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"CIA faked Lockerbie evidence" what a surprise


New Member
The news that according to a senior former police chief the CIA planted vital evidence was strangely missed by the rest of the UK's media yesterday. Still I guess the news that the CIA peddles phony intelligence and terrorism lies is not really news but a statement of the bleeding obvious

The scotsman

<HUGE cut and paste removed by editor>
Let's see, without reading the massive C&P i'd give this five pages till it reaces critical stupidity and gets binned.

Will repost estimate after reading.

Flimsy, but possible, four pages.

*wanders off to check facts given*

Seems to be possible as far as i can tell.
Well it's all pretty well documented, innit.

Collusion between the US and UK, murky goings-on in the Middle East, scapegoat, planes blowing up....and Iraq had nothing to do with it.
Dodgy evidence

The bit of timer found in the wood was always suspect in my opinion. Probably the most telling bit in this is the view of Dr Jim Swire, who, I believe, sat through the trial.

The whole Lockerbie trial business is dodgy.
Bob_the_lost said:
Let's see, without reading the massive C&P i'd give this five pages till it reaces critical stupidity and gets binned.

Will repost estimate after reading.

Flimsy, but possible, four pages.

*wanders off to check facts given*

Seems to be possible as far as i can tell.

Five pages? You're an optimist! I give it three if any of the u75 resident conspiraloonz turn up... :rolleyes:
Steve Booth said:
The bit of timer found in the wood was always suspect in my opinion. Probably the most telling bit in this is the view of Dr Jim Swire, who, I believe, sat through the trial.

The whole Lockerbie trial business is dodgy.

But why's it coming out now?

The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.

The police chief, whose identity has not yet been revealed, gave the statement to lawyers representing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, currently serving a life sentence in Greenock Prison.

Why didn't "retired officer X" declare this earlier and perhaps save (if what he says is true) an innocent man from prison? It doesn't make much sense.
My suspiciuon would be that now Libya is going back into the US orbit, someone has probably decided that its time to clear up this bit of unfinished business and its time to shift the blame back onto the Iranians who are once again number one on uncle sams shitlist. Doubtless, all the guilty CIA parties will be found to be either dead or retired, or it gets written off as a rogue operation. The Libyans accept apologies, Meghrahi gets a big wad of compensation and the US gets on to the vital business of bombing the shite out of the Iranian nuclear facilities.
tollbar said:
Libyans accept apologies, Meghrahi gets a big wad of compensation and the US gets on to the vital business of bombing the shite out of the Iranian nuclear facilities.

I'm not so clear it'll be very simple- after all Libyan will have paid something in the region of $2.7 billion in compensation to the affected families.
tollbar said:
...The Libyans accept apologies, Meghrahi gets a big wad of compensation and the US gets on to the vital business of bombing the shite out of the Iranian nuclear facilities.
Tend to agree. I'd read this as preparation for blaming Iran for Lockerbie rather than the scales falling from the eyes of Libya's accusers. Libya got off the shit list when it ratted out Khan's Islamic nuke program; a very shrewd move and one that does deserve reward.

The US navy did shoot down an Iranian airliner a little while before which, accident or not, gives the Iranians a motive. Tehran also has a record of using the terrorist method internationally and has probably the most tactically able terrorists in the world at it's beck and call. It's not unlikely they did do it. it late to be raking it up now.
sihhi said:
I'm not so clear it'll be very simple- after all Libyan will have paid something in the region of $2.7 billion in compensation to the affected families.

Which, if my theory is correct, I have no doubt that US will probably reimburse them for by one means or another. $2.7bn is not exactly big money to the US is it ?. I expect they have some frozen Libyan assets somewhere they could return if needs be. Anyway, with the oil price going the way it is, I doubt that the Libyans are going to get too worked up over $2.7bn.
"The news that according to a senior former police chief the CIA planted vital evidence was strangely missed by the rest of the UK's media yesterday. Still I guess the news that the CIA peddles phony intelligence and terrorism lies is not really news but a statement of the bleeding obvious

The scotsman"

As far as I know no other paper covered the story yesterday. But the BBC Radio 4 Today programme did.

BarryB said:
"The news that according to a senior former police chief the CIA planted vital evidence was strangely missed by the rest of the UK's media yesterday. Still I guess the news that the CIA peddles phony intelligence and terrorism lies is not really news but a statement of the bleeding obvious

The scotsman"

As far as I know no other paper covered the story yesterday. But the BBC Radio 4 Today programme did.


What about the drugs that where found at the scene of the crash??..i seem to remember some where in the past that the station chief from lebennon was on board and that the US embassy here in london scrambelled all there spooks to get up there and collect shit from the crash.......does any one else remember reading anything of that.....
Yes, this is further confirmation of what has been fairly convincingly argued previously. Private Eye published a useful supplement on Lockerbie, and Lester Coleman's 'Trail of the Octopus' is worth getting hold of (if still available). Coleman was a DEA agent IIRC, he alleged that the DEA was permitting drug consignments from the Bekkaa Valley to bypass the normal airport baggage security checks at Hamburg, as part of their investigations to observe who would collect it at the other end. Unfortunately the bombers got wind of this scheme, and used it to get a bomb on board the plane without security checks discovering it. A member of this Bekkaa drugs cartel was related to someone quite high up in the Syrian Govt. again IIRC. (Also odd goings-on at the scene of the crash, where a Scottish farmer found a suitcase full of white powder; mysterious armed US officials taking over the crime scene investigation; and a UK doctor being told to alter the number of bodies he had found by one).

The initial enquiries suggested that the Iranians (who had both motive and money) had 'commissioned' the (Syrian-backed) PFLP-GC to carry out the bombing. But with a bcakground of the invasion of Kuwait and subsequent Gulf war, this was 'off-message', given that Iran and Syria, as enemies of Iraq, were both allies of the US. Presumably this is no longer the case!
cemertyone said:
What about the drugs that where found at the scene of the crash??..i seem to remember some where in the past that the station chief from lebennon was on board and that the US embassy here in london scrambelled all there spooks to get up there and collect shit from the crash.......does any one else remember reading anything of that.....
It's in the wikipedia article on the bombings, very detailed by the way. But there was no proof of it, merely speculation.
Bob_the_lost said:
It's in the wikipedia article on the bombings, very detailed by the way. But there was no proof of it, merely speculation.

Cheers dude .. ;) have you got a link for that perhaps? i wouldn`t mind giving it a good reading over...
Kid_Eternity said:
Five pages? You're an optimist! I give it three if any of the u75 resident conspiraloonz turn up... :rolleyes:

"resident conspiraloonz'?? You're off you're your fucking head man. What kind of pathetic non-english language is that?

Would you even be able to explain what you mean by this ridiculous term?

Is this post enough to get the thread binned? Too easy these days to do...
sparticus said:
The news that according to a senior former police chief the CIA planted vital evidence was strangely missed by the rest of the UK's media yesterday. Still I guess the news that the CIA peddles phony intelligence and terrorism lies is not really news but a statement of the bleeding obvious

The scotsman.
Your next cut and paste earns you a ban.
I don't know how reliable this site is, but this part sums up some of the arguments in the Coleman 'Trail of the Octopus' book:
'Forgotten history'

However it seems to me that the 3 arguments are not compatible:

1) DEA is allowing drug running via planes to continue so as to track the operation - terrorists are aware of this, a means to bypass airport security, and use this to smuggle bomb on to plane

2) a renegade CIA group called COREA is involved in said drug running as part of the continuing Iran-Contra drugs/arms operation

3) this COREA group plants bomb on plane to get rid of another CIA agent who is about to blow the whistle on their activities
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