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Big Chill 2008

Chill; yay or nay?

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Sweet FA

✪ Three rounds Lord, in my .44 ✪
Anybody else going? Went in 2006 with various mates and kids and had a great time. Tbh it probably wouldn't be first choice if I didn't have a small child but it was just so easy last time - Lil'FA becoming addicted to pretty much any festie food helped. The fact that there's no 'must sees' on the bill but a few 'would really like to sees' works out OK - means if I end up babysitting by the tent, I can have a beer and a smoke & not feel too put out :D

Anyone else or is it just too clean, kid-filled and middle-clarss?

Like you say, it's great if you've got kids. Not exactly banging up for it mental, but it is what it is.



Fear willow-weaving, always.:hmm:

I'd quite like to go, if I had the cash. Ain't been in a while. How much is it these days?
It's great for well-to-do parents wheeling their little darlings around in their 4x4-like off road utility buggies.

Utter crap for anyone looking for something a bit lively.

It's called the big chill ffs. What do you expect, kerazy nutjobism?
What I didn't expect the last time was the Big Rammed Full Of People festival or posh spoilt twats elbowing their way to the front of the long, loooong beer queue.
It's great for well-to-do parents wheeling their little darlings around in their 4x4-like off road utility buggies
Yup, because all parents are at the Chill are well-to-do with 4x4 buggies. They are all little darlings though.

Utter crap for anyone looking for something a bit lively.
And Glasto's great for well-to-do white boys with dreads but utter crap for anyone looking for something a bit mellower :p
What I didn't expect the last time was the Big Rammed Full Of People festival or posh spoilt twats elbowing their way to the front of the long, loooong beer queue.

Perhaps you're better off attending a festival tailored towards well-to-do crusty types pushing their sweaty designer clad arses around checking their PDAs instead.
And btw, a decent buggy is a really good thing to have if you're going to be pushing it around for three years. Moreso if you're going to be pushing round fields.
I went to this last year and have to say I quite enjoyed myself. It is a bit of a corporate wankfest and as others have said it is really upper middle class (the car park was rammed full of Merc and Audis). However the location is beautiful and there were some decent DJ's playing (depending on your taste), totally dies at around 3am though.

i can't go this year due to a wedding but I probably would go again if only for Norman J's set on Sunday afternoon in glorious sunshine.
Perhaps you're better off attending a festival tailored towards well-to-do crusty types pushing their sweaty designer clad arses around checking their PDAs instead.
PDAs are sooooo yesterday, man. Get with it daddy-o.

Thing is, I quite liked the first Big Chills but when they decided to ramp up the profits and go from around 8,000 to 29,000 people in one go, it lost just about everything I liked about the place.

And although I'm exaggerating the toffness for effect, there was a lot to wind me up last time - and several other urbanite Big Chill veterans too. The selfish attitude in the camper van field ("this is my area - stay away!") and the mountains of camping stuff just left behind rubbed me up the wrong way and make no mistake.

But hey - just because the festival isn't for me, that's no reason why others can't have a great time there.
And although I'm exaggerating the toffness for effect, there was a lot to wind me up last time - and several other urbanite Big Chill veterans too. The selfish attitude in the camper van field ("this is my area - stay away!") and the mountains of camping stuff just left behind rubbed me up the wrong way and make no mistake
Not like most other festivals at all then...
I went to this last year and have to say I quite enjoyed myself. It is a bit of a corporate wankfest and as others have said it is really upper middle class (the car park was rammed full of Merc and Audis). However the location is beautiful and there were some decent DJ's playing (depending on your taste), totally dies at around 3am though.

i can't go this year due to a wedding but I probably would go again if only for Norman J's set on Sunday afternoon in glorious sunshine.

I had to beg a lift cos I can't drive. A lovely couple picked us (2 adults + toddler) up in a clapped out estate on their way from brighton and wouldn't take a penny in petrol money.

Just like you can't judge a book by its cover I guess you can't judge a festival by its carpark.

But yeah, it's totally middle class. And that's fine with me, cos I came to terms with my own middle classness years ago. And yeah, it does finish earlier than most festies, but that's also fine cos I'm gonna be up at the crack of dawn with kids anyway.
PDAs are sooooo yesterday, man. Get with it daddy-o.

Thing is, I quite liked the first Big Chills but when they decided to ramp up the profits and go from around 8,000 to 29,000 people in one go, it lost just about everything I liked about the place.

And although I'm exaggerating the toffness for effect, there was a lot to wind me up last time - and several other urbanite Big Chill veterans too. The selfish attitude in the camper van field ("this is my area - stay away!") and the mountains of camping stuff just left behind rubbed me up the wrong way and make no mistake.

But hey - just because the festival isn't for me, that's no reason why others can't have a great time there.

Posh people used to piss me off but they don't anymore. Probably because most of them don't realise they're posh. They're just people in the end.

Anyway, it's all academic cos I'm not going to the big chill this year or the next.
I had to beg a lift cos I can't drive. A lovely couple picked us (2 adults + toddler) up in a clapped out estate on their way from brighton and wouldn't take a penny in petrol money.

Just like you can't judge a book by its cover I guess you can't judge a festival by its carpark.

This is true actually and whatever the class of people everybody I met was very friendly and there was a really good vibe (I wasent in the campervan area).
Not like most other festivals at all then...
The campervan field really was unlike any other festival I'd been to. Some of the vehicles were fucking massive and monstrously expensive - one twat even had a fucking satellite TV dish and a massive screen inside - and I'd never seen so much space pegged out around some vans.
I used to go to this and loved it - if you ignore said middle class poncey kid owners, the 24hr cafe can get pretty lively from 2am til 6am full of gurning spooners and although the bars are expensive the music is usually top. The art trail and weird spooky fairground thing is great as well :cool:

That said, it was about 2004 I last went.
One of the reasons I liked it was because there wasn't much litter. I hate the lack of respect at Glasto - all that rubbish thrown down, makes me sad - there are bins everywhere - why not use 'em? I don't get it. BC never used to be like that.....then it changed. It was filthy the last time we went with the worst bogs of any festival. There was other stuff too, that annoyed us, but that's one that springs to mind. After the last one we went to, we all agreed we weren't going to bother going anymore. Yes it is middle class and so am I FFS, but you could hardly call Glastonbury working class anyhow.
One of the reasons I liked it was because there wasn't much litter. I hate the lack of respect at Glasto - all that rubbish thrown down, makes me sad - there are bins everywhere - why not use 'em? I don't get it. BC never used to be like that.....then it changed. It was filthy the last time we went with the worst bogs of any festival. There was other stuff too, that annoyed us, but that's one that springs to mind. After the last one we went to, we all agreed we weren't going to bother going anymore. Yes it is middle class and so am I FFS, but you could hardly call Glastonbury working class anyhow.
Yep. It changed for me when they massively upped the capacity and everything fell apart. The toilets were fucking dreadful, the queues massive and the stewarding a joke.

I saw some beefy bloke trying to steal a woman's bag and told the hopelessly wussy steward who refused to do anything because 'he couldn't see anything.'

I complained several times about the one large toilet that was dangerously tilting into the ground (people kept tripping as they came out) but nothing was done all weekend. That's when I stopped going.

Mind you, the waste at last year's Glasto was fucking disgraceful too. So many selfish fuckers about.
for all the flack it gets here, ive been the last two years with a big group of mates (as its local) and we've had ourselves an extremely lively and enjoyable time. the lineup is always pretty good (theyve got leonard cohen and the buzzcocks this year) and ive always found the atmosphere to be nothing but friendly and happy. toilets are fine if you know the right place to go. yes, im middle-class, shock horror! me and most of the country, ffs. its no squat rave, naturally, but there are a thousand worse festivals than this and the last two for us have been highlights of our years, consecutively.
I've been a few years running with a group of mates and we always have a good time. It's not a full on banging affair but I don't want to go to that kind of festival anyway..... I do appreciate people's criticisms but it's not shit - just not to everyone's taste. I'd fucking kill myself if I was forced to go to Glade for instance :oops:
This middle class twat is taking his little darling. No 4x4 buggy though. Bit much to expect at 10 years old. I mean, it's a long way for her to push me back, especially if it's muddy :)

I am going without (now ex)partner, so would be nice meet up with fellow-minded parents.
I'm going this year I think, some of my friends want to see Bill Bailey and the Mighty Boosh. I'm easily pleased, so I reckon I'll have a good time. Don't get out much.

They're only saying those hurtful things because it's actually the most awesome fixture of the summer calendar, but don't want everyone to know.

Fuck it, I get to see Bill Bailey and Leonard Cohen with a spliff and a bottle of scrumpy, slaps the arse off another night down the pub.

Hey sweet fa thanks for the selective quoting. What about the good things I said? (shrugs)
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