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The Queen being demolished (pics)


a.k.a. floppybollocks
Got a text on Monday from someone going past the Queen on the train. It was being demolished. Very sad. :(

(More yuppie flats, I guess :mad: ).
I can't believe it wasn't listed and that you can just knock an old building like that down - I’ll miss seeing the fabulous tiled “Beers and Lagers” sign
I'm also astonished they can demolish such an integral part of the street, just like that...
Very sad.

Incidentally, I walked past the site of the old Harriers yesterday (Loughborough Junction way) and saw that the hole in ground, left after speedy demolition, is now up for sale... :rolleyes: :mad:
tarannau said:
That is really sad and all too quick. It's amazing how fast that place was allowed to decline.


It's been in decline for at least 2 years.

Indeed I know it for 6 years and it's been decling all that time
aurora green said:
I'm also astonished they can demolish such an integral part of the street, just like that...
Very sad.

Incidentally, I walked past the site of the old Harriers yesterday (Loughborough Junction way) and saw that the hole in ground, left after speedy demolition, is now up for sale... :rolleyes: :mad:

The Harriers site has become my bete noire. I think it's a disgrace that this has been allowed to happen.

The site on HH road has actually been up for sale for quite a while, since the last developers pulled out. At least one for sale sign has been there for a year or so. I've written to the council three times about this, with no response, and to my local councillors - Jim Dickson, Kirsty McHugh and Pete O'Donnell twice - again with no response. But what did I expect?

The hoarding makes it nearly impossible to walk on the pavement and the blocks of wood on the road make it vile to cycle up/down HH Road during the rush hour.

I'm also becoming increasingly suspicious of what's going on at the ex-Green Man and the ex-Junction. How long does it take to convert something into a block of flats? Surely not as long as these two have been taken. Or perhaps someone could advise otherwise.
Me and IanW just took a look - and it's a depressing sight. The whole building has gone!
They don't seem to be too bothered about the frontage details either, so can I assume they're going to build some ugly modern pice of crap there instead?
i couldn't believe it. i literally gasped when i saw the gap where the queen used to be. there's just the front facade left now, bits of the pillars and, um, ballustrades (ed, check this), and what have you. go round the right side and you can look in on the demolition guys ripping the guts out. it's an unsettling, strangely depressing sight. you can see the mirror from the toilets on one wall.

lots of late night, drunken memories from that pub. farewell...!
Here's some pics - and it makes for a depressing sight.
The amount of mad, crazy nights I had there...




Article (more to come): http://www.urban75.org/brixton/bars/the-queen.html
:eek: :eek: Those pictures are shocking.
What the hell is wrong with re-developing them like they've done in the Wickwood? At least then the street stays looking the same. I think it's dreadful.
aurora green said:
:eek: :eek: Those pictures are shocking.
What the hell is wrong with re-developing them like they've done in the Wickwood? At least then the street stays looking the same. I think it's dreadful.

It is terrible, when I heard it was being turned into flats I was pissed off but at I remember thinking at least it will make decent sized and unique flats.

But no, they tore it down to ensure the flats would look like all the others being built at the moment.
I can't believe they've been allowed to tear down such a lovely building.
Whatever goes up in its place, you can guarantee that it won't be built to last.
editor said:
Whatever goes up in its place, you can guarantee that it won't be built to last.

That much is true, MDF and laminate flooring all round at a guess.

One other straw to be clutched at (other than the planing application including a pub of some sort) it looks from your picture like they are saving some of the bricks. Assuming they aren't just flogging them off to a reclemation yard, maybe they are saving them for inclution in the new building?
Hopefully they'll do something beautiful with it. Like the beautiful 3 year long hoarding exhibition they've had on at the Russell Hotel on Brixton Road.
memespring said:
That much is true, MDF and laminate flooring all round at a guess.

One other straw to be clutched at (other than the planing application including a pub of some sort) it looks from your picture like they are saving some of the bricks. Assuming they aren't just flogging them off to a reclemation yard, maybe they are saving them for inclution in the new building?

I doubt it, unfortunately. That's probably the contractor making himself a few bob as yellow stocks in good condition fetch a good whack from people wanting to make their home extensions look authentic.
To be fair, the Harriers being closed/knocked down was hardly a loss, was it.

The ridiculous length of time it's been a hole in the ground is shocking though.

As for the Green Man, well, sometimes it takes time to get projects moving eh? It's being worked on at the moment. What's "sinster" about that? :confused:
Are you sure the Green Man is actually being worked on? Everytime I pass by, it looks exactly the same. I never see anybody working on it, and it has sat in that exact same state for at least two years now.
aurora green said:
Are you sure the Green Man is actually being worked on? Everytime I pass by, it looks exactly the same. I never see anybody working on it, and it has sat in that exact same state for at least two years now.
I've seen some sporadic activity going on in there. The Junction appears to have been completely rebuilt and extended at the Brixton side.
Ol Nick said:
Hopefully they'll do something beautiful with it. Like the beautiful 3 year long hoarding exhibition they've had on at the Russell Hotel on Brixton Road.

bet the residents there never knew they'd be boarded up for that length of time :D

Pictures above are downright depressing :(
aurora green said:
Are you sure the Green Man is actually being worked on? Everytime I pass by, it looks exactly the same. I never see anybody working on it, and it has sat in that exact same state for at least two years now.

It definately is - I walk past it every morning and there's always a hive of activity - it sometimes looks like not because they've been doing the inside so far - get a look in through the open door and you can see it's all been remodelled with new interior walls.

They took delivery of f*ckloads of wooden (roofing?) panels the other day, so I reckon it'll start looking different from the outside too soon.

The Warrior/Junction is also busy busy, and as you've said, has grown enormously!

The Harriers on the other hand is a disgrace (search the forum for various other rants on that one). That 'for sale' sign has been on it for over a year; I tried calling the number on it once and they had no idea what I was on about, so don't take it too seriously.
prunus said:
It definately is - I walk past it every morning and there's always a hive of activity - it sometimes looks like not because they've been doing the inside so far - get a look in through the open door and you can see it's all been remodelled with new interior walls.

They took delivery of f*ckloads of wooden (roofing?) panels the other day, so I reckon it'll start looking different from the outside too....

Well at least that's some good news. Loughborough Junction really needs those two developments to be finished.
editor said:
I can't believe they've been allowed to tear down such a lovely building.
yeah, totally scandalous. We should be able to protect nice old buildings like this through the planning process, even if they're not listed....but of course it's all about £££.

RIP The Queen :(
I just found this old pic of mine of the Queen in 2002.

How the fuck did they get away with demolishing such a beautiful building as this? :mad: :mad: :mad:

it looks to me like some architect has thought it would be a jolly wheeze to build a mini version of the academy just round the corner from the real thing. it's a bizarre design, however it turns out.
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