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Arcade Fire- Neon Bible [March 6th 2007]


A change of scene, a change of style....
I only recently got into The Arcade Fire, I heard Funeral when it came out and I really liked it, but then I got my own copy and I wasn't really in the mood for it, so it got dismissed as a bit too happy happy joy joy for me (I think I really wanted to listen to something a bit more epic at that point in time). Then I put it on the other night and I really enjoyed it (must have been in the right frame of mind), so I was quite excited to get a copy of Neon Bible.
I got it the other day, and I listened to it through about 4 times. And I listened to it again. I didn't like it at all at first, it's growing on me, but some of it is rubbish.
Yes, I realise I am pretty down on almost everything all the time anyway, but so far I'm not convinced that it's anything special compared to what they've shown themselves capable of. I don't want to piss on anyone's parade, because I know this album's been long-awaited and highly anticipated, and they're a good band, for sure. I'm probably not well placed to give this a glowing review anyway, seeing as I'm not a dedicated fan. Maybe I just don't get it, which I'd be happy to accept. So kids, what do you all think?

My over-riding impression is that throughout the album it sounds like they're trying to be someone else. There are hints of Pulp, TV on The Radio, The Killers new stuff (and therefore U2 :() maybe even some Tom Vek... I don't know, placing all the influences is beyond me right now.

(I've made some of this small because it's just me gibbering and probably of only minimal interest)

The opening track "Black Mirror" is pretty cool, but it's plagued by sub-Pulp minor-key melodic interludes that (IMO) destroy the flow, and not in a particularly good way.
Then we move on to "Keep The Car Running", a single apaprently, and it sounds like a one of the lamer songs off The Killer's new album coupled with some U2 or something. Still nods heavily to Pulp, but without any of Jarvis's storytelling skills. :(
The title track is very pretty, has a lullaby-esque feel to it, slow, floaty, yeah this one's pretty good. So I think "Yay, it was just a blip, the album's warming up, it's a carefully crafted piece, just like their artwork it's going to bear serious focus"
Next up is "Intervention", opens witha very alluring huge pipe organ noise, and actually has some quite satisfactory lyrics, but the singing is a bit twee, the vocal melody is quite uninspired la,laaa,la-la :( Not too bad though, nice backing vocals, sweet tune.

Black Wave Black Vibration follows, and it's my favourite track on the album at the moment, it sounds big, it's densely produced, lush, exactly what I want from them :)
It marks a turning point in the album, really towards the more epic sounds.
The next track is Ocean of Noise and it's just a bit overbloated for my liking, lots of nice strings but his singing doesn't really do it for me here. Which is a shame because the piano's good. Maybe I just don't like the way it's mixed. I can't put my finger on it exactly.

The Well and The Lighthouse, comes on and it's like Pulp, again. Except that his voice is even more annoying now. His delivery is starting to get on my tits at this point
(Antichrist Television Blues) is good, but the over-riding impression I get is "OMFG, it's just like Pulp" again! There are some guitar hooks in there that are pretty much lifted straight out of His'n'Hers.

There's some more tracks, they're ok, I can't be bothered to moan about them anymore.

Special mention goes to "No Cars Go" because it's the most upbeat tune on the album, it sounds somehow like The Arcade Fire meets TV on The Radio meets a massive choir, it has something very "Return to Cookie Mountain" going on, just with even more layers of voices. I like it a lot. A little bit OTT, maybe, but hey, that's what they do, isn't it?

The album's definitely a grower, but I'm not 100% convinced. Maybe another few goes round will do it... or maybe not....

I've just realised I'm not giving anyone any insight into the album, just complaining that I don't think it's as good at the last one, which I am superb at :D
I can't help because I've been listening to it on an i-pod shuffle and don't know the track names or the right order BUT I'm really not getting your Pulp comparisons here. Maybe I don't know Pulp well enough but Jarvis has never once brought a lump to my throat - I find Arcade Fire more moving than all out joyful - they temper that emotion with lyrics on loss, death and religion. They can make me quite tearful.
PieEye said:
I can't help because I've been listening to it on an i-pod shuffle and don't know the track names or the right order BUT I'm really not getting your Pulp comparisons here. Maybe I don't know Pulp well enough but Jarvis has never once brought a lump to my throat - I find Arcade Fire more moving than all out joyful - they temper that emotion with lyrics on loss, death and religion. They can make me quite tearful.
:cool: I'm glad you like it. I think you're more of a fan than me, but that's cool, I don't want it to be a bad album.
I'm listening again, Black Mirror sounds exactly like half the songs on Jarvis's solo album.
Keep the Car Running reminds of 80s French "Rrrrock" (said with a French accent, please ;), like Bashung or something)
This album as a whole certainly doesn't bring me anywhere near tears though. Black Wave Black Vibration is pretty intense, and The Well and The Lighthouse is starting to work its way into my brain. I think I must be missing something :confused:
Like I say, it'll probably grow on me.

I forgot to give them props for singing in French, they deserve some of those.
the first one is much more teary for me - I have no idea why they do this to me :D :oops:

I was well into it by the third/fourth listen.
perplexis - i'm confused about how you think the first album is in any way happy happy joy joy and that it isn't 'epic'?

and jarvis / pulp? don't see it at all. There's a lot of Echo & The Bunnymen to the new album though
Admittedly it's not as good as the other album or the EP, but it's definitely good. There's just one track that's a bit dull. Really quite mediocre. Aside from that I totally agree with PieEye & Dub.

I can see that this album is more likely to be one that grows with time, for some people, but for me, I really liked it the second time I heard it.

Pulp!? It's emotional, beautiful, moving.... Jarvis isn't any of those things.

(It's annoying not having it in the right order though - I just downloaded random tracks - I think having the tracks in the correct order will help things, when it comes out).
Dubversion said:
perplexis - i'm confused about how you think the first album is in any way happy happy joy joy and that it isn't 'epic'?
Yeah, I know. I don't get it either but there are songs in the middle of Funeral that having me reaching for the off button (or at the very least fast forward) because they add jarring levity to the otherwise bleak experience. Sadly I don't have the album to hand and I cannot remember track titles, but every time i listen to it this happens!
and jarvis / pulp? don't see it at all. There's a lot of Echo & The Bunnymen to the new album though
Honestly, he's singing like Jarvis His'n'Hers/Disco 2000 era in half the tracks!
The intro and refrain to Black Mirror is almost the same as "Fat Children Took My Life" off Jarvis-Jarvis, the French bit "Un deux trois dis miroir noir" is a very Pulpesque touch too IMO

Echo and The Bunnymen, yeah I can see that.
Oh, i think Jarvis can be very beautiful and moving. it's done with a very English detachment and irony, but there's real feeling there.
perplexis said:
Ythere are songs in the middle of Funeral that having me reaching for the off button (or at the very least fast forward) because they add jarring levity to the otherwise bleak experience..

i bet you mean the bit where it goes a little Motown / handclap..
Dubversion said:
Oh, i think Jarvis can be very beautiful and moving. it's done with a very English detachment and irony, but there's real feeling there.

Yes - totally - Babies and Disco 2000 are like this - but I only know the *hits* with him.

The Divine Comedy are in the same vein for me but they take it too far into pastiche and I've never ever liked them.
PieEye said:
Yes - totally - Babies and Disco 2000 are like this - but I only know the *hits* with him.

The Divine Comedy are in the same vein for me but they take it too far into pastiche and I've never ever liked them.

Yeh, Divine Comedy slip far too far into arch / clever. But there's lots of really poignant Pulp stuff - the songs you mention, and things like Something Changed..
PieEye said:
I only know the *hits* with him..
this appilies to me. but i can't say i've ever felt motivated to go beyond this. i've always liked him though.

and.... i think that one could hear certain arcade fire tracks and feel immediately uplifted or emotional. (i don't know if this applies to jarvis. i don't know.)
PieEye said:
it's true! I don't really care what Jarvis does - he's an intrinsically interesting person while he's doing it :D
It always comes back to Michael Jackson at the Brits for me... :D
My Jarvis comparisons aren't bad- I "heart" Jarvis, I think he's one of the most talented storytellers ever. It's just not a sound I expected to hear coming out of Montreal... I really like him, His'n'Hers is an amazing album, beyond the hits but somehow still pop. Just depressed run-down community pop.

I've had Neon Bible on loop all day now and I'm warming to it (yay!), but there are still some clunking moments for me.
Pretty much agree with all that PieEye, Dub and Tastebud say - especially not seeing/hearing the Jarvis/Pulp thing at all. Think maybe your reference to The Killers is more about where they were supposedly drawing a lot of influence from for their new stuff - Bruce Springsteen. I can definately hear that in a couple of tracks ('Keep The Car Running' especially). All in all the new album is growing on me rather quickly. :)
I was really disappointed with Neon Bible. Funeral is one of my top 10 albums so maybe I was expecting too much but it just sounds very bland to me and I've given it plenty of chances in the last couple of weeks.

I think maybe if I hadn't got into Arcade Fire through Funeral then I would probably appreciate NB a lot more but meh I just don't think it's very good. Far too many album tracks if you know what I mean.

Also it sounds to me like they're trying to be Springsteen.
Neva said:
Also it sounds to me like they're trying to be Springsteen.

I was just listening to it about an hour ago and there's one track (can't remember which) that sounds almost identical to Springteen. Don't know if thats a good thing - probably not.
I'm guessing it was Antichrist Television Blues. I think you could swap that for a track off Nebreska and nobody would notice tbh.
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