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anyone back from glastonbury yet, or not?

i got back a few hours ago, rivers of mud and all that indie music arent really my scene so i didnt stick it out to the end (got free tickets though so it doesnt matter)

looking forward to Glade now...
nice one max_freakout, what's the point of all that mud?

anyone else with a tale to tell, or having problems coming down?
jonH said:
nice one max_freakout, what's the point of all that mud?

anyone else with a tale to tell, or having problems coming down?

they SAID they'd done something to improve the drainage for this year but i think they were talking bullshit, the mud was flowing from yesterday

the tipi village was fucking cool, i want to live in one of those one day....

and even though everyone disagrees with me, i think Amy Winehouse is fuckin' GORGEOUS, that hair!!! :eek:

and Bjork was incredible last night too....
max_freakout said:
they SAID they'd done something to improve the drainage for this year but i think they were talking bullshit, the mud was flowing from yesterday

the tipi village was fucking cool, i want to live in one of those one day....

and even though everyone disagrees with me, i think Amy Winehouse is fuckin' GORGEOUS, that hair!!! :eek:

and Bjork was incredible last night too....
But its clear from the telly that not all of the site is muddy.

I guess if you get the population of a decent sized city all tramping round a field it IS going to get muddy

Can I have your free ticket next year?:confused:
LilMissHissyFit said:
But its clear from the telly that not all of the site is muddy.

well i went round all of it and i can honestly say it was about 85% muddy, the uphill places and a few of the less trodden places werent, but all the stages were complete mudbaths

LilMissHissyFit said:
Can I have your free ticket next year?:confused:

if i can still get them next year.... pm me 2 months beforehand and i'll let you know :)
max_freakout said:
they SAID they'd done something to improve the drainage for this year but i think they were talking bullshit, the mud was flowing from yesterday

They say that every year. The mud always wins out :)
LilMissHissyFit said:
Surely the mud is just part of the experience?

i was a festival virgin until last summer when i had an awesome time at Glade, where the ground was dry and solid (admiottedly due to the complete lack of rain) and i was naively expecting Glasto to be the same

this Glasto was my second ever festie and i was pretty ashamed that i left early, but i have to say the mud ruined it for me, maybe im just too softcore but i do not like getting covered in mud

on the Thurs evening when i arrived, i was wandering around the fields in flipflops and i noticed the overwhelming preponderance of wellington boots, and it confused me because it was perfectly warm and dry at that point, until Friday morning when i had to buy my own pair of wellies and nearly lost my flipflops in the streaming mud on the way to the wellie shop :(
max_freakout said:
this Glasto was my second ever festie and i was pretty ashamed that i left early, but i have to say the mud ruined it for me, maybe im just too softcore but i do not like getting covered in mud


King Biscuit Time said:
Quite. Grit your teeth while you slip your wet jeans back on and get back on it.

If I go next year my cheeks are at your disposal LMHF. :)

Or wear shorts with yer wellies:D

Ive never been but Ive reached the conclusion that if you arent the sort who would be happy camping in the rain in a half decent campsite then dont do Glastonbury eh?
TheHoodedClaw said:
The Beeb have got her whole set (and loads of others) online for the next seven days here

OH cool! Totral techopleb here, can you save those to disk?

Only my daughters friends were pictured dancing in the mud during Lily Allens set and we wanted to give them a copy- only our sky+ didnt record them dancing and we couldnt record it off the interactive service.
LilMissHissyFit said:
OH cool! Totral techopleb here, can you save those to disk?

Only my daughters friends were pictured dancing in the mud during Lily Allens set and we wanted to give them a copy- only our sky+ didnt record them dancing and we couldnt record it off the interactive service.

Prolly not legal, but google for real media stream grabber ;)
Welcome back, campers!

The Hippopotamus by Michael Flanders

A bold Hippopotamus was standing one day
On the banks of the cool Shalimar.
He gazed at the bottom as it peacefully lay
By the light of the evening star.

Away on the hilltop sat combing her hair
Was a fair Hippopotami maid
The Hippopotamus was no ignoramus
And sang her this sweet serenade:

“Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!
So follow me, follow, down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud!”

The fair Hippopotama he aimed to entice
From her seat on that hilltop above,
As she hadn't got a Ma to give her advice,
Came tiptoeing down to her love.

Like thunder the forest re-echoed the sound
Of the song that they sang as they met
His inamorata adjusted her garter
And lifted her voice in duet:

“Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!
So follow me, follow, down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud!”

Now more Hippopotami began to convene
On the banks of that river so wide.
I wonder, now, what am I to say of the scene
That ensued by the Shalimar side?

They dived all at once, with an ear-splitting splosh
Then rose to the surface again
A regular army of Hippopotami
All singing this haunting refrain:

“Mud, Mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!
So follow me, follow, down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud!”
Rutita1 said:
Just painted my nails :D Been playing today...my strumming is really coming along, I'm chuffed...and you?

A bit better.We're moving house in a few weeks so I won't have much time for guitar for a while :(
LilMissHissyFit said:
But its clear from the telly that not all of the site is muddy.

haha, that's bollocks I'm afraid. Pretty much everywhere is mud. There's rivers of mud in most fields, every pathway is either mud or sludge coated metal walkways. Up in the new Park field was fucking ridiculous, a swamp. Maybe a few lesser trod areas (camping areas) have some grass but all I saw was mud, mud and more fucking mud.... So I thought fuck it and came home today. Left my tent and everything there, covered in.. MUD! :D
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