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Rushcroft Road - is it too posh? Maybe we need another riot?

Anyone else noticed a clusterfuck of outrageously expensive Audis and Range Rovers there? Next to the mansion blocks which have had scaffolding outside them at the southwestern end of the street? It all seems to be going a bit Chelsea there, despite the extreme seediness of some of the neighbouring blocks, the 2007 shooting etc. I think Kylie Morris, anchorperson of More4News lives there - saw her disappearing into a doorway. Google says she lives in Brixton.

I hope this is just an oasis of gentrification and that they're not going to tart up the rest of the street. I'm sure the refurbed flats are lovely to live in, but if Coldharbour Lane ends up like just another suburban shopping street....it doesn't bear thinking about.

It heartens me whenever non-Brixton residents express their fears/prejudices about crime here - the last thing we want is more of the ignorant fuckers moving here and pushing the prices up. But the Rushcroft Road luxury car showroom is very disquieting. Maybe we need another riot to sharpen Brixton's edge a little. Nobody needs to be hurt - just torching a few cars for the benefit of Sky News would do us all a power of good.
There's still a very high concentration of squats on Rushcroft Road. It's an enigma, that street. I couldn't live there, too bloody noisy, but the flats are dead nice, for scruffy flats.
If it turns out the cars are owned by drug dealer/gangster types, does it still count as gentrification and are you still in favour of torching them?
maybe they're owned by rich religious types

I couldn't believe how many 4x4s and other big cars I saw at Ruach Ministries the other night :confused:
What have these people specifically done to you personally that you advocate destroying their property?
Holmewood Gardens needs a riot, we have 2 Porsches and 2 Range Rovers either side of us! Let alone all the 4x4 Mercs and Lexus!
Next Sunday I am going to torch all their cars while they are inside singing in their posh voices.

Excellent, can you go to all the other side streets off Brixton Hill and do the same so the local residents can have their parking spaces back :D
I couldn't believe how many 4x4s and other big cars I saw at Ruach Ministries the other night :confused:

GOD - wants you to buy me a Mercedes Benz 4x4.. in dark blue, with leather interior and a fuck off stereo. If you do not buy me one, NOW, GOD will send you on the express elevator to hell for all eternity..
there is something going on with that road as a few squats were served eviction papers very recently..some of the Chelsea tractor owners looking to buy up some cheap council property perhaps..hmmm
GOD - wants you to buy me a Mercedes Benz 4x4.. in dark blue, with leather interior and a fuck off stereo. If you do not buy me one, NOW, GOD will send you on the express elevator to hell for all eternity..

O Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz :(
O Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz :(

or a stretch limo even.

They obviously had a guest preacher there one year and there was massive queues and guest preacher/speaker/famous person (maybe it was James Brown :eek:) turned up in a huge fuck-off stretch limo

Personally, I think that money should be given to the poor, not rich preachers to ride around in limos
I don't think we're in any danger of that, nick. I feel the same way, btw, I don't want it to be like Clapham High Road either, but I cannae see it happening.
maybe they're owned by rich religious types

I couldn't believe how many 4x4s and other big cars I saw at Ruach Ministries the other night :confused:

I went in there once, to tell the woman that someone had left their headlights on, in case she knew who. She told me I was kind and asked if I belonged to a church and put her arm round me. I'm not doing them any favours again. :eek:
I'm not allowed to be serious because inciting riots is an offence. But I would use all legal means to prevent Coldharbour Lane from becoming a clone of Clapham High Street. Lots of people feel the same way.
Well I do have every sympathy for you. But I balk at the idea of a hate campaign against people who have only committed the crime of daring to move into a particular area.
I went in there once, to tell the woman that someone had left their headlights on, in case she knew who. She told me I was kind and asked if I belonged to a church and put her arm round me. I'm not doing them any favours again. :eek:

My b/f walked up the driveway once when it first opened a(s he saw piles of bricks there) to ask if they needed help with a brick wall

He was immediately surrounded by half a dozen threatening-looking guys
I don't think we're in any danger of that, nick. I feel the same way, btw, I don't want it to be like Clapham High Road either, but I cannae see it happening.

Maybe some of you would like to help me riot Clapham High Street? I hate nice cakes and friendly locals :mad:
I don't think we're in any danger of that, nick. I feel the same way, btw, I don't want it to be like Clapham High Road either, but I cannae see it happening.

Hmm. I don't share your optimism. The housing stock in Brixton is so grand and the transport is so good that gentrification will just keep going. The recession will slow it down for a while, but one day Brixton will do a Notting Hill. How can it be stopped? Private landlords want to poshify it, and the council is helping them. Nobody else seems to have much influence.
Work more on staggering around the town centre in a drunken haze, haranguing passers-by.
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