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Democratic? No public enquiry on the 7/7 bombings.


A modernist
How much longer can this government get away with this? No public enquiry on the 7/7 bombings??? This is a terrible outrage and insult to the people who were injured or murdered on that black day. Its obvious to me what influenced those attacks and thats what they're nervous about. Blair, Clarke and Straw are dragging us all into political void which we are stuck with for a good few years yet. What damage has been done domestically and internationally in that time does not bear thinking about.

Add to this the new law they are sneaking in where anyone 'caught' by the police with over £1000 GBP on them will have to 'prove' they have earned it legally in court.
Hardly surprising, a proper inquiry would reveal 7/7 to be the black op that it was. What you need is a whitewash. So, they are going to just tell us what happened, and we'll believe it!
Ah yes. No public inquiry. Instead, we get the official fairy tale told in a reassuring tone of voice.

What worries me is that they seriously expect to get away with this and probably will.
Jazzz said:
Hardly surprising, a proper inquiry would reveal 7/7 to be the black op that it was. What you need is a whitewash. So, they are going to just tell us what happened, and we'll believe it!

If the powers that be were so organised, powerful and darstardly - why would they even bother with such sophisticated ruses? Surely we would all be toiling in their underground sugar mines long ago.
Idaho said:
If the powers that be were so organised, powerful and darstardly - why would they even bother with such sophisticated ruses? Surely we would all be toiling in their underground sugar mines long ago.

How do you know that the *other* half the population isn't...? Where do you think those strange tunnels in the Underground go...? Why do you sometimes not see people in London for ages and lose contact...?
Sugar mines

Idaho said:
Surely we would all be toiling in their underground sugar mines long ago.

Our evil overlords:

mod said:
Add to this the new law they are sneaking in where anyone 'caught' by the police with over £1000 GBP on them will have to 'prove' they have earned it legally in court.

That is only an extension of current anti-money laundering regulations.
So what we need is another enquiry like The Hutton Enquiry then? Or like his previous effort The Widgery waffle into Bloody Sunday?
Public Enquiries are a waste of time of money. The press is cheaper and far more accurate.
bristol_citizen said:
Public Enquiries are a waste of time of money. The press is cheaper and far more accurate.

Point one I agree, point two, one of the main reasons I stopped reading national newpapers over 30 years ago is they never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Dr Jazzz, you need help.

Seriously, what is there to know? A few funda-mentalist fruitcakes are corrupting marginalised asian youths and sending them out to blow themselves up in the name of lord knows what - it's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world alright, but not half as mad as you and your crackpot conspiraloon fantasies.

***Now here's a hidden message only you can see***

+++ My bosses at MI6 have got you marked sonny - if you don't stop this nonsense soon, we'll send the helicopters back round again, along with the big grey aliens and their anal probe. Only this time, we'll do it without lubricant. Got it? +++
Bearing in mind how previous public enquiries have been slated, I am never ceased to be amazed by how they have some achieved some sort of mythical status as the answer to all our prayers. It has become a total knee-jerk reaction and there are dangers of "Cry Wolf" about the whole thing. That said, bearing in mind the limited nature of inquests and the fact that there may well be no criminal trials relating (directly at least) to 7 July, this may be a case where a public examination of the evidence could be merited.

I've not heard of a government "narrative" being produced before - it may just be a new name for an old-style repport or it may turn out to be something else. Seeing as it is our money that would be spent (in the tens of millions, mainly to lawyers) on a public enquiry, would it not be worth waiting to see what the narrative turns out to be first? And maybe then there will be scope for trying some new process, building on that, to deliver what remains as a need without massive delay and expenditure.
Jesus christ Jazzz ...

were they radio controlled suicide bombers, or hologramatic ones?

(cue list of minor discrepecies and exagerrated, distorted lits of possibly contridictory information from a confused multidude of meda accounts that PROVES it was mossad/cia/the milk marketing board etc... wot done it).

But Maybe Dr Jazz is a CIA plant there to distract us from the real truth?
I won't be satisfied with a government narrative unless it's available as a podcast read by Stephen Fry in a nice calm tone of voice.
Kaka Tim said:
(cue list of minor discrepecies and exagerrated, distorted lits of possibly contridictory information from a confused multidude of meda accounts that PROVES it was mossad/cia/the milk marketing board etc... wot done it).

Nobody expects the Milk Marketing Board!
detective-boy said:
I've not heard of a government "narrative" being produced before - it may just be a new name for an old-style repport or it may turn out to be something else. Seeing as it is our money that would be spent (in the tens of millions, mainly to lawyers) on a public enquiry, would it not be worth waiting to see what the narrative turns out to be first? And maybe then there will be scope for trying some new process, building on that, to deliver what remains as a need without massive delay and expenditure.
I suspect it will just be a compilation of press releases, and on that basis am not particularly interested in waiting for it.
While the Iraq enquiries did not produce any real results, the facts which came to light during those enquiries were well worth knowing about.

tobyjug said:
That is only an extension of current anti-money laundering regulations.
That's how it works; introduce a law for a narrow set of circumstances such that few people will complain, and then expand the law and say it's only and extension of current laws. :mad:
TAE said:
That's how it works; introduce a law for a narrow set of circumstances such that few people will complain, and then expand the law and say it's only and extension of current laws. :mad:

Indeed. It's known as the salami technique.

The Assets Recovery Agency was introduced to apparently deprive major organised criminals and terrorist organisations of their huge illegally-gained wealth. Instead, oddly enough, they seem to have had most success with the small fry.

As we now see, the minimum threshhold was set at just £5000 and now is being dropped to £1000. The reason why it's worth their while going after these small sums of money is because the terms of the legislation make it almost impossible to contest a seizure. The burden of proof is reversed so that you need to prove that your assets were acquired legally, rather than them having to prove that they weren't.
TAE said:
That's how it works; introduce a law for a narrow set of circumstances such that few people will complain, and then expand the law and say it's only and extension of current laws. :mad:

There already is an old obscure law which empowers a police officer to get some good reason as to why anyone is carrying a large amount of cash.
It is however limited to a within a certain distance to a dock, port or Royal Navy Base.
Public enquiries are the best way to determine the truth of the matter. It is always bizarre to watch the people on these boards who profess a need for 'evidence' before they will take a theory on board to completely drop any such need when it comes to believing the 'narrative' of the state.

A public enquiry into 7/7 might at the very least clear up such trivial facts as how one earth did the men travel on the 7.40am train from Luton to King's Cross, as the police claimed - when that train was cancelled?

It might also want to know where all the CCTV footage showing the men en route to the final destinations is.
What exactly do we need a public inquiry into the bombings for?

We know what happened. The bombings were perpetrated by four Islamic extremists who had been brainwashed by hate-filled bigots spouting a grotesquely distorted version of their religion. Their minds, no doubt, were all the more ready to accept what they were being poisoned with as a result of Britain's participation, against the will of a majority of the British public, in an illegal war and occupation in Iraq which resulted in the needless deaths of thousands of Muslims. Not that that excuses mindless violence perpetrated against innocent people.

There is no evidence of which I'm aware of serious failings on the part of the police, emergency services or intelligence. They can't be aware of the actions and intentions of every nutjob whose minds have been inflamed by the extremist bullshit that the bigots have been preaching.

Sadly, Britain (which, realistically, meant London) was going to be attacked by Islamic terrorists; it was a question of when rather than if. So I don't really see what there is to inquire into. Unless, of course, you're a conspiraloon who believes that there were no bombings, but the explosions were caused by the melting of the tube tunnels by gamma rays sent by lizards from the planet Zog who were in conspiracy with a dark cabal of Illuminati, Jews, members of Opus Dei and the Mafia to .... er .... take over the world, innit. :rolleyes:

How much longer can this government get away with this? No public enquiry on the 7/7 bombings??? This is a terrible outrage and insult to the people who were injured or murdered on that black day. Its obvious to me what influenced those attacks and thats what they're nervous about. Blair, Clarke and Straw are dragging us all into political void which we are stuck with for a good few years yet. What damage has been done domestically and internationally in that time does not bear thinking about.

We know what "influenced" the attacks. It was Blair's evil and illegal war in Iraq. We don't need an expensive public inquiry to tell us.

Add to this the new law they are sneaking in where anyone 'caught' by the police with over £1000 GBP on them will have to 'prove' they have earned it legally in court.

I agree with you that such laws are oppressive and unnecessary, but what the fuck does this have to do with the question of whether there should be a public inquiry into the bombings?
Jazzz said:
Public inquiries are the best way to determine the truth of the matter.
No they aren't. What they are is a ruinously expensive way of diverting massive amounts of taxpayers' money into the pockets of a small number of lawyers, with spin-offs for the Tricycle Theatre Co.

They provide an easy answer for dull opposition politicians, and local MPs and MSPs faced with angry constituents -

"... well, Mrs O'Pinion, I can assure you that I will be demanding a full public inquiry into the circumstances of your son's dreadful demise...."

We have a mechanism for getting to the truth behind big events and Government's responses to them. It's called Parliament. We're already paying for the personnel (and a third of them are lawyers already), they have the power to compel witnesses, and some of them are pretty good at asking inconvenient questions. Make them work for their living. Public inquiries are a symptom of a dereliction of Parliamentary responsibility and we shouldn't have any more.
Jazzz said:
Public enquiries are the best way to determine the truth of the matter. It is always bizarre to watch the people on these boards who profess a need for 'evidence' before they will take a theory on board to completely drop any such need when it comes to believing the 'narrative' of the state.

A public enquiry into 7/7 might at the very least clear up such trivial facts as how one earth did the men travel on the 7.40am train from Luton to King's Cross, as the police claimed - when that train was cancelled?

It might also want to know where all the CCTV footage showing the men en route to the final destinations is.

But surely the conspirators would have no problem in diverting and controlling an inquiry. Which, presumably is what you would accuse them of doing if they don't come to sufficiently outlandish conclusions.
Idaho said:
But surely the conspirators would have no problem in diverting and controlling an inquiry. Which, presumably is what you would accuse them of doing if they don't come to sufficiently outlandish conclusions.

That would of course depend on who did the public enquiry.

I don't know about how they work, nor who is involved in the 'enquiring'.

But surely in a country that professes freedom for its citizens, then some kind of independent enquiry should be mandatory for such events. I mean, at the very least we might be presented with evidence as to who committed the crimes, thereby affording us with some knowledge to help avoid them being repeated.

Evidence and facts are what we want, regardless of how we get them. Whatever evidence is available should be presented to citizens of a free country. Then we people can help guide our leaders in helping to avoid a repeat performance. After all, that's the way a democracy works.

What we don't need is the fact-free fantasies propagated by biased slash uninterested newspapers and urban posters too ready to accept the official version, as proffered by politicians and policemen, both of whom are known to be blatant liars. The former are also prolific in their lies and bullshit.
fela fan said:
I don't know about how they work, nor who is involved in the 'enquiring'.

But surely in a country that professes freedom for its citizens, then some kind of independent enquiry should be mandatory for such events....

Evidence and facts are what we want, regardless of how we get them.
The Savile Inquiry into Bloody Sunday cost the taxpayer more than one hundred and fifty million pounds. Most of it went to pay lawyers' fees. You tell me if that resulted in a clear and uncontestable clarification of the facts. Let's say that a public inquiry into the events in London on 7th July 2005 cost only a third of that and we paid only fifty million pounds to the lawyers. Would it really result in the evidence or facts you want?

Would it satisfy Jazzz?
Jazzz said:
A public enquiry into 7/7 might at the very least clear up such trivial facts as how one earth did the men travel on the 7.40am train from Luton to King's Cross, as the police claimed - when that train was cancelled?
Now, there's a reliable website, full of the usual Illuminati/Zionist fruitloop stuff - it even claims that people can find the 'REAL TRUTH' at Joe "Facts? What Facts?!" Vialls website - the biggest deluded twat of all time!
22/7 and 9/11 - are the Illuminati controlled Masonic conspiracy giving themselves away?
Why do you believe this shit, jazzz?
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