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Mean Fiddler or Mother Fuckers - Cheeky Spamming C-nts


Enforced Holiday
i registered for Glastonbury just in case we needed to be on the ID list for passes. Obviously didn't try for tickets.

Got this today:

Dear Festival Goer,

I'm sorry you were unable to get a ticket to Glastonbury this year. I hope there will be another chance for you to come during the next four years. Of course there's always BBC TV and radio to keep you in touch with the music that will be going on around the various stages.

Can I suggest that you might like to look at the possibility of going to another festival---namely the Latitude Festival, set in a beautiful part of Suffolk. Although much smaller it has some terrific music and has a similar feel to it by way of theatre comedy circus and much more.

Tickets are available at XXXXXX

Best wishes and thank you so much for supporting our Festival

Latitude Festival

now that's a Mean Fiddler festy. Not sure how much MF is still involved in Glastonbury, but that's fucking cheeky
I think you'll find MF are still heavily involved in Glastonbury but it's not so obvious.

A friend of mine was trying to get funding for a business idea he had which involved the distribution of CDs. This involved him having some meetings with a few fairly big wigs, and he was telling me something about MF being more involved with Glastonbury, it may have involved them buying a portion of it but i'm really not sure.
Imagine thet provided the "infrastructure" for Glasto to sell tickets in the way they did. Cheeky as hell though...esp the TV part...:mad: :D
beesonthewhatnow said:
Errrr, I thought that all the registration data was being used only for the glasto tickets and nothing else?

me too.

i might get all irritated and do some investigating
Dubversion said:
me too.

i might get all irritated and do some investigating
It's gotta be worth at least one stoppy email, IIRC they were very clear at the start that any data held was for registration purposes only, and would be destroyed afterwards.
Have just posted this on "Ask Infoman"

I am bloody seething over this. We were absolutely assured in the announcement on the Website that registration data would not be used for any reason other than the sale of Glastonbury tickets and that all data would be destroyed shortly after the festival. Latitude is a Melvin Benn / Mean Fiddler event & their use of registration data to spam their own corporate festival is a gross betrayal of the trust that we placed in GFL to hold our data secure. Could somebody please supply us with an e-mail address so that we can make my feelings known to the appropriate offenders.

Will advise if I hear anything.:mad:
They must have more than jsut the registration info if they can work out if you got a ticket or not to Glasto.
PieEye said:
They must have more than jsut the registration info if they can work out if you got a ticket or not to Glasto.

I assumed that they were only being sent out to people who registered but didn't get tickets but it seems that people who only registered once & got a ticket are still receiving the e-mail.
Yup it stinks alright. It's See Tickets doing this and it just aint on, especially as GFL promised that it would not happen.
I registered, but then didn't make any effort to get a ticket.

Received this email today.

Very unimpressed, but then again... "Mean Fiddler in Acting Like Cunts Shocka!" It's not really front page stuff, is it? :(
please forward info about this to the information commisioner - i'm no expert on data protection, and am not in full possession of the facts, but it sounds like they've broken the law to me.

i believe they hand out BIG FINES for this sort of shit too - it's partly what DP is set up to stop, after all...
does anyone have any blurb from glasto about the information provided for the registration, proving it was supposed to be for their use only?
Found it on Virtual Festivals - the Glasto Registration page is shut.

No information collected by registration will be offered for sale or use by any third party organisation. Unsuccessful ticket applicants will have their data destroyed and all ticket holders? registration details and photos will be destroyed within one month of the 2007 festival.

thing is, it's just occurred to me i might not be the best person to complain - i'm probably going to be working (indirectly) for MF and Glasto this summer.

Anybody else want to make a fuss? Youcan get the complaints form here
killer b said:
please forward info about this to the information commisioner - i'm no expert on data protection, and am not in full possession of the facts, but it sounds like they've broken the law to me.

i believe they hand out BIG FINES for this sort of shit too - it's partly what DP is set up to stop, after all...
I am fairly knowledgeable on Data Protection law, and yes they have been in breach of Data Protection law, although as yet not majorily so.

When companies take your details they are not allowed to pass them to the third party without your permission, retain them without your permission or contact or advertise to you without your permission. They are also not allowed to use your information in way other than for the purpose it was gathered.

In this case they haven't passed them on to the third party as such, they have retained them. They have advertised to you without permission and they have used your info for purposes other than for that which it was gathered.

This would be considered a minor breach compared to passing the details to a third party though, or say, contacting you when you had specifically requested otherwise. Still well worth informing the Information Commissioner's Office and telling them to get MF a slapped wrist.
DeadManWalking said:
But MF aren't a third party?

yes they are, Glastonbury Festivals are distinct from MF, even if MF have some involvement in Glastonbury Festivals

anyway, as Idaho has explained, that probably doesn't matter.

It's a real trust issue this - i didn't have TOO much of a problem with the whole registration thing because i thought I could at least trust them not to do anything cheeky with the data.

Turns out my trust was misplaced..
It's hardly "some" involvement - MF own 50% of Glastonbury. Who do you think has been guiding the pressure to up the attendance figures?

I'd be certain that you clicked on some kind of disclaimer when you submitted your details, and it's highly unlikely you could class MF as a third party distinct from Glasto.
dogmatique said:
It's hardly "some" involvement - MF own 50% of Glastonbury. Who do you think has been guiding the pressure to up the attendance figures?

is that still the case, i thought Eavis was easing out of that deal?
Knowing Vince Power, the chance of him relaxing his grip on Glasto now that he's got a firm hand on it is unlikely...
dogmatique said:
Knowing Vince Power, the chance of him relaxing his grip on Glasto now that he's got a firm hand on it is unlikely...

he hasn't been involved with MF for ages, has he?
dogmatique said:
It's hardly "some" involvement - MF own 50% of Glastonbury. Who do you think has been guiding the pressure to up the attendance figures?

I'd be certain that you clicked on some kind of disclaimer when you submitted your details, and it's highly unlikely you could class MF as a third party distinct from Glasto.

afaik MF never had more than a 30% stake & that was based on a deal which expired in 2005. Melvin Benn is still the license holder & I was led to believe that his involvement with MF / Clear channel had also been curtailed but there must be some sort of weighty organisation behind him on the security & logistics side to have got council approval for the license this year. There’s definitely some smoke & mirrors going on with regard to who is responsible & it may be some form of shadow company involvement but MF as such is out of the picture.

Incidentally Michael Eavis has now placed an endorsement for Latitude on the front page of the Glasto website although Infoman has spoken to him directly & he knew nothing of the spam e-mail situation.
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