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Douglas Murray is a skid mark

Doctor Carrot

Marxist Henchman
I don't normally do threads about people I dislike but this cunt is something else. Did anyone see him on question time last night? it was the first time and hopefully the last time i've ever seen him, he is quite possibly the most smug, rude and arrogant little shit i've ever come accross. He has the view that the Iraq war is a good idea and the NHS is a bad idea that will never work.

Here's a fucking idea mate, how about stop spending billions of pounds invading countries we know fuck all about, and spend the money on building new hospitals, getting them up to scratch and giving all those doctors who have recently finished training a job.

KILL HIM IN THE FACE :mad: :mad: :mad:

Can you please put him in the slap gallery Editor? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

I utterly disagree that Douglas Murray is a cum stain.

A cum stain is something productive, but misdirected.

There is nothing productive about Mr Murray. We should be talking about waste products. Kindly update your header to suggest that Mr Murray is a shit stain.

Thank you.

Put Dylan Jones in this gallery as well because he is another smug, pointless, tory wannabee cuntlicker of a cunting cuntiser (apropo his ignorant comment yesterday on the Wright Stuff regarding unemployment and low paid jobs on discussion of immigration).
Smoky said:
Did anyone see him on question time last night? it was the first time and hopefully the last time i've ever seen him, he is quite possibly the most smug, rude and arrogant little shit i've ever come accross.

I nearly started a similar thread last night.

His opinions were one thing, but it was his arrogance I found most repugnant.
I wandered into the kitchen when Question Time was on, and immediately said "who's that cunt?" I didn't stick around to find out, but from your description it appears that Mr Murray was indeed that cunt. Thank you for clarifying that.
FridgeMagnet said:
I wandered into the kitchen when Question Time was on, and immediately said "who's that cunt?" I didn't stick around to find out, but from your description it appears that Mr Murray was indeed that cunt. Thank you for clarifying that.
FridgeMagnet said:
I wandered into the kitchen when Question Time was on, and immediately said "who's that cunt?" I didn't stick around to find out, but from your description it appears that Mr Murray was indeed that cunt. Thank you for clarifying that.
What have you guys got against that fragrant, useful part of anatomy? :confused:

I watched him for 5 mins, then switched off because I or Him Indoors was going to throw something at the TV and we can't afford to buy a new one. Are all neocons like him?
White Lotus said:
What have you guys got against that fragrant, useful part of anatomy? :confused:

I watched him for 5 mins, then switched off because I or Him Indoors was going to throw something at the TV and we can't afford to buy a new one. Are all neocons like him?

Yeah see that's why I refrained from calling him a cunt cause cunts are an extremely useful and sometimes tasty part of the female anatomy :D. I went with cum stain but upon reflection and as previously stated in this thread, shit stain may have served a better description.
Sunspots said:
I nearly started a similar thread last night.

His opinions were one thing, but it was his arrogance I found most repugnant.

He really was up his own dirtbox wasn't he? and is it just me or did it look like he had half his forehead injected with botox? it only appeared to wrinkle on the right hand side of his head, which is actually very appropiate.
Smoky said:
He really was up his own dirtbox wasn't he? and is it just me or did it look like he had half his forehead injected with botox? it only appeared to wrinkle on the right hand side of his head, which is actually very appropiate.
That's an idea, how about referring to him as "botox"? Extremely poisonous, and in yer face ... ;)
Belushi said:
He's a prick, I'd never heard of him before, who is exactly?
That's interesting, put his name into Wiki - there's a choice of "Douglas Murray, English author" ... but looks like his page has been deleted.

I wonder why?
Question Time's great strength is that it gets politicians into a place beyond the soundbite and actually allows them to speak at some length. Even people you disliked in their heyday can be interesting speaking from many years experience, as was Douglas Hurd last night.

But of all the people I have seen paraded over the years, none have provoked such instant revulsion as Douglas Murray. His arrogance and the breathtaking depravity of his views are horrifying.

He has written a book "Neoconservatism: Why Britain needs it". Actually Douglas, Britain needs you and your kind, like an aviary needs bird-flu.
i listend to the podcast; what a cunt, i must agree. Facile arguments, childish arrogant petulant probably silver spoonfed shiteater of the first degree. In fact I'm in a bad mood now. Not even the Pirates of the Caribbean OST can save me.
But of all the people I have seen paraded over the years, none have provoked such instant revulsion as Douglas Murray. His arrogance and the breathtaking depravity of his views are horrifying.

Innit, theres something foul about him.

I thought he and the vicar fella in the audience who'd spent 15 years in the middle east were going to come to blows.
copliker said:
I was too busy pervin on caroline flint to notice murray. Does that make me a bad person? :oops:
Yeah, she's a fucking lackwit. One of the most idiotic Labour politicians they've had on in a while.

As for Douglas Murray, I spent most of the time he was talking swearing frenziedly at the TV. What an utter wanker.
Nemo said:
Yeah, she's a fucking lackwit. One of the most idiotic Labour politicians they've had on in a while.
Really? She sounded like a fairly bog standard new labour drone to me.
copliker said:
Really? She sounded like a fairly bog standard new labour drone to me.
Even most of them would have done a better job than she did of defending the government's refusal to hold an inquiry into the leaking of information about counter-terrorism operations. Such idiocy is truly special.
Is this going to be repeated anytime or would it be on the web anywhere?

Nevermind I found it after looking for a second, BBC website is great.
Neva said:
Is this going to be repeated anytime or would it be on the web anywhere?
There's a podcast on the website I think. Probably best not to listen in public though, you might get weird looks/arrested.
Just watched a bit of QT on the BBC website. Douglas Murray must be placed in the slap gallery. Or killed in the face. Or... something. What an arrogant git:mad:
Who the hell is that man?

I caught the last 20 or 30 minutes of Question Time last night, but must admit even though I usually have at least some idea of who people are (have heard of them, read their writings, read about them) even if I haven't ever seen them before, this chap had me stumped.

WhoTFis-he? :confused:
Nemo said:
Even most of them would have done a better job than she did of defending the government's refusal to hold an inquiry into the leaking of information about counter-terrorism operations. Such idiocy is truly special.
Yeah, all that "show us the evidence and we'll hold an enquiry" bollocks...

and that was a straight lift off Blair's script from PMQs, verbatim.

Evidence? There was a leak and she wants evidence? How about this:

Information that should not have been within the public domain was printed by a newspaper. It was therefore in the public domain. It should not have been. It was. Ergo, that's evidence there has been a leak.

I'm surprised no one else pulled her up on that and pointed out that her "where's the evidence?" bollocks was a load of diversionary nonsense.
Interesting, just spotted this thread.

Yes the guy is a plain pillock, I could see imediately he was not a politician as they at least make lame efforts to persuade people of their policies, he however appeared rude and arrogant from the very first word I saw uttered from his mouth and I agreed with almost nothing that came out.

Not one of the best question times I think, I sometimes wonder if the program is getting worse, there seem to be a lot of nobodies on it these days and the quality of debate I think is going downhill.
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