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Re-writing the history of the Genova G8 summit.


Well-Known Member
For a long time i have read all over the web that genoa was all about violent thugs doing the summit hopping in 2000/2001. The debate happens here as well as on other sites like indymedia.

Time to set the record straight on alot of things that happened during that G8. My sources are court documentation, video footage and police radio traffic that come from two trials (one of them still ongoing) in Genova. Plus OP genova 2001- http://www.processig8.org/OP.html . Part one is revealed now: what happened on the 20th of july 2001 at the height of the G8 protest ( it is by no means a full history). Part two on Diaz will be published soon.

For a long time the truth of what happened there has been shouded in mystery and legend. it was only with the development of time/data codes extracted from the "trial of the 25" and "the Diaz raid" that many of the video tapes could be sychronised to finally reveal what actually happened. Combined with police /emergency 113/118 phone calls and police radio traffic from friday afternoon (20th july)and saturday night/ sunday (21/22nd July)

It has now become clear that the main Carabinieri unit, under the command of Modelli disobeyed orders from Police Questura for some 45 minutes and attacked Tute Bianche (the italian white overalls).

Orginally, and it was revealed in the trial of the 25, that the police plan at Genova was to allow Tute Bianche and the other demos to the Redzone barrier, surround and contain the demos with the aim of protecting the side streets and public property in Eastern Genova. Mondelli destroyed the official Police plan. Whilst being directed up to Marrassi prison to deal with the real black block, he decided to attack a legally authorised demo that had parliamentary MP's and a police liason team on the front. The size of hte demo was 5,500 armoured activists and 30,000 other people. mostly italian.

It took 45 minutes for Police Questura to dispatch a message via messenger and get Mondelli to withdraw. By this time, he had lost half of his 200 men unit to exhaustion, fighting and injury. Due to the fact that Mondelli had split the biggest demo in Genova into the side streets just east of Brignole Station, the police plan was useless. Forced to commit other units to support the withdraw of Mondelli, caused the deployment of Canterini's 7th unit from rome to come to the aid of Mondelli directly. Another carabineri unit sent forward was commanded by Bruno. Within this unit was Mario Planncanica, the cop that was to shoot Carlo Guiliani dead.

In testimony in the trial of the 25, Bruno was ordered to take and hold Piazza Alimonda. he was also ordered not to take on Tute Bianche who were clashing with Canterini's men on Via Tolemaide. He disobeyed this order by attacking Tute Bianche which caused the demo to drive Bruno's men into a confused retreat. Whilst Bruno had not given an order for Planncanica's jeep to follow, it did. In the chaotic retreat, Bruno's men ran past the two jeeps and retreated south. Planncanica's jeep was immobilised because it could not reverse or turn around.

Meantime, Canterini's unit pushed back Tute Bianche with tanks and water cannon. It then mopped up causing serious human rights abuses even before being deployed later for the Diaz raid.

Mondelli's failure to obey orders allowed the 'fake black block' to run amok in eastern Genoa. 88 businesses (mostly small) and 105 cars were destroyed. It will be continued to be argued that this was by design anyway.

Another grim piece of evidence revealed in the 'trial of the 25' was that mondelli, Canterini and Bruno's men used unauthorised, illegal batons. The regular issue is not designed to break bones. The illegal batons appeared to be heavy steel manganise steel will little rubber prootection. put simply, it was like being hit with a crowbar used with extreme force. The commanding officers could not account for see video footage of their men using both types of batons at the same time.

Spartaco Mortola, A DIGOS commander attached to Canterini, revealed in court that his police vans, weighing at least 4 tons, had been used to deliberately to run over protesters and attempt to kill them. His men were also responsible for firing an entire clip of pistol ammunition into Tute Bianche (without hitting anyone). Mortola is primary on trial for his crimes at the Diaz Raid though.

By the evening of the 20th of July as the fires were being dampened, both sides withdrew. A shocked world watched the killing of a protester on their TV. the world was not to know that for most of the afternoon, the G8 history was not being decided by either side but by a man called Mondelli.

Whilst 24 of the 25 protester were given guilty verdicts in December 2007 (the highest is 14 years for attacking a cop), Mondelli and Bruno are being sent for trial in Rome. Officially both are a disgrace to the Carabineri service and reputation.

For those who argue (i hope to include the daily mail posters here) that people went to Genova for a fight, there are wrong. The movement of movements had no idea that it was walking into a private agenda of Fini to deal with his left wing opponents. Commanders like Mondelli, Canterini and Bruno would go on to be responsible for tragic loss of life that should of not happend combined with massive human rights abuse that have caused Amnesty International to describe it as the worst human rights abuse in europe since WWII.

Genova was described as the weekend war by the guardian. If you were there, it is an apt description. The movement, which was there to warn the world about climate change, appeal to the G8 over the plight of Africa and free trade (dropping subsidies) and dropping the Debt was seen as a threat that had to be crushed.


Part two. "The Diaz Raid" will be published soon.

Please feel free to ask questions for research or debate.
cheers for that post, is this you that's put this together?

good work, someone needed to do it, I'll have a watch of the videos at some point soon.
Whilst 24 of the 25 protester were given guilty verdicts in December 2007 (the highest is 14 years for attacking a cop)

i haven't seen this on ABC lists - is he definitely inside and do you have his details? Who else is in prison over this?

For those who argue (i hope to include the daily mail posters here) that people went to Genova for a fight, there are wrong. The movement of movements had no idea that it was walking into a private agenda of Fini to deal with his left wing opponents.
lets not mess up otherwise decent research and writing with over the top assertions - people did go to fight, and they did fight too. This fighting was totally dwarfed by the violence of the police and will be insignificant in history next to the underhand and plain evil things the authorities did. But to say nobody went to Geneva to fight on the protestors side is untrue. Climate change and whale saving and 3rd world debt are only some issue for a lot of revolutionaries who oppose capitalsim part and parcel, and were willing to use violence at the g8 summits. The points is - how much violence, what kind of violence, and why? How violent it a shield wall? How vilolent is bricking a cop in a full riot suit?

Commanders like Mondelli, Canterini and Bruno would go on to be responsible for tragic loss of life that should of not happend combined with massive human rights abuse that have caused Amnesty International to describe it as the worst human rights abuse in europe since WWII.


yeah actually I thought that... be very surprised if they'd rated it as worse than prague, or budapest, or more recently the balkans.

my main criticism of the post would be that it's not sourced at all, I was hoping that would be tackled in the linked videos that I've not had chance to watch yet.
its a bit off topic, but that can't be right, it was grim, but what about the massacre of Algerians in Paris during the Algerian war, 100's murdered, many thrown into the Seine or bosnia, kosovo, etc.
On the issue of the Genova trial of the 25 protesters...

sorry, i made one slight error. 14 years was not the max. it appears 11 years was the highest. this is a translated and shortened from http://www.donvitaliano.it/?p=599. i would welcome help on this. forgive me, i may not be very good in the translation....

Genoa G8: condemnation of 24 demonstrators to 102 years in prison

On 14 December, the court in Genoa has issued the first degree sentence
in the trial against 25 demonstrators accused of devastation and Looting to the facts of the G8 in Genoa in July 2001. 102 years

Total prison for 24 demonstrators instead of the 225 required by Anna Canepa prosecutors and Andrea Canciani. "A judgement heavy and Disproportionate to the facts, "according to Lorenzo Guadagnucci, the Committee truth And justice.

The Court hearing, chaired by Marco Devoto and condemned:

11 years-Lecco Cugnaschi
10 years and six months- Vincenzo Older,
9 years- Alberto Funaro,
7 years and ten months- Carlo Cuccomarino,
7 years and eight months -Antonino Valguarnera
7 years and six months- Carlo Arculeo
6 years and six months- Dario Ursino
6 years- Ines Morasca.

For four of them were also requested three years of freedom
Probation, having granted the penalty Chamber and the Standing
Public offices. For others, the crime of devastation and looting during the clashes occurred viaTolemaide.

Massimiliano Monai was sentenced to 5 years for injuries to driver Philip Cavataio In Piazza Alimonda.

two years and Six months Paul Putzolu
one year and 8 months Paul Dammicco,
one year and six months Fabrizio De Andrade,
year and 5 months Federico Da Re, Angelo Di Pietro and Filippo
year and 4 months Duccio Caffagnini and Stefano Bonetti
Year and two months Flanders and Francesco Antonio Toto
11 months Tabar Firouzi
Luke Finotti ten months,
Mauro Degl'Innocenti six months
5 months Domenico Ceci.


At the Same time as these erdicts were given, Mondelli and Bruno were indicted for disobeying orders and sent for trial. Canterini remains on trial for his crimes at Diaz.

What will happen next is the Genova Legal Forum will appeal these verdicts and this is now ongoing.

Taxamo Wolf, i will provide sources concerning the amnesty quote soon...
"The wave of madness in the days of the G8 2001"

Bolzaneto, the indictment of Morisani
"The wave of madness in the days of the G8"
The Bolzaneto trial has entered its final phase process for the violence in the infamous Police barracks.

yesterday morning Genova Prosecutor Mario Morisani stood to begin his final arguements in the Bolzaneto G8 torture case, the sister case to Diaz. He spoke of the G8 in Genoa which "had been a wave of insanity. Everyone lost control on one side and the other".

Supported by fellow prosecutors Patrizia Petruzziello and Vittorio Ranieri Miniati, the state's case against 47 prison police and five doctors would last over six court sessions before closing. The defendants are accused of abuse Office, private violence, abuse of authority against detained or arrested, Forgery, breach of the penitentiary regulations and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Morisani stated it has been a massive challenge for the prosecutors office and the italian legal system in bringing indictments to so many police. The process had started on October 12 2005 and has had 157 court days which have heard 392 witnesses and 12 defendants.

The judge expects to rule in June on the final verdict of the Bolzaneto episode.


G8 prosecutor describes "cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment"

(a rough translation)

In the Bolzaneto barracks were inflicted persons stops "at least four of the five interrogation techniques that, according to the European Court on Human Rights called upon to rule on the suppression of the riots in Ireland in the seventies, constitute" inhuman and degrading treatment ".

Patrizia Petruzziello and with colleague Vittorio Ranieri Miniati supported the accusation in the case against the violence in the Bolzaneto barracks during the G8 summit in Genoa 2001.

On behaviour harassment suffered by arrested forced to stand for hours, in inconvenient locations, beaten, taken around, deprived of food and water. the Prosecutor mentioned UN convention banning torture and the treatment is inhumane, cruel or degrading. This is a provision against torture, said the magistrate, Italy ratified in 1989 but has not yet translated into a criminal law.

According to pm what happened at Bolzaneto was an inhuman and degrading torture but there is no law in italy that covers the description of the evidence at Bolzaneto. The prosecutors could only apply article 323- abuse of office and breach of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedom 'fundamental abuse of authority' against persons arrested or detained, threats, insults, injuries.

Prosecutor Petruzziello said that for the offence of torture and the inhumane and degrading treatment he would be expecting sentences from 4 to 10 years. Sentences being handed down in 2009.

The prosecutor cited several judgments of the European Court on Human Rights, which had as its object torture or inhuman and degrading treatment. One of them, and 'the judgement of January 18, 1978, known to have touched on the so-called five technical harassment in the method of interrogation, issued following the appeal presented by the Government of the Republic of Ireland against the Government of the United Kingdom. The case concerned ill-treatment which have been the subject people arrested during riots occurred between'71 and'72. "It emerged - explained the prosecutor - that those arrested were forced to stand against a wall in 'position of power'; were hooded, subjected to continuous noise while being interrogated, deprived of sleep, food and beverages. "Of the five treatments examined by the Court and considered inhuman - says the prosecutor - four were certainly inflicted on Bolzaneto (there are no cases of incapppucciamento).

On the sidelines of the process adv. Dario Rossi assisting some of those offenses said: "There may be extreme to bring the matter before the European Court in Strasbourg because our law, as recognized by the same prosecutors, does not provide adequate legal expenses compared to the harassment inflicted upon all those who have transited for Bolzaneto. " The process resume 'on March 3.


Background on the Bolzaneto G8 torture case:

On the night of July 21/22nd and just after the infamous diaz raid, Diaz police and prison police from Bolzaneto arrived at San martino hospital on the orders of Fini and Lega Nord Justice minister Roberto castelli to drag over 50 diaz victims from their hospital beds and transport them to Bolzaneto Police Detention Barracks some ten miles north of Genova. This was done against the protests of the Doctors and without the authorization of the Judicial authority.

The shift change at 9pm that sunday night by a newly arrived Carabinieri unit was to spell a night of torture and interrogation for the next 12 hours. Much went on behind closed doors and with no video evidence, the prosecutors office only had the victims and witness statements. From what can be peiced together, that sunday night, there were over 200 people imprisoned in Bolzaneto, 81 from Diaz(30 had come directly from Diaz). Apart from the description this week by Genova Prosecutor Mario Morisani - "It emerged - explained the prosecutor - that those arrested were forced to stand against a wall in 'position of power'; were hooded, subjected to continuous noise while being interrogated, deprived of sleep, food and beverages- but statements speaking of teargas thrown inside prison cells and the door closed, thereby suffocating the prisoners and Kangaroo courts.

The Diaz victims were in particularly poor shape compared with some of the other arrested people. Engel, a polish protester was beaten whilst having an un-diagnosed skull fracture. He could of died at any time according to prosecutors. A turkish victim had serious head injuries but was left in a cell for many hours without medical assistance.

Prosecutors were so alarmed by the actions of the police doctors at Bolzaneto, five doctors were arrested alongside the prison police. One in particular was nicknamed 'Dr mengele' for his vicious attitude. Bolzaneto medical staff witnessed acts of torture and abuse but did not intervene or treat the victims.

Was Bolzaneto politically sanctioned or was it the actions of some prison cop unit? The evidence presented came from Lega Nord Justice minister in 2006. In 2001, Roberto Castelli- the Lega Nord Justice minister - testified that he performed a 'prison inspection' of Bolzaneto that saturday afternoon of July 21st while the genova riots were raging. Called in 2006 and being faced with being blamed for Bolzaneto, he changed his testimony and stated that Gianfranco Fini had ordered him to go to Bolzaneto and "set the conditions". The prosecutors office reached the conclusion that the arrival of the Carabineri unit at Bolzaneto - an unusual event- was what was meant by 'setting the conditions"

So far Gianfranco Fini has not been called by the courts either in Bolzaneto or Diaz.

The motives for what happened at Bolzaneto are multiple. For the police, after planting evidence at Diaz, they saw bolzaneto as a processing transit point for the victims to arrive at Pavia prison. For castelli and Fini, it was an opportunity to cause harm to the movement of movements that threatened them before the G8.

When some of the Diaz victims did arrive at Pavia the wednesday after their ordeal, the staff took pity and gave them food and showers. They were also treated by medical staff and allowed access to lawyers and embassy staff. By Wednesday night, all Diaz victims were released from custody without charge by a judge in Rome.
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