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The BNP list: would you have leaked it?

Assuming no consequences for you, woudl you have leaked it?

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je suis teuchter
Predictably enough the news of the leaking of the BNP members' details list seems mainly to have been received with glee here.

I would be interested to know how many people would have leaked the details themselves, if they were to find themselves in possession of it.

Assuming you could be totally confident that it could not be traced back to you, would you have done it?

Do you believe that everyone on that list deserves whatever may come their way as a result of this?


When I say "leak" I mean leak onto the internet (or to someone who is likely to make it fully public) as per what has happened and what we are discussing, with the intention that the information will be accessible to anyone and everyone.

If anyone has misunderstood what I meant by "leak" in this context, and voted wrongly as a result, let me know and I will put your name in the appropriate list here:

Actually I Should Have Voted "yes" List:

Actually I Should Have Voted "no" List:

And then it will be there for the record.
Assuming you could be totally confident that it could not be traced back to you, would you have done it?
That's the wrong assumption. What you'd need to assume is that the list is accurate, and that everyone on it intentionally and of their own free will became a member of the BNP.

Here's a for instance: my Dad presented me with a Labour Party membership card in my name when I was (I think) 16. I hadn't asked for it, and had no knowledge of his intention to do this.
I'd say no, because I would imagine there is kids on that list who may have been signed up by their muppet parents. The chance that somebody could go and do something dangerous and innocent kids get caught up in it, would probably sit on my conscience.

Still the cat is out of the bag now.

I'd say no, because I would imagine there is kids on that list who may have been signed up by their muppet parents. The chance that somebody could go and do something dangerous and innocent kids get caught up in it, would probably sit on my conscience.

Still the cat is out of the bag now.


I feel nauseous just reading that
Why not? Look at them all shitting themselves on that forum, they know what the BNP really is and that they could get in shit for being on that list. They are not asking why they would get in shit for being on that list "B b b b b but it's a legitimate political party?"
Ha ha
I would treat is a list of people whom Auntie needs to smack upside the head with a shoe. My local Auntie has a blog so it probably appear there.
I feel nauseous just reading that

Come on though, there are probably kids on there who had nowt to do with joining up who will now get shit of people. If somebody does do something stupid I feel bad if I had leaked the list and a kid got caught, wouldn't you?
There are probably better ways of doing things i.e. email the company they work for and send them the list.

I'm not sure. I definitely wouldn't have leaked phone numbers and addresses. Names ... well, maybe. Even then, would I leak all the names, or just the ones who were in positions of authority?

Does anyone know if the names and contact details of other political parties are available online?
So, to everyone who has said yes:

Everyone on that list - everyone - deserves whatever might come their way, as a result of this information becoming public? Even if that were to include, say, physical assault? Or, say, one of their relatives being mistaken for them?

And the reason for this is that you find their political view, or at least the political view of an organisation they are members of, contrary to your own?

Also, if you are fine about personal details of people who are members of this organisation being made public, are you also OK with personal details of members of any other (legal) organisation being made public in the same way? If not, why not? Just some organisations? If just some organisations, what are the criteria?

Finally, I assume you were also perfectly OK about "baby P''s parents' identities being leaked and believe that, for example, facebook pages containing them should not have been censored?
Finally, I assume you were also perfectly OK about "baby P''s parents' identities being leaked and believe that, for example, facebook pages containing them should not have been censored?

I'm definitely OK with that. They are scum and deserve what they get.
I'm definitely OK with that. They are scum and deserve what they get.

How about women who visit abortion clinics? Is it OK to publish their details? If the mob can decide on an appropriate punishment for BNP members or baby p's parents, then they ought to be able to decide what the appropriate action (if any) against these woman should be too, no?
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