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Tony Blair Spied For MI5


mostly harmless
Speaking in Bristol tonight [Sunday night] former MI5 agent David Shaylor stated that Tony Blair spied on Labour Party members on behalf off MI5.

Shaylor claimed that while working for MI5 he had access to Blair's files. He said that before becoming the Labour Party leader Blair gave MI5 reports on CND members and hard-left activists.

Shaylor was addressing a packed meeting at the Cube cinema in Bristol on the anniversary of the 911 attack on America. A film presented by www.911truthbristol.com was so popular that two packed showings had to be organised.

Shaylor's claim tonight [Sunday night], that Blair worked for MI5, went further than allegations in the book "Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers - MI5, MI6 and the Shaylor Affair" by Annie Machon. In the book Shaylor stated that MI5 kept files on Blair indicating he had sympathies with left-wing organisations.

I'd originally posted this up on my own website, www.2Bristol.com.

However, I've decided to post it up here as well because it's an interesting story and, while I'm very happy with the amount of traffic on my site, I think the story is worth a wider readership than it was getting.
Well, he's always been a fucking wanker. But now he's a fucking bubbling wanker! He's a polly tishan, ain't he? And that's what they do!


while not denying Blair may have been MI5, I know for a fact that Shayler does not have the evidence to back his allegation. speaking in Bristol eh--the venue where he first peddled utter BS re Class War.
Is David Shayler becoming involved in conspiracist claims re Sep11 attacks?

Your forum also contains Zaskar I see...

sihhi said:
Is David Shayler becoming involved in conspiracist claims re Sep11 attacks?

Apparently so. Shayler spoke at a STWC meeting in Brixton last week, and most of his speech was about 911. Afterwards a woman from a 911 campaign group said it was the first time 911 capaigners & STWC had come together and it wouldn't be the last.

I've never before heard anyone speak about one of the multitude of consiracy topics at a political meeting. What struck me was that also on the platform were Lindsey German and Tariq Ali, who both listened intently to him and didn't dissent from anything he said.

Now whatever you may think of their politics, both of those have some sort of serious public profile they won't want to unduly sully by messing around with lizards. They appear to be taking him, and more interestingly, his claims, seriously.
sihhi said:
Is David Shayler becoming involved in conspiracist claims re Sep11 attacks?

Your forum also contains Zaskar I see...


I thought "inks" was another one of Zaskar's numerous log-ins. :confused:
Interesting story... if only it were true! Why wait to now to drop this bombshell? Why hasn't he said anything before?
Oh, FFS. Blair has so much we can criticise him for, and the best we can do is: "his wife's a minger" <snigger>.

Fucking hell. :rolleyes:
newbie said:
Shayler spoke at a STWC meeting in Brixton last week, and most of his speech was about 911. Afterwards a woman from a 911 campaign group said it was the first time 911 capaigners & STWC had come together and it wouldn't be the last.

I've never before heard anyone speak about one of the multitude of consiracy topics at a political meeting. What struck me was that also on the platform were Lindsey German and Tariq Ali, who both listened intently to him and didn't dissent from anything he said.

Now whatever you may think of their politics, both of those have some sort of serious public profile they won't want to unduly sully by messing around with lizards. They appear to be taking him, and more interestingly, his claims, seriously.

Where you actually there at this Brixton meeting?
How solid were the stories in Lobster that Blair, Brown and Mandleson were on some kind of US-sponsored scholarship intended to "form future leaders"
Bernie Gunther said:
How solid were the stories in Lobster that Blair, Brown and Mandleson were on some kind of US-sponsored scholarship intended to "form future leaders"

That might or might not be true but declaring without any proof that Blair was an active footsoldier of MI5 is different.
Bernie Gunther said:
How solid were the stories in Lobster that Blair, Brown and Mandleson were on some kind of US-sponsored scholarship intended to "form future leaders"

are you referrring to the british-american project for a successor generation (bap)? that was/is a very real thing, promoting atlanticist direction amongst uk leaders-of-the-future, and plenty of blairites are alumni of the programme (mandelson, saint mo etc).
bristle-krs said:
are you referrring to the british-american project for a successor generation (bap)? that was/is a very real thing, promoting atlanticist direction amongst uk leaders-of-the-future, and plenty of blairites are alumni of the programme (mandelson, saint mo etc).

It's all pretty above board aswell- just like a university scholarship programme but with different aims:



inks said:
Speaking in Bristol tonight [Sunday night] former MI5 agent David Shaylor stated that Tony Blair spied on Labour Party members on behalf off MI5.

Shaylor claimed that while working for MI5 he had access to Blair's files. He said that before becoming the Labour Party leader Blair gave MI5 reports on CND members and hard-left activists.

Shaylor was addressing a packed meeting at the Cube cinema in Bristol on the anniversary of the 911 attack on America. A film presented by www.911truthbristol.com was so popular that two packed showings had to be organised.
What's the unsubstantiated allegation about Blair got to do with 9/11 conspiraloonery?

PS This site answers all the questions posed in that flyer, not that I intend to permit another discussion on the same topic here. It'a already been debated to death, whatever Shayler thinks.
"What's the unsubstantiated allegation about Blair got to do with 9/11 conspiraloonery?"

Nothing at all, other than Shaylor made the claim at a meeting organised by 911 conspiracy types.

Thanks for the link, btw. It was certainly a bit weird to be at a meeting where so many people seemed to be taken in by the "WHERE ARE THE WINGS?!?" gibberish that swept the internet and was thoroughly debunked about two years ago.

I was kind of disappointed by the gullability of the crowd who seemed to swallow the "WHERE ARE THE WINGS?!?" stuff wholesale. There are, without a doubt, a great many unexplained and disturbing things about the 911 attacks but this isn't one of them.

And you're right, it has been debated to death. I wasn't involved in the debate on this talkboard but was in another place. The missing wings rubbish was always very silly.

What was Larry O'Hara on about re. Class War, btw? I've heard he has some chips on his shoulder about Shaylor and Class War and I'd be interested to know more about that.
newbie said:
Apparently so. Shayler spoke at a STWC meeting in Brixton last week, and most of his speech was about 911. Afterwards a woman from a 911 campaign group said it was the first time 911 capaigners & STWC had come together and it wouldn't be the last.

I've never before heard anyone speak about one of the multitude of consiracy topics at a political meeting. What struck me was that also on the platform were Lindsey German and Tariq Ali, who both listened intently to him and didn't dissent from anything he said.

Now whatever you may think of their politics, both of those have some sort of serious public profile they won't want to unduly sully by messing around with lizards. They appear to be taking him, and more interestingly, his claims, seriously.

More fool them.
inks said:
[IWhat was Larry O'Hara on about re. Class War, btw? I've heard he has some chips on his shoulder about Shaylor and Class War and I'd be interested to know more about that.

1) The Class War thing has been extensively covered, in Class War, Notes From the Borderland & elsewhere. Essentially, Shayler has continually slagged CW off, even implying CW were held together by a Met Police SB officer. Not only is this insinuation CW were propped up by the state untrue, more to the point he has never properly substantiated it, indeed when put under pressure at my debate with him (21/6) he was forced to admit he didn't even know if this guy had ever been in CW. This has not stopped him reverting to the original fable--eg in an interview in the CPGB's Weekly Tosser recently. Tony Gosling has been (& is still) a willing conduit for Shayler's disinformation re CW.

2) I have many further doubts (many expressed in print over 7 years) about numerous aspects of the Shayler/Machon story, on topics such as infiltration of Left/Right, definition of terrorism, anti-IRA operations, Princess Diana death, MI5 vs MI6, Lockerbie etc. to name just a few. That the idiots of the Last Century Left should give him such uncritical house-room and platform is yet another indication of why these losers will never achieve politically. My debate with Shayler (soon to be on DVD...!) is ,sadly, the only time he has ever been properly questioned. That state of affairs needs to be remedied.
Not that i have much time for Shayler, i wouldn't like to see him done for slander or breaking any injuntions, or any other offence relating to his former employment

I think inks is an arse for posting this thread up on the net.

And when posting anything on here, please remember anyone can be reading what you write.
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