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Endorset in Dorset, 2009!

Are you going to Endorse It this year?

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The first of the gang
I know, I know! But I have already said I am not going to bother with Glastonbury next year because I had so much fun at this years. Quality festival, can't really fault it. Served straight away and was a no more expensive thaan a pub, clean toilets, quiet camping, no wankers apart from myself, good company, great atmosphere, and good music!

Who's up for it? No poll yet of course, I'll add one when it is actually 2009 :D


Glastonbury, Glade & Endorse It serve all my festival requirements
It's just a wee bit early yet, like, but if I'm going to a festival next year this'll be top of the list.

I'm thinking Glastonbury and Endorse-It next year. Maybe one more.
we're definitely going! hoping to work glastonbury again, but it'll probably clash with my girl's gcse's, so really I should do the decent thing and stay home.
it'll probably clash with my girl's gcse's, so really I should do the decent thing and stay home.

I finished my O Levels on the Thursday, left school, and was on site for my first Glastonbury by the evening. One of the best nights ever. :)

They sit exams later now, though, I think. :(
Just no dreadzone... please. I had to leave when little britain kicked off :D
If I was rich I'd pay for Yabby You to headline. Fucking genius that he is.


I might go insofar as to say I like him more than Radiohead :hmm:
If I was rich I'd pay for Yabby You to headline. Fucking genius that he is.

Didn't know he was still going, tbh. He'd be a fucking great headliner.

If that Specials reunion comes off, they'd be great, too (Bit big maybe?).
Well I listen to him more than I listen to Radiohead...

He is only about 60, NVP
Toots Hibbert would be a goodun... as well. Shame Desmond Dekker died last year :(
Nah, it's ancient. He hasn't done anything since about 1990 I think.

Get your paws on this:

We don't want you to come.

That fucking tent man..... if it wans't for crustychick's mate! :D
You muppet, if I had known that I'd have taken it home and dried it out and brought it down with me next month.

Although it was a fucking night mare to pack away!
I think I still owe you some cash but I don't know if I gave it to you or not?
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