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Brixton Water Lane, old chip shop – and the Windrush ‘water feature’


I've just posted up a few pics from a recent stroll around Brixton.

Anyone ever buy chips from here?

And how shit does the Windrush Square fountain look?!


More pics:

Whilst not the most spectacular fountain it is very popular with the kids, I loved sitting and watching them play in it on a warm day.

What are those road cones doing there?
I really like the fountain - looks all ethereal at night and is great on warm days. I've seen rainbows in it too :cool:
I really like the fountain - looks all ethereal at night and is great on warm days. I've seen rainbows in it too :cool:
It's been turned off every time I've gone past at night.

I love these water fountains, but I think where they've placed this one is a bit rubbish.
To be fair they need some cones or some sort of warning. An unsuspecting visitor was returning from ours on a cold, bleak day a month or two back. Her and her partner cut across the dormant fountain, unawares of what the bleeding hell it was, only to find that the law of sod still definitely applied. Anyway, the fountain turned on, they got soaked with cold water and were none too happy.

Clearly I would have found this funny if I was there, but I can't say it sounds too pleasant either. It's not that well thought through or obvious.
To be fair they need some cones or some sort of warning. An unsuspecting visitor was returning from ours on a cold, bleak day a month or two back. Her and her partner cut across the dormant fountain, unawares of what the bleeding hell it was, only to find that the law of sod still definitely applied. Anyway, the fountain turned on, they got soaked with cold water and were none too happy

I think that this is an excellent outcome :)
Mate, if hoody-wearing youth sprung out unexpected and showered you with ice cold water on your nether regions and above, I doubt you'd enjoy it much either.

Not dangerous, just a bit daft and unpleasant
Mate, if hoody-wearing youth sprung out unexpected and showered you with ice cold water on your nether regions and above, I doubt you'd enjoy it much either.

Not dangerous, just a bit daft and unpleasant

Surround all hoody-wearing youth with cones then :D
Even those fucking awful PCSO cheapskates would be moved to do something if hoodie wearing hooligans were dishing out soakings in unexpected ambushes.

Not going to get me admittedly and we can all laugh at the incomers and tourists getting caught unawares I guess. But I can't help but feel it's badly thought through - for all the talk of the thing automatically deactivating in high winds, you'd think the fountain would have some kind of proximity sensor or warning to avoid this kind of thing happening
Not going to get me admittedly and we can all laugh at the incomers and tourists getting caught unawares I guess. But I can't help but feel it's badly thought through - for all the talk of the thing automatically deactivating in high winds, you'd think the fountain would have some kind of proximity sensor or warning to avoid this kind of thing happening

It is still safer than the Diana Memorial Fountain :D
Even old Princess Di's slippery trench disaster didn't gob at visitors without warning


Next up and we'll find that that cow covertly aims purest methane farts at unsuspecting passers-by
That chip shop's never been open, to my knowledge, the whole time I've lived in Brixton (17 years :eek:). It's just round the corner from our current house, and has definitely been closed since we moved in in 2003.
That chip shop's never been open, to my knowledge, the whole time I've lived in Brixton (17 years :eek:). It's just round the corner from our current house, and has definitely been closed since we moved in in 2003.

I have not spotted it yet.

So it has just been sitting there empty for more than 17 years?
Wonder if there is still a whiff of fish inside?
Shiftyjunior ran through the foutain and got flipping soaked a few weeks ago. On purpose. I wasn;t very happy as it's not warm enought to go running through fountains :rolleyes:
I think it's a bit crap and the water smells. meh.
That chip shop's never been open, to my knowledge, the whole time I've lived in Brixton (17 years :eek:). It's just round the corner from our current house, and has definitely been closed since we moved in in 2003.

I used to walk past it loads and had a vague hope at the back of my mind that it would reopen some day, but no.

It would have needed a big clean up before I'd eat there.
Is that Fish and Chip shop in BWL itself near Josephine Avenue?

If so, I remember it being there, but can't remember whether it was English, Chinese or Greek/Cypriot owned.

I might be getting the Chinese ownership mixed up with the one that used to be in Blenheim Gardens though.
Anyone ever buy chips from here?
Yes - in about 1987. I think I remember playing Space Invaders or possibly Pac Man there - think it took 5 or possibly 10 pence pieces at that time. I suppose it wasn't very good because I don't remember going there regularly (like I do Olley's) and - obnov - it shut down...
Yes - in about 1987. I think I remember playing Space Invaders or possibly Pac Man there - think it took 5 or possibly 10 pence pieces at that time. I suppose it wasn't very good because I don't remember going there regularly (like I do Olley's) and - obnov - it shut down...

Yeah, I think I occasionally popped in there on the way to the Canning but as I barely remember it, the chips can't have been that impressive. :D

Can you clarify who owned it please, as it's annoying me :D
Is that Fish and Chip shop in BWL itself near Josephine Avenue?

If so, I remember it being there, but can't remember whether it was English, Chinese or Greek/Cypriot owned.

I might be getting the Chinese ownership mixed up with the one that used to be in Blenheim Gardens though.

The chippie on BWL was run by a lovely Hong Kong Chinese couple. I bought chips from there from about 1995 - not sure when it closed - maybe early 2000s?

As said above, the one in Ed's photo is on Effra Parade, and was already closed when I moved to Brixton in 1995.
The chippie on BWL was run by a lovely Hong Kong Chinese couple. I bought chips from there from about 1995 - not sure when it closed - maybe early 2000s?

As said above, the one in Ed's photo is on Effra Parade, and was already closed when I moved to Brixton in 1995.

ah right, getting them mixed up obviously. Why did he put BWL in original post then. :confused:

I was right then in that it was Chinese owned. I liked them, but I was never into Chinese chips - same reason I rarely used the Chippy in Blenheim Gardens.
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