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London's lost tunnels and rivers

This thread got me thinking about the Moselle, it runs underneath Carbuncle Passage in Northumberland Park, then across Clendish Marsh, then into Pymmes Brook. I took the dog out this morning, I think I've found where it goes into Pymmes Brook. I also think I've found a little bit of it where it comes out into the open, before it goes under train tracks at the Victoria Line depot (photos to follow).
It come up in Tottenham Cemetry and in a park somewhere up that way. Goes underneath the job centre at Scotland Green.
Look out for Salmon Brook that goes under Edmonton Shopping centre.
The source of the Fleet river starts on Hampstead Heath. You can stand at that point on the Heath, look down towards the centre of London and imagine how it snakes its way down to the Thames.
How good are these images:



I know where there are some tunnels. Under the old Electricity Board showrooms o nthe corner of Church Lane in Leytonstone High Road. Not sure how far they go as they had been fenced off when I worked there, but we used to shine a torch and they went on for ages. Towards the Green Man roundabout.
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