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Glastonbury - not as good as it used to be


someinenhhanding menbag and me ah bollox
All the old people have gone. It's just full of people with nothing better to discuss than trivia and how much their house prices have gone up.

There's no proper discussions on the important things that matter any more. It's full of inane twats incapable of knowing good music from bad.

It was much better years ago, but now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon and it's getting progressively worse by the year. I think there should be a halt on new festival goers.
I am thinking of going next year for the first time. I am quite old so it will help the profile. I have no idea what is the difference between bad music and good music either (but I know what I like, boom boom). While I am away my property will have gone up in value as well, so that can't be bad.

Mind you I had never thought of a music festival as a place where discussion was the main agenda. I thought it was about listening to music. But then I have only ever been to one-day festivals. ;)
It is a festival of the performing arts

We are all performers. Or should be anyway :)
Minnie_the_Minx said:
All the old people have gone. It's just full of people with nothing better to discuss than trivia and how much their house prices have gone up.

There's no proper discussions on the important things that matter any more. It's full of inane twats incapable of knowing good music from bad.

It was much better years ago, but now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon and it's getting progressively worse by the year. I think there should be a halt on new festival goers.

Certainly not as good as it used to be.:mad:

The people I didn't have a problem with.

The shite infrastucture and unbelievable costs I couldn't stand. Coupled with trerrible sound and the unadulterated nightmare of leaving.

I am fed up with the veneration of the Eavis'. They are business people like any others - reading the festival magazine is like reading pure propaganda. "i'm glad it rained - we can test the drainage, and it works" say's Eavis. Well a) I'm not glad it rains b) it doesn't fucking work. Either way they have been solidly cashing in on this since 1970. The current state of the festival is just the latest iteration. CND and iCount won't get the punters in like it would have 15 years ago. Now uber hype in the media will suffice. All this charity bollocks is PR padding.

Anyway my complaints are legion. But the bottom line is its not worth the money to me anymore. I got Emperors New Clothes Syndrome when I was wading through the shite soaked to the skin looking for somwhere to spend £5 on a burger. Will be going elsewhere next year.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
There's no proper discussions on the important things that matter any more. It's full of inane twats incapable of knowing good music from bad.

It was much better years ago, but now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon and it's getting progressively worse by the year. I think there should be a halt on new festival goers.

I bet the first time you went, those veterans present that had been going there for years before, were saying exactly the same thing about you and your mates..........

Minnie_the_Minx said:
All the old people have gone.
utter rubbish

It's just full of people with nothing better to discuss than trivia and how much their house prices have gone up.

There's no proper discussions on the important things that matter any more.
there's a small element of truth in that, but actually, there never really was.

It's full of inane twats incapable of knowing good music from bad.

It was much better years ago, but now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon and it's getting progressively worse by the year.
I was there- were you?

I think there should be a halt on new festival goers.
why- what's it to you?
bouncer_the_dog said:
Certainly not as good as it used to be.:mad:

The people I didn't have a problem with.

The shite infrastucture and unbelievable costs I couldn't stand. Coupled with trerrible sound and the unadulterated nightmare of leaving.

I am fed up with the veneration of the Eavis'. They are business people like any others - reading the festival magazine is like reading pure propaganda. "i'm glad it rained - we can test the drainage, and it works" say's Eavis. Well a) I'm not glad it rains b) it doesn't fucking work. Either way they have been solidly cashing in on this since 1970. The current state of the festival is just the latest iteration. CND and iCount won't get the punters in like it would have 15 years ago. Now uber hype in the media will suffice. All this charity bollocks is PR padding.

Anyway my complaints are legion. But the bottom line is its not worth the money to me anymore. I got Emperors New Clothes Syndrome when I was wading through the shite soaked to the skin looking for somwhere to spend £5 on a burger. Will be going elsewhere next year.

don't go then. I don't think it was any 'worse' than 2005 so we all knew what we were getting.

can't be arsed with the other stuff. Only to say I still find it unbelievable that people seriously expect a weekend on a farm in the countryside with 200,000 other people can be done with minimal overheads (and therefore cheap food etc etc) and perfect infrastructure that will avoid flooding and mud.

If you want to be mollycoddled with easily accessible home comforts, go to reading.
have to say that i was rather disappointed with the lack of post midnight activities to be had this year... seems to me to have diminished drastically since 2005... did anyone else experience this?
What fucks me off is all these new people coming along and saying they hate Glastonbury. I've been sayin that for years. Get the fuck off my bandwagon, newbies..
gabi said:
What fucks me off is all these new people coming along and saying they hate Glastonbury. I've been sayin that for years. Get the fuck off my bandwagon, newbies..

Newbie didn't say that at all :D
JTG said:
If you want to be mollycoddled with easily accessible home comforts, go to reading.

LOL :D Reading's a fucking tosshole; loads of lagered up teens trying to be 'random' and 'wacky' by acting like cunts :mad:
gracious said:
have to say that i was rather disappointed with the lack of post midnight activities to be had this year... seems to me to have diminished drastically since 2005... did anyone else experience this?

Nope, there was loads to do in LV, the park, dance field and circus area.
bouncer_the_dog said:
I won't be. The fact its a farm in somerset is not an excuse for slackness.

slackness? the festi is run by volunteers who try, really hard, to make it as good as possible. Maybe it can't match your expectations in the teeth of a deluge, in which case I wish you luck at any other festival.

Be fair though- you were pissed off before you arrived, complaining all across these threads about how badly you, as a consumer, were being treated throughout the ticket process. Also be fair- you chose the unadulterated nightmare of leaving, you had a coach ticket you could have used, but insisted you had to have a car.

The cost- are other festivals cheaper? The last one I went to, Beautiful Days last year, seemed to cost much the same per meal but there was much less choice.

Why you're blaming anyone else for the fact you were soaked to the skin escapes me: I spent a week there and didn't get wet. If you've been before you should have recognised the potential and taken appropriate clothing, most other people managed.

I'm sad that your various strategies didn't work out, but you're blaming the festival for things that other people sidestepped, either because their planning worked better or because their expectations were different.
bouncer_the_dog said:
I won't be. The fact its a farm in somerset is not an excuse for slackness.

The fact it's a farm in Somerset is an excuse for the place being a mudbath when it encounters vast quantities of rain and a couple of hundred thousand people. You know this before you go. No amount of drainage will change this so be prepared or don't come.

I spent a total of 24 hours across three separate days standing outside in the pissing rain working and didn't once get soaked to the skin because I had decent footwear and clothing. The only mud I ended up with was on my boots and trousers.

As I say, if you want to be on a site which is close to 'civilisation' and unlikely to turn into an ankle deep swamp, go to Reading. Glastonbury is what it is and unless they move it to a completely different site, and probably country, it won't escape the basic problems of mud after wet weather that you are bemoaning.

It's just beyond me why you thought it may have been any different - I have no idea whether you have been before but you must surely have seen pictures of previous wet years.

ETA: Michael Eavis was referring to the new drainage through the railway line to prevent the near disastrous flooding of two years ago. It worked.
As for going elsewhere - well I'll be interested to see if you get the sheer variety of experiences for the same money anywhere else or find any festival caterers elsewhere who do significantly cheaper meals. Because I doubt that you will.
bouncer_the_dog said:
I'm a miserable, old bastard and I'm upset by the world changing around me and change in myself. If an experince doesn't live up to the carefree, rose tinted memories of my youth, then it's shite

Fixed :p
Balbi said:
loads of <people> trying to be 'random' and 'wacky' by acting like cunts :mad:

And that's Glastonbury. :D

Bouncer- You're not allowed to be grumpy on these boards! Have you seen some of the abuse I've had?!! :D :D
Onket said:
And that's Glastonbury. :D

Bouncer- You're not allowed to be grumpy on these boards! Have you seen some of the abuse I've had?!! :D :D

Yeah but you're funny and loveable with it :)
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