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Snapshots of your desktop. Your REAL desktop...


Eat Cheese Everyday
Take a picture of your ACTUAL desktop/work area.

Yes I'm bored.

(plus I think the shelf I put up a while ago is sexy and needs appreciating!)

I'm bored enough!

Note the knackered blinds on the left and the near ancient Wacom art tablet.


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I don't think I have one actually. I think my computers are balanced on a big pile of papers, empty rizla packets, bottles and coffee mugs with mold in them.

I'm lefthanded in meatspace...but righthanded in mousespace(got sick of peeps moaninge they couldn't use my mouse so relearnt righthandedness for teh functioning of others:rolleyes:)...but would be lefthand agin if I had a tablet out.:hmm:

So tidy

Are you a leftie?
I should point out that it's normally nowhere near as tidy as that and if I span the camera around you'll see the usual scruffy pile of CDs, papers, mags, cables etc etc.

I'm right handed but use the mouse in my left hand and the art tablet with my right - swapping over seemed to help with my RSI and I get on fine that the mouse in my left mitt.

Come on people - let's see some more desktops!
I should point out that it's normally nowhere near as tidy as that and if I span the camera around you'll see the usual scruffy pile of CDs, papers, mags, cables etc etc.

I'm right handed but use the mouse in my left hand and the art tablet with my right - swapping over seemed to help with my RSI and I get on fine that the mouse in my left mitt.

Come on people - let's see some more desktops!

I've no idea what an art tablet is :oops:
Oh okay, here we go. I cleaned it up a bit for extra procrastination. Should have closed the curtain first really.

click through for notes
It's one of the Apple ones, which people seem to either love or hate - I love them though.

I did actually take everything off it and wipe it down with a damp sponge before taking the picture, which, to be fair, needed doing anyway. Otherwise it would have been covered with fag ash and bits of tobacco and random stains.
Home one (bad picture sadly) which I prefer to the work one but keep it a bit less anally tidy.

Before anyone says anything – it’s my mess and I like it! :mad:


TBF – I am in the middle of decorating the room, so it’s a serious mess ATM. :oops:

It may be a mess, but it's MINE. Multifunction desktop here, everything from last night's gin glass to stuff-I've-got-to-nip-out-to-do on there...
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