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Glastonbury tickets


Well-Known Member
All my mates have their tickets. I was to skint to get them when they where on sale and now that they have all sold out I could just about get a couple (me + the lady).
I know people sell their tickets to people who look similar and this is obviously thwart with potential put falls, but has anyone managed to get away with it? Perhaps its quite common, without knowing anyone who has its difficult to know. I went last year and I don't remember them checking my ticket all that scrupulously. I don't know, maybe they did. Iv slept since like.

DESPERATE to go now i probably cant.


(edited) just to add, other than the problem of potentialy loosing out on whatever cash I paid for the tickets (if we where unable to get in with them), Im not exactly local either up here in the NW. Long way to drive to have your hopes dashed by some jobs worth security kid in a second!!
I wouldn't really recommend it as it is a risk, but a mate of mine got in this way in 2007. I got the ticket for him from a friend of a friend and when I got hold of it the photo on it looked nothing like him (The guy in the photo had dark hair and my mate is bald...doh!) My mate tried to get in with it anyway; he donned a hat and walked straight through without them checking it properly. It's probably down to the luck of the draw who you get checking tickets and how busy it is etc.

If I were you I would try to get a legit ticket before thinking about this type of thing. Keep ringing up seetickets, I managed to get a ticket from them in June one year.

Good luck.
I hear they are making the picture bigger this year so it might be more of a problem.

There is more staff and security at the entrances than there is anywhere else so if they don't let you in your not getting in and your not getting your money or your ticket back.
My mate and his missus were having a major family crisis at the time the tickets went on sale and missed getting them. So my mate wrote to Michael Eavis about it and he wrote back to say they'd sorted them four tickets out!

Yes, really.
My mate and his missus were having a major family crisis at the time the tickets went on sale and missed getting them. So my mate wrote to Michael Eavis about it and he wrote back to say they'd sorted them four tickets out!

Yes, really.

Aww, that's really nice. :cool:
There is more staff and security at the entrances than there is anywhere else so if they don't let you in your not getting in and your not getting your money or your ticket back.
Heard over the radio last year that a guy got through one of the pedestrian gates without a ticket. He just sprinted past all the security and vaulted the gate, disappeared off into the site!

I suspect he was very lucky though.
You certainly need a ticket to get in the first time but twice in the last few years I have had to leave on the Sunday morning and manged to slip the wristband over my hand and leave it with a friend who used it to get in for the last day without the paperwork , I guess by the 4th day they must be fed up with checking everyone.
Ive got a freind who always manages to get in as under 12 by paying someone to pretend to be his guardian...... (he's 24 and mocks up a birth certificate)
Heard over the radio last year that a guy got through one of the pedestrian gates without a ticket. He just sprinted past all the security and vaulted the gate, disappeared off into the site!

I suspect he was very lucky though.

Dunno how, would have to be a good hurdler to do the fence without breaking stride and quick to boot.

Not impossible, but very hard. There are loads of security there.
Dunno how, would have to be a good hurdler to do the fence without breaking stride and quick to boot.

Not impossible, but very hard. There are loads of security there.
The low fence, where the gate is, that is opened for people with trolleys/wheelchairs etc. that won't go through the turnstyles.

I have no reason to disbelieve the information given out by control to all, over the walkies.
I've no doubt it happened, by someone very fast and light footed. Got to do it so fast that it catches everyone off guard and be fast enough to get to a crowd. Prolly gate C with the hill for a speed boost.

Got to have mates in there or buy your tent, can't see you doing that with all your stuff.
Yeah, I was thinking Gate C as well, it's been too long for me to remember if they referred to the gate over the radio or not! :)

They did say that it happened so fast, before anyone realised what had happened. Security gave chase, but he'd disappeared off into the site.
by the looks of that you need a registration no.

is it too late to get those now? we've just found out that my daughter's gcse's finish the monday before glastonbury, and I'd love to get her and dodgepot tickets. I'm suspecting it's a very long shot, but it's worth a go!
by the looks of that you need a registration no.

is it too late to get those now? we've just found out that my daughter's gcse's finish the monday before glastonbury, and I'd love to get her and dodgepot tickets. I'm suspecting it's a very long shot, but it's worth a go!

Unless they don't sell out I doubt they'll re-open registration. What a shame. :(
cheers wiskers :)

foiled by not having one single picture of her that meets the requirements for registration :D I'll nab her when she gets home!
I've just realised I'll have to be sensible if she comes with me :mad:

You really shouldn't speak about Dodgepot like that you know.

Still it'd be grand if the whole Tankpot clan could attend. It's going to be a fine and sunny one this year for sure.
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