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Squat Monsters Ball/Scumoween


radio eros
Anyone made it? Scumoween or whatever.....

The biggest loudest party i've ever been to I think and to top it off didn't actually see any bad attitude :eek: Took an age to get in even though we got there b4 12, seemed a bit touch'n'go on the gate like it could've got nasty but somehow the security kept it to together.

Loadsa great music, some old skool rigs, huge stacks, funtion 1 linkups, the lot, a bit like an indoor teknival but with a wider music policy.

I think many of us thought the whole big squat thing was dead, clearly not :p
Hi to Art of Fact, Kameron & Mation.
It sounded like a good list of old school rigs so was very tempted but couldn't face another drive to London after last weekends mash up. Glad it went well.

Maybe I'll make NYE this year

Can anyone tell me why, after two hours of queueing, the gates closed, no one was being let in and the few hundred people outside were being told by a crack-team of squat party security that there was nothing they could do and we couldn't come in becasue the party was "too full"?

Because I went round the back, climbed a fence and got in and, whilst there were loads of people inside, it was nothing like full - the venue was *huge*.

I was perfectly happy to queue for the first hour while the queue was shuffling forward slowly (and to pay the £10 entry), as being searched for weapons seems like a thoroughly good idea. But the management of it was absolutely atrocious.

That said, once inside it was a fucking wonderful party :cool:
Ah, sorry - didn't see this thread before I did mine. :oops:

Good to see you, Wrongspeed :)
Soundclash was terrible, party was good though. Nothing amazing tbh although it had a lot of rigs. :)
headfuk proper have packed it in i heard so i doubt it zenie.

party on saturday was fun. soundclash wasn't
ta for afters :)
So....will there be a syn thetic circus this year? Wrongspeed?? :)

? that was kinda it wasn't it? they were there though anyhow, all the best djs & producers.

I loved the soundclash, if you stood in the middle it was kind of like the sound of hell, the best rigs had a good few vans surrounding them and had quite a tight sound.
was good i thought, nothing classic about it but good vibe and alot of rigs. soundclashing wasnt too bad up near the bigger rigs, but still was abit of an issue all round... enjoyed dancing to ragga on itsy bitsy, ben 9mm rinsing some seriously heavy hardcore liveset on dmt, elf muff on headfuk, roko on abacus, dj rum from yardcore on ird/swarm.. was a pretty good night, was abit worse for wear by 1pm but made it home OK.. glad i didnt have to queue up :)
Sorry to have missed you BTW, I didn't realise you guys were downstairs :oops::D

I texted you, missy, as soon as we got in!

In through the back alley, as it were. Gergl and Mation, our heroes of the night, found that route for us when we'd been patiently waiting in the queue for three hours:eek: and some in our group were making noises of going back home. I loooooved the party, it was ace. Standing on that little bit of stairway overlooking the party it not only sounded but looked like the proverbial three-day.illegal.ravepartyfromhell. :D

I wonder how and when everyone else got in in the end? I saw a few people in the morning who'd been in the queue next to us, but as it was impossible to hear a word anyone was saying, I never found out when they were allowed in.
I had quite a lot of fun in the queue as well at first, getting high, chatting to people, anticipation building etc but after 3 hours with the situation completely gridlocked it lost some of its charm.
Must have been frustrating for the DJs as well to play to a near empty ginormous warehouse when there's 500+ people outside desperate to come in?

As those who know me know, I'm pretty much obsessed with Health &Safety in all things rave and drugs, and welcomed the security very much. But surely there should have been a better way of achieving this and getting a few more people in?

Anyway, apart from this little glitch, I thought the party was amazingly well run. Big up to all who made it happen.

Maybe the reason why I thought this was the best party ever is that I hadn't actually been to a squat party since NYE 2006:oops:. Note to self - must get out more.
i'd rather hear people moaning about a long queue because of security checks than people moaning about moody atmosphere, fights and stabbings inside the venue.

33 systems, 2,000+ people and not a single spot of trouble. the door staff did a sterling job imo
i'd rather hear people moaning about a long queue because of security checks than people moaning about moody atmosphere, fights and stabbings inside the venue.

33 systems, 2,000+ people and not a single spot of trouble. the door staff did a sterling job imo


seen enough sketchy shit at parties to appreciate not seeing any @ the last two big ones.
squat parties were never dead..it's just about knowing the right people and keeping your ear to the ground so to speak.
helping out rigs and collectives is always a way to ensure that things keep going..
squat parties were never dead..it's just about knowing the right people and keeping your ear to the ground so to speak.
it's better that there seems to be lots more people are going though who aren't necessarily part of a "scene", they are just going for the party
? that was kinda it wasn't it? they were there though anyhow, all the best djs & producers.

Oh :(

It wasn't as good as

I texted you, missy, as soon as we got in!

I never got any text :(

squat parties were never dead..

Who said they are? :confused::p

it's better that there seems to be lots more people are going though who aren't necessarily part of a "scene", they are just going for the party

Yeh was nice to see such a mix of peeps. That''ll be facebook then! :D

2000+? i was told less than a thousand by the people who went?

nah there was fuckloads of people. 2000 sounds about right.
No wonder the queues were so long. 2000 people at two people a minute means that the end of the queue to the beginning of the queue took 16 hours :eek:
Had a wicked time though situation on stairs got a bit hairy:eek:Big up itsybitsy crew:D:cool:lovely vibe in that cozy little room.Looking down on it all from top of stairs made me grin like a loon:DHi zenie n ta for after crash:cool:xxxany 1 up for the 22nd? new world disorder
alright, let's say they processed 4 people a minute through the door, that's only 8 hours worth of queuing, i can deal with that.
Had a wicked time though situation on stairs got a bit hairy:eek:Big up itsybitsy crew:D:cool:lovely vibe in that cozy little room.Looking down on it all from top of stairs made me grin like a loon:DHi zenie n ta for after crashxxxany 1 up for the 22nd? new world disorder

ello :)
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