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Cold fusion


what the dormouse said
This is the thread to discuss cold fusion. Usual rules of rational discourse to be followed. :)

next ? :p

I think they've got that sound wave collapsing bubble method to work now haven't they? Completely useless for power generatio, of course, but it could be a good neutron source for other experiments.
Thanks. Found this at Business Week Online, here.

Impulse Devices sells its equipment for $250,000. But such devices are just a stepping stone to the systems that Tessien believes will one day free the world of its dependency on oil and coal. Sonofusion spheres measuring a few feet in diameter, he predicts, will soon lift the living standards of remote Chinese and African villages. If he's right, great things would grow from small bubbles.
Jonti said:
This is the thread to discuss cold fusion. Usual rules of rational discourse to be followed. :)
Apart from the fact that this is a desperately obvious follow on/call out from a loonspud thread, unless you actually have an opinion to offer this thread's a waste of time.

I can, however, tell you, that Allaire's Cold Fusion software once showed some promise.
Jonti said:
Thanks. Found this at Business Week Online, here.
That's two years old. How about this:
Doubts about the truthfulness of claims of positive observations have arisen within the Nuclear Engineering faculty of Purdue University. Because of extremely serious concerns, Purdue has initiated a review of the research, to be conducted by Purdue's Office of the Vice President for Research. In a March 9 article headed "Purdue probes 'cold fusion' fraud claim", Nature journal reported that it had interviewed several of Taleyarkhan's colleagues who suspect something is amiss.
Reuters , March 2006
Is there a point to this thread, btw?

unless you actually have an opinion to offer this thread's a waste of time.
My interest in science is more to do with fact than opinion.

I guess the only bubble fusion still being taken seriously is the inertial bubble confinement work?
Jonti said:
My interest in science is more to do with fact than opinion.
Strange then that your thread-starting, opening post contained no facts whatsoever about cold fusion then, isn't it?

Not if I expect readers here to know stuff I don't, and expect them to be willing to share what they know.
laptop said:
Don't know. Doesn't matter.

He's very experienced at troll detection, drunk or sober.
Yes, of that I've no doubt. Not bad myself. But we all make mistakes sometimes. And errors are far more likely when the judgement is impaired.
Jonti said:
Yes, I've that I've no doubt. Not bad myself. But we all make mistakes sometimes. And errors are far more likely when the judgement is impaired.
So, back to this thread.

You still don't seem to have made much headway in the content stakes. In fact, it's beginning to look like you're acting like a rather pathetic troll, complete with added personal insults.

I suggest you check the FAQ pronto.
I only just found out theat Dr. Eugene Mallove died (was 'brutally murdered') 2 years ago.

Dr. Eugene Mallove was the guy who quit MIT (where he was was chief science writer at MIT's news office) over manipulation of MIT's test data (to replicate the Pons-Fleischmann experiment) specifically to discredit 'Cold Fusion'.


When he quit MIT, he published an 'Open Letter to the World'.

I'll try to dig out the test data later, so all the 'skeptics' can see for themselves.

The term 'cold fusion' is a bit of a misnomer - there can be no doubt whatsoever that there is 'over unity' energy produced in many of the experiments. Our inability to understand the exact process by which this occurs merely underlines our own ignorance.
It certainly is :eek:

But this is not the right thread for discussing cases of murder, surely? :oops:
I saw a film about this once, it had that bubble thing, a murder of the professor and that really good actor who saved the day in it... whatshisname.... erm..... Keanu Reeves

wait a minute!
He sucks!
...so did the film.

Ever see Johnny Mnemonic (you could do a thread about brain implants). ;) ;) :p :p

The chief science writer at MIT's news office quits in disgust over the manipulation of test data that proved that there is an 'over unity' energy release, then ends up dead, and all you want to talk about is UFO's and movies.


What the fuck has happened to this site? :(

Does anyone have an opinion on Mallove's 'Open Letter to the World'? Anyone actually fucking read it???
Errr...you do your argument no favours if the only sources you can find are bonkers UFO sites.
Concord Monitor said:
A Connecticut man with a history of theft and burglary has been charged with last year's murder of Pembroke scientist Eugene Mallove. Mallove, 56, was beaten to death in Norwich, Conn., while checking on his childhood home in what the police have called a robbery gone bad.

3 June 2005

The police have charged a second man with the murder of Pembroke scientist Eugene Mallove, who was beaten to death outside his childhood home in Connecticut last year.

28 July 2005

You'll be giving eviedence for the defence of Joseph P. Reilly Gary McAvoy, both already in jail for other burglaries, BB?
Backatcha Bandit said:
The chief science writer at MIT's news office quits in disgust over the manipulation of test data that proved that there is an 'over unity' energy release, then ends up dead, and all you want to talk about is UFO's and movies.


What the fuck has happened to this site? :(

Does anyone have an opinion on Mallove's 'Open Letter to the World'? Anyone actually fucking read it???
I started to, but i got bored waiting for the point where i was going to be offered a cut of several million dollars by a nigerian minister after i help him launder it through the UK banking system...
welcome to our world

Backatcha Bandit said:
The chief science writer at MIT's news office quits in disgust over the manipulation of test data that proved that there is an 'over unity' energy release, then ends up dead, and all you want to talk about is UFO's and movies.


What the fuck has happened to this site? :(

Does anyone have an opinion on Mallove's 'Open Letter to the World'? Anyone actually fucking read it???
That's a little unfair. Although opinions are indeed the life blood of this site according to the posting guidelines, you're in the science part where freaks with more interest in facts than opinions hang out. Safe in our natural habitat, we can be something of a menace elsewhere. We deserve protected species status.

So calm down.

This bit ...
test data that proved that there is an 'over unity' energy release
One can demonstrate a scientific principle or finding. Yet one never really obtains proof of a theory. For example, I can demonstrate the inverse square law of gravitational theory -- but not prove any particular theory of gravity. One can demonstrate the wave/particle duality of light -- but not prove any theory of how that works.

In science, the terms are used with a rather precise philosophical meaning. Not that most scientists and engineers and the like are into philosophy -- they just know how to speak to each other.

That's the science. Here comes the opinionated stuff.

We have discussed the murder, even tho' this is not the (forgive me) amateur detectives section of the site. And I at least have read the letter from the unfortunate deceased. But no, I am not prepared publicly to discuss either the deceased or that letter. I could not do that without violating an ethical principle :( Understand?
editor said:
That's two years old. How about this:
Doubts about the truthfulness of claims of positive observations have arisen within the Nuclear Engineering faculty of Purdue University. Because of extremely serious concerns, Purdue has initiated a review of the research, to be conducted by Purdue's Office of the Vice President for Research. In a March 9 article headed "Purdue probes 'cold fusion' fraud claim", Nature journal reported that it had interviewed several of Taleyarkhan's colleagues who suspect something is amiss.
Reuters , March 2006

Impulse Devices have a link to more recent material at the IEEE's Spectrum Online here.

Nothing to get exited about ... in a nutshell
... possible in principle ... (but) ... so far no independent group has been able to replicate the experiment.

The tread title's something of a misnomer btw. Turns out sonofusion is the exact word for this kind of technology. My bad :oops: but much the same vision, all the same :)
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