that a contribution towards such a station would be a condition of planning permission.
I cant see anything on the Lambeth planning website yet.Does not seem like they have put in the application yet.As the arcades come under the new Brixton masterplan (not yet finished.Its has been delayed for 3 months) I wonder if LAP have been talking to Future Brixton Council Officers about this proposal.

The new alleyway and mixed use development does go along with whats in the new masterplan (as it stands at the moment) .Though the height might be a problem.

When the application goes in it will be subject to public consultation.So I would advise people to get there comments ready to submit to planning.Planning applications (when submitted) are normally left in the local library for the public to look at.

The Council may want to get some kind of planning "gain" from this development.I see the proposals will contain "affordable housing" which will keep the Council happy.

The main points are IMO -Height
Architectural merit
Safegaurding small retailers
It's also important to note that the similarly large building development on the corner of Coldharbour Lane and Valentia Place remains unfinished, years after work started, and the adjacent site of Cooltan is a flattened wasteland, with the buildings lying empty for getting on a decade. And then there's the disused petrol station a little further down the road.

What makes the council think that this new development is likely to succeed, particularly bearing in mind the current downturn?

They might be able to pre-let / sell enough properties to make it worthwhile. However that does sound a little unlikely given the (presumably) low rent of the existing retailers, and that it has residential stuff above the shops.
It's also important to note that the similarly large building development on the corner of Coldharbour Lane and Valentia Place remains unfinished, years after work started, and the adjacent site of Cooltan is a flattened wasteland, with the buildings lying empty for getting on a decade. And then there's the disused petrol station a little further down the road.

What makes the council think that this new development is likely to succeed, particularly bearing in mind the current downturn?

The unfinished block of flats has now been taken over by another property developer as the last one went bust.It appears that the previous developer had a cavalier attitude towards planning and building regs.The building is higher than the original plans allowed and Ive heard the building standards arent that high.The only other alternative would be to demolih it and start again.
The new plan looks like an opportunity to make a killing and put two fingers up at the local character or amenity of the area. I'd argue that Granville arcade forms a very significant part of the Brixton built environment and to rip it down and put down another characterless development would be an absolute shame and would really detract from the area.

Incidentally my dad told me that his uncle Philip (Granville-Grossman) built the place in the 1930's.

Looks out of scale for sure, but I'm not immensely opposed to the idea of using private developments to pay for a much needed overhaul of the site if done properly. It's looking increasingly shabby and down at heel, as much I love the place it compares badly to better maintained local competitors like Tooting market. In a perfect world the cash would be magicked up with no strings attached, but realistically that's a non starter.

My major concern centres around this point:

- LAP said they would guarantee that current traders would be able to return to the new market space. LAP also indicated they are open to providing returning traders with guarantees of current rent levels. They didn't give any specifics of how these guarantees would work. They indicated that they are open to developing these guarantees as formal documents through the planning consultation process.

I'd want these assurances checked over with a fine toothed comb. They'd have to be set for a long time, with only inflation based raises at most. And service charges and similar - often a backdoor method of forcing out smaller traders - would need equally cast iron guarantees. I'd also insist that rate charges remain unchanged for new traders too , if only to stop the character of the market being changed markedly as current occupants retired or tried to change ownership.

Worried also about the prospect of the three larger units and what they'd contribute too.
The unfinished block of flats has now been taken over by another property developer as the last one went bust.It appears that the previous developer had a cavalier attitude towards planning and building regs.The building is higher than the original plans allowed and Ive heard the building standards arent that high.The only other alternative would be to demolih it and start again.
I've noticed what looks like another level on the top appearing. There seems to be about 3 people working on the site now, so they should be finished some time around 2015 at this rate.

Maybe the building should be checked over for the safety of the workers if it's as iffy as you suggest?
To start with I thought the ten-storey building was being proposed over the main Brixton market bit in between Coldharbour Lane and Electric Avenue. Which would be totally out of scale. Now I see (I think) that it's the "Brixton Village" bit they are proposing to develop. Aside from concerns about the effect on the market, a high building here would seem less inappropriate given that it is mainly bounded by the railway lines.

The drawings on the architect's site are certainly uninspiring. And looking at their other projects, they are similarly undistinguished.

I wouldn't have much faith in Lambeth Planning to enforce any kind of high standard of architectural design. If they even knew what that was if it hit them.
Just heard from Brixton Society that the developer is mounting display of plans in Unit 85/86 of Brixton Village (Granville Arcade) on:

Thursday 22nd January 12 to 3
Friday 23rd January 2 to 5
Saturday 24th January 10 to 1

Any comments on proposals to

Redevelopment proposals for Brixton Village
Four Communications
49 Leicester square

or email to


I think Four Communications are a PR company
To start with I thought the ten-storey building was being proposed over the main Brixton market bit in between Coldharbour Lane and Electric Avenue. Which would be totally out of scale. Now I see (I think) that it's the "Brixton Village" bit they are proposing to develop. Aside from concerns about the effect on the market, a high building here would seem less inappropriate given that it is mainly bounded by the railway lines.

This reminds me of what's happening around Dalston junction. There are some nice houses and old buildings, tending to be low rise. Many of the old houses on Dalston Lane have gone to rot very very quickly (an incentive to pull them down although in a conservation area) and what has already been removed (the old Dalston theatre and two Georgian houses) they plan to build up to 14 storey buildings which will look totally out of place.

As Hackney spent (as I understand it) £8 million demolishing their high rise stock, I don't understand how they can build new high rises.

I really hope they don't pull down Brixton village. It has a lot of character and with a bit of investment could be a great little shopping place.
As Hackney spent (as I understand it) £8 million demolishing their high rise stock, I don't understand how they can build new high rises.

Well, there's good high-rise and there's bad high-rise.

And an awful lot of mediocre high-rise too of course.
I think Four Communications are a PR company

Yup. A certain Jim Dickson is their "Director, Politics" - although AFAIK he (and party hacks of various other political pursuasions working for Four) are fairly scrupulous in maintaining a "Chinese Wall" from any work they do for clients of the property team with planning applications in Lambeth.

I think it will take a lot more than Four's Machiavellian PR tactics for Brixton folk to ever learn to love the new owners of the covered markets' plans for redevelopment.
Well, there's good high-rise and there's bad high-rise.

And an awful lot of mediocre high-rise too of course.

for some reason, some like the Barbican work... aspirational, desired whereas others just don't. I lived in one for over sixth month. Space was great as was storage as was the view watching thunder storms creep across landscapes...this is what happened to the one I lived in:

I think much of the recent stuff going up is dull and will be critised in the future. The planners won't learn....:(
"Accidental fires" make me rather angry.

I think the owners of these buildings should be held more responsible for making sure the "accidental" fires don't happen in the first place.

Battersea Power Station is one massive slow-motion accidental fire happening in front of our noses.
The Dalston blogspot is exceptionally upsetting as it record te council ripping out a mainly Victorian and Georgian housing group and replacing with shite. Some interesting shots of the interior of Dalston theatre as it was destroyed (which also makes me turn away). Hackney council are ... *trying to find a really polite bad word*
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