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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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I was just posting on the other one when you closed it! Gave me a proper shock! :D

Anyway, cheese omelette and chips tonight.

Ooo does that mean I technically got last in on the last thread then :p :D

So fish pie maybe. No meat!! What a shocker. But we might find a butcher later and that'll all change :oops:
I'm still reeling from the shock of Mogden possibly having fish pie!!!1!1ONE

(sorry :D)

Dunno what to have tonight - I might pop down the veg market and pick up some stuff for a tasty, healthy tea. I feel like doing something nice for the mister as he takes such good care of me and kept me cheery last night when I was working till 11.30.
not sure, thursday is lazy tea day

either pasta or roasted veg and cous cous

or chips :D
Oh shit! It's Thursday? Thanks Rollem for reminding me! :oops:

Can cheese omelette and chips be microwaved to reheat it?
I was going to walk the small girl down to Sainsburys (a good half hour job where it's normally 10, but she does enjoy it so....) and do a hefty shop, then come back and make......

1 a chicken, cashew and apple curry
2 a veg curry
3 some beefburgers
4 some herby/garlicky/lemony crumbed chicken thighs
5 a lamb casserole and
6 a salmon and roast veg quiche

...then choose one to eat tonight and freeze/store the rest so that cooking is not neccessary for the next few days!

However, heo's mum just left this morning and given that her constant random, nutty chatter* disrupted TWO WHOLE nights worth of Big Bro :mad: ......I might just do something else with the salmon and roast veg (the only ingredients I actually already have....but the bloody kids won't have quiche) and catch up on Big Bro on Youtube instead....heh heh. :p

*fave quote of this stay..... 'Oooooh - your traffic lights stay red for much longer than ours! :cool: '.....ya fucking wha'? :confused: :D
sheo, pm me your salmon and roast veg quiche recipay purlease!!! :) <---my best nice face
There is no recipe!

Buy one ready made savoury pastry case. :p :D

Arrange some raw salmon chunks (I cut one fillet into about inch squares...maybe a bit smaller), some veg which you've roasted (courgette, aubergine, mushies, red onion, red and yellow pepper) and some feta (if you fancy it) in the case, then pour over the seasoned egg/milk mix (1 egg to each 50ml of milk iirc and it usually takes 2 or 3 eggs worth to fill the case) and bake at 200 for 35 mins or until browned (takes longer in my crappy oven).

And then - if you're me - eat warm (not hot, not cold! :mad: ) with salad. :cool:
i am unsure what i will be eating for dinner as i will be out at work,but i wont be taking a packed dinner of sushi as planned, as i eated it already :)
I was in the kitchen with her this morning and she was telling me about the staff nurses at her work (it was some story about how they used to be able to eat the bread there but now they have to buy their own :) .............jesus christ...... :( )....

'Well they used to turn a blind eye, but not now. Most of the staff nurses are very strict you see....well there's one, Rachel.....<whispers>...she's a lesbian.....</whispers>....she doesn't mind....but the rest are very strict now'....


Why're you whispering?

And what's that got to do with bread?

:confused: :D
'That's it, look!'

That's her standard reply to anything anyone else says and really translates as - 'I'm not actually listening to you.....instead I'm pondering on what's been my best bogof in the last month :cool: and when I've settled on the winner, I'm going to tell you all about it. :) '
hmmm tonight not sure....some form of hodge podge as home alone and we are away for the weekend, think there is pitta and cold meats, pastrami, salami, salad stuff....some kinda cold meat platter with a greek dip and olive thing going on....yum yum pigs bum:)
Just for balance

My mum on the other hand, turned up the other weekend to drag me and the boy off on her overnight YHA, rambling adventure and along with the usual stack of stuff (she actually went to the trouble of bringing down the London phone books in her trolley for me when I moved.... :eek: :rolleyes: ....I live in Brighton and have the internet :confused: ) brought a 10 minute dvd from the ship wrecking yards in Mumbai, which she forced us all to watch before we went.

It had no soundtrack - no explanation of what was going on - other than the sound of the ship yard itself (which was the point apparently).

Incidentally, it rained the entire time we were walking.
Fuckin smileys up the spout again.

I am laughing.

That's what I'm trying to say. <I'd insert a rolleyes if I could>

<and a mad>
At Hoard towerz tonights menu is grilled tuna steaks with my special secret seasoning and some tomato cous cous and (as may put it above) general salad.
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