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Who's going along to the G20 protests?

Are you going to the G20 protests?

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There's quite a few to choose from, but we'll be at the G20 Meltdown.

An alliance of anti-capitalist groups organising a carnival, headed by "Four Horsefolk of the Apocalypse", which will converge in front of the Bank of England on 1 April.

The organisers' aims are set on their website: "G20 Meltdown calls for the G20 ministers to own up to their mistakes and admit that their global dominance – the dominance of finance capitalism – is the problem, not the solution to the current economic, ecological and political meltdown."

Who's going and where?
I'll be on the march on Saturday too if I can make it

Saturday 28th March

*Put People First G20 Demonstration "Jobs, Justice, Climate":

*Joint Denomination Service:
10.30am Westminster Hall, led by the Bishop of London
To join march en route at Parliament Square

*Student Bloc Meet up Point:
10.30am Brunei Gallery at SOAS, Russel Square

*Main Assembly Point for March:
11am Victoria Embankment

*Baby Bloc Picnic:
11am at the ‘Year of the Child Fountain’ next to ‘The Lookout’ in Hyde Park
Close to the rally location - for chilling out and awaiting the march arrival at the rally

*Militant Workers Bloc Meet up Point:
11am Victoria Embankment Gardens

*Put People First Rally in Hyde Park:
From 2.30pm List of speakers:

*Autonomous Speeches:
3pm Speakers Corner
was coming down by bus til i broke a bone in my foot at the weekend, i get a feeling that just being able to wobble around would be risky business for the wed.
I'm doing Saturday, but can't make next week. At least 130 University of Manchester and Man Met students tootling along.

I really want to go to the march but I already promised to go to Wales to watch my husband's ten year old nephew play for England Under 11's.:(

However I expect there will be many marching and protesting opportunities this spring and summer, so good luck everyone for the start of the season.
I'm contemplating it, but it's likely mean quitting this temp job I'm doing 2 weeks early, with no other work lined up in the near future and lots of money owed out that doesn't seem like a terribly sensible thing to do.... :hmm:

so that's a maybe then;)
I really want to go to the march but I already promised to go to Wales to watch my husband's ten year old nephew play for England Under 11's.:(

This is more than a good reason to not go imo, you can be cool Auntie Badger Kitten who gets tickets to Englands World Cup in 2018 and beyond when the nephew captains the side :cool:
I'm not going as, even if I wanted to spend a few days in lock-up, I'd be aligning myself with quite a few "protestors" who see violence and criminal damage as legitimate outlets for their frustration.

And what's being protested? Globalisation, capitalism itself, international summits, useless freeloading politicians, or all of it?

Anyhow, good luck to any peaceful protestors.
Will wander round to SOAS to see the student tottie count/get a view of some left list lovelies before wandering down to Hyde Park.
Quote said:
An alliance of anti-capitalist groups organising a carnival, headed by "Four Horsefolk of the Apocalypse", which will converge in front of the Bank of England on 1 April.

The organisers' aims are set on their website: "G20 Meltdown calls for the G20 ministers to own up to their mistakes and admit that their global dominance – the dominance of finance capitalism – is the problem, not the solution to the current economic, ecological and political meltdown."
I'm going to the march on Saturday. Looking forward to it, even though our coach is leaving at the crack of dawn.
Decided not to go cus i have a kid and i can't leave him at home. There is a real risk if confrontation on this one and its not fair to subject him to that risk.
But good luck to everyone there. I hope it makes history.

"A riot is the voice of the unheard "(martin luther King)
I have to work, but I probably wouldn't bother even if I didn't. What's the big deal about the G20 anyway? Does anybody really believe that the protests stand even the tiniest chance of effecting the summit or the delegates in any way whatsoever?
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