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fascist infiltration of the left


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pulled this off the BNP website. Never normally trust anything they have to say, but a quick google search seems to back this one up.
Don't wont to be accused of stirring up groundless paranoia, but this aint good.

<editor: huge FAQ-ignoring cut and paste odyssey duly snipped while the Dodgy 'New' Poster Alert sounds off in the distance>
The two infiltrators "have spent the last 12 months actively campaigning within every prominent left-wing group in Britain", according to the author - but it turns out that they have just misspent part of their youth in the SWP and its campaigning front groups. Many people have made the same mistake (albeit, in most cases, with less malicious intent)!

If they have any interesting dirt on the Social Workers, they should publish it. So far, they haven't said anything interesting about them. My guess is that they've found nothing very newsworthy. We'll have to wait and see.
Hang on...really do.

I know what it's for and why it's now - but there are things in that that are worth talking about - surely

If only to hear why they were 'given' these roles?

sorry - have just read FAQ - only used to internal stuff.
Tend to cut and paste so wont be accused of "editing" or misrepesenting source material.
Please remove thread if possible, did not meant to breach board rules.
butchersapron said:
Hang on...really do.

I know what it's for and why it's now - but there are things in that that are worth talking about - surely

If only to hear why they were 'given' these roles?

Three of the posts have made me go :confused:

WTF? (I really mean as a question!) I think I need someone to type really slowly!

And JHE adds his usual shit.
zakawale is either the cleverest fash troll going or absolutely genuine - and i think the latter. it's an interesting post as well - i smell bullshit on the part of the bnp, but not zakawale.
I’m sorry but I really fucked this one up.
I normally use U75 to check up on what’s happening down south, so don’t tend to post.
I was therefore surprised when no mention had been made of BNP claims has have successfully infiltrated the SWP, UAF and Respect.
The positions they claim that their members have gained include ones with possible access to membership information for all three organisations. They also claim that these were positions of some influence and knowledge of what should have been secure plans.
A google search seems to lend credence to these claims.
Having now read the FAQ – once again I apologise for not having done so – I won’t post the relevant link, but assume that people know where to look.
I realise that my cack handiness makes this look like the classic fash troll thing - but I did think this, if true, would be of some interest/concern for people down south.
I note you've used your real name whilst posting on here previously - so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure that Nigel Irritable or dennisr will be be able to vouch. Not that there's any harm done, anyway.

The story is genuine - the only thing I can't work out is why it looks like the lad's head is stuck on in two of the photos. :D
flimsier said:
I just thought there was other stuff.

There is. A quick google for SWP and Joe Finnon brought up "Socialist Review" for December 2003. The issue included the following review by one "Joseph Finnon" - given the location (Salford) I'm assuming it's one and the same person.....

Sound and vision

The People’s History Museum, Salford

The People’s History Museum, Salford, has collected an array of sound and visual aids to bring alive the history of the British Communist Party. The exhibition includes poster designing and videos for the kids, and audio replicas explaining the inspiration behind the party—why people joined and what it was like living in a Communist household. As well as the British party the exhibition opens to the visitor the world of ‘Communist’ Russia and its influence back here in Britain.

The exhibition spans two floors covered in posters, banners and other interesting artefacts from the time such as papers like the Daily Worker and For Lasting Peace.The informative descriptions really bring the exhibits to life.
There are also free guided tours round the exhibition, details of which can be found at www.peopleshistorymuseum.org.uk A day of talks and live performances looking at the party is also planned.

The main museum covers five sections, Revolution, Spreading the Word, After Work, United We Stand and Facing the Future, each with subsections attempting to bring to life the history of the unions and socialism by full replica displays and real machinery from those times, as well as banners, posters and other visual aids. A scattering of audio pieces make the display both interesting and easy for all to follow.

* Joseph Finnon
If a troll, a very patient one.

I think not.

I've met both of those people.

The article does get a lot of things wrong though, including names and so on.
christ. thats a crap review even by SR's standards! They must have really liked him to have bothered printing it!
I'm a bit stunned really. I feel naive, - I never put anything past them and this is minor - but they were both chatting to me at Marxism and I just am not on guard ever (I've suddenly realised).
MANCHESTER HAS suffered at the hands of those who would deprive our thriving multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith city of an anti-racism festival on institutionally racist and inexcusable grounds. I do not want to live in a city which cannot celebrate its diversity openly and honestly.

Greater Manchester Police, of The Secret Policeman documentary fame, stepped in to cancel our Unite Against Fascism gig due to be held last Sunday. This forced it into the welcoming hands of Liverpool. Those of us who work and campaign hard against the fascist BNP are irate and deeply disappointed at this turn of events.

The BNP, who in an ideal world would not exist, must not be given any opportunity to set the agenda of our UAF festivals. We in Manchester are determined to see our city host a free event we have the right to hold. The BNP turned up at our successful launch event in Manchester in January, and their foul stench reeks in this relocation charade.

The BNP must not have any say in Manchester and we need to act now to drive out their racist, fascist and bigoted politics.

Diane Stoker, Manchester
flimsier said:
More searches find that she had a letter printed about the BNP in SW.

Fucking hell.

She's had quite a few letters printed, as it goes. Her details are still up as the contact for SWSS on the University of manchester site.

Still, I'm sure she appeared "keen", so it's perhaps understandable.....
I think it is understandable.

It'd be easy, but they have always emphasised youth. Rightly imo.

I mean, are you seriously slagging off the SWP for this?

In a way, I suppose it feels like a betrayal - but they don't 'reveal' anything that we or they didn't know - and to be fair nothing particularly interesting.

They were on the fucking organising team at Marxism. Solidarnosc was too - I'll ask him about them. He's also in manc.
First time as bollocks, second time as piss-take?

Gullible Social Worker said:
MANCHESTER HAS suffered at the hands of those who would deprive our thriving multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith city of an anti-racism festival on institutionally racist and inexcusable grounds.
Those who do not recognise parody are condemned to publish it?
flimsier said:
I think it is understandable.

It'd be easy, but they have always emphasised youth. Rightly imo.

I mean, are you seriously slagging off the SWP for this?

In a way, I suppose it feels like a betrayal - but they don't 'reveal' anything that we or they didn't know - and to be fair nothing particularly interesting.

They were on the fucking organising team at Marxism. Solidarnosc was too - I'll ask him about them. He's also in manc.
That's a really crap and confused repsonse. No way out of this one.
hating to agree with JHE...

but I thought that too. Even tho there is a woman in Sheffield SWP who writes the same thing in every article she writes.
butchersapron said:
That's a really crap and confused repsonse. No way out of this one.

OK maybe, but Lenin did the same.

I am confused.

Told Solidarnosc. He's stunned. He 'got on with them'.

I think he might end his exile for this thread.
I'm not saying much at the moment as to be honest, it hasn't quite sunk in yet. I counted these people as my friends, and I now feel that I have been shat on from a great height. Pritty much every other SWP member who knows them will also feel the same. The last time I saw them was at the Manchester SWP forum on Che Guevara, one of the people mentioned in the article and I were chatting about crap safety videos at work. The other lent me a tenner when I was skint.

For the moment, leave the politics aside. I personally feel betrayed. I feel very low indeed. I've been lied to grandly, as have others who considered them comrades and good friends.
Solidarnosc said:
For the moment, leave the politics aside. I personally feel betrayed. I feel very low indeed. I've been lied to grandly, as have others who considered them comrades. Whether or not you like the SWP, this shows a new low for the BNP.

Sorry - this is bollocks.

When the BBC journalist and Searchlight "mole" were busy infiltrating Bradford BNP, was that a "new low" for the left?
sorry, but why does this mark a 'new low'? they seem to have actually revealed, and done, fuck all, apart from make some people feel personally stupid and betrayed. that's pretty fucking minor as consequences of fascism go!

we do it to them, they do it to us. can't rightfully complain about their trying.
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