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CIA planted evidence at Lockerbie


Gone fishing

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.

The police chief, whose identity has not yet been revealed, gave the statement to lawyers representing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, currently serving a life sentence in Greenock Prison.

The evidence will form a crucial part of Megrahi's attempt to have a retrial ordered by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC). The claims pose a potentially devastating threat to the reputation of the entire Scottish legal system.
bigfish said:
There bang at it those wonga trousering professional liars down at Brownnose Broadcasting... Their website has got to be the biggest pile of horseshit out there in cyber-space.

So bigfish, do you belive every thing you read or just the things you like?
I've just had a Google and found this: http://www.ict.org.il/spotlight/det.cfm?id=559

The evidence linking al-Megrahi to the bombing revolves around several key facts:

* Swiss businessman Edwin Bollier testified to selling electronic timers to Libya similar to that used for the Pan Am bomb. He had links with al-Megrahi, who was described as a "high-ranking member" of Libyan intelligence.

* Some 80% of Toshiba's RTSF16s were sold solely to Libya.

* The timer used in the bomb inside the cassette recorder was made by a Swiss company, Mebo. The prosecution said the evidence proved that Mebo had supplied this timer uniquely to Libya and that al-Megrahi would have had easy access to it.

* Forensic investigators also traced clothing contained in the suitcase with the bomb back to Mary's House, a shop owned by Tony Gauci in Malta. Gauci testified that al-Megrahi bought clothes from him two weeks before the blast.

* Evidence shows that al-Megrahi was a member of the JSO (Libyan intelligence), that he was "close to other important members of the JSO and he had a coded passport in a false name supplied at the request of the JSO which must have been for JSO purposes."

* Documented travel arrangements showed that al-Megrahi traveled between Tripoli, Malta and Switzerland in the days leading up to the bombing.

* An entry in Fhimah's diary referred to obtaining Air Malta baggage tags for al-Megrahi.
I have also seen a BBC article where doubt is thrown on the identification by the shop keeper: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/1809065.stm

This case does look a bit bizarre, to say the least. I can't see how anyone could say beyond a reasonable doubt that the he planted the bomb. They don't really seem to have any actual hard evidence, just a load of circumstantial evidence - some of which is now being seriously questioned as to whether it was ever genuine.
uniquely to Libya

My link above said:
S is for the Swiss circuit board:

A central piece of evidence which pointed to the Libyans (see L) was a tiny fragment of a circuit board found among the Lockerbie debris. This was traced to a firm in Switzerland which exported timers to Libya.

Apart from the confusion over when and where the circuit board was found (reports vary between June and November 1990), the Libyan connection to the timers is not as clear-cut as investigators have claimed. The US state department maintained that all timers from the Swiss firm had been delivered to Libya, but a BBC radio programme later proved that the firm had provided identical timers to the East German secret police, the Stasi.
I've also just noticed the following from the same source:
...the testimony of Abdul Majid Giaka, a Libyan double agent working for the CIA was dismissed by the court, leading to Fhimah's [Al-Megrahi's co-defendant, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah] acquittal. The agent testified that he had seen Fhimah with al-Megrahi at Malta's Luqa Airport on December 20, and that al-Megrahi was carrying a brown Samsonite suitcase. Since the case against Fhimah revolved around this testimony, its dismissal led the court to determine that "there is no evidence at all to suggest that the second accused (Fhimah) was even at Luqa Airport."

From the beginning, the case against Fhimah was weaker than that against al-Megrahi. While it was fairly well established that Fhimah had provided the luggage tags used to get the suitcase on its way, he could have been duped into doing so without knowing the reason.
So we already know that the CIA had someone who was a witness in the prosecution case against the two.

Would it be unreasonable to speculate that this double agent could have 'helped' them make a strong case against Libya in various other ways?
All America All the Time!!!!!!

Hate America Hate America Hate America Hate America!!!
The CIA Did It The CIA Did It The CIA Did It The CIA did It!!!

same ol tune.
Rentonite said:
All America All the Time!!!!!!

Hate America Hate America Hate America Hate America!!!
The CIA Did It The CIA Did It The CIA Did It The CIA did It!!!

same ol tune.

Well one thing we know as fact. The CIA flew planes into the twin towers with Mossad. Probably with remote controlled devices.

Big Fish and Dr. Jazz have the proof ;)
Rentonite & mears - the difference in this case is that we are talking *specific* evidence and that the case against this guy was all circumstantial and IMO always sounded a bit flakey. I wouldn't be surprised if Syrian-based terrorists were really behind the attack but it was decided that it would be pinned on Libya, using a Libyan double-agent and so forth.

This shows the danger of crying 'wolf'. When a halfway decent story does arise people are quick to say it is just yet another crazy conspiracy theory.
TeeJay said:
Rentonite & mears - the difference in this case is that we are talking *specific* evidence and that the case against this guy was all circumstantial and IMO always sounded a bit flakey. I wouldn't be surprised if Syrian-based terrorists were really behind the attack but it was decided that it would be pinned on Libya, using a Libyan double-agent and so forth.

This shows the danger of crying 'wolf'. When a halfway decent story does arise people are quick to say it is just yet another crazy conspiracy theory.

I agree--the case against Libya re Lockerbie has long been suspect, as too the contemporary shenanigans around the crash site. The identity of this Scottish policeman talking about planted evidence would/will be useful. And I would want, also. to know why he has apparently waited 17 years to reveal this fact. Furthermore, CIA complicity re Lockerbie would also again bring into focus the role of MI5, and specifically the line still peddled by BS artist Shayler re Lockerbie....
Larry O'Hara said:
...And I would want, also. to know why he has apparently waited 17 years to reveal this fact...
Isn't this covered in the news article - that he didn't think there would be a trail, then he didn't expect a conviction, then he thought that the appeal would be successful - and only now the appeal has failed has he realised he has got to bite the bullet and blow the whistle? Apparently he has said he didn't want to "break ranks" - probably fearing what might happen to his personal reputation, career and so forth. maybe now he is retired he feels it won't be such a disaster - maybe he even feels that after the last few years events he won't be treated like some kind of national traitor or complete fantasist for accusing the Americans of 'manipulating intelligence' (as it were).

You are right tho' - this new testimony won't make any difference unless he comes out publically and actually submits it to a proper court of law.
TeeJay said:
... You are right tho' - this new testimony won't make any difference unless he comes out publically and actually submits it to a proper court of law.

I think that is inevitable. After all he has given a sworn statement to the Libyan's defence team.
Larry O'Hara said:
And I would want, also. to know why he has apparently waited 17 years to reveal this fact.
Read the link in the OP.
Scotsman said:
"Asked why he had not come forward before, he admitted he'd been wary of breaking ranks, afraid of being vilified.

"He also said that at the time he became aware of the matter, no one really believed there would ever be a trial. When it did come about, he believed both accused would be acquitted. When Megrahi was convicted, he told himself he'd be cleared at appeal."

The source added: "When that also failed, he explained he felt he had to come forward.

"He has confirmed that parts of the case were fabricated and that evidence was planted. At first he requested anonymity, but has backed down and will be identified if and when the case returns to the appeal court."

What line was that twat Shayler peddling, then?
pbman said:
Then tell me why you belive this scottish policeman you never met.

Because it's well known that the Scottish police force are dead against the evil lizard empire of the Sassenachs. ;)
Hmmm, interesting thread - especially as my unlce was one of the officers in charge of the initial investigation. He says he still has nightmares over the stuff he saw at the crash site. Wonder if he knows anything about this new 'evidence'....?
bigfish said:
Can you expand on this please BB?
Erm... on what? Larry asks why he took 17 years to come forward - the reasons for which are presented in the Scotsman article in your OP - I quote the relavent bit and suggested Larry reads the article.

If you mean 'can I expand on Shayler's line' - the answer is 'no'. That's why I asked Larry to. I don't take much notice of twats like Shayler, Larry seems to have made it his vocation, so I was hoping that Larry can expand on what 'Shayler's line' actually is, rather that assume (as he appears to) that everyone is familiar with it already.

Are you feeling OK? :confused:
Well I suppose this has to be better than 'CIA Responsible for Lockerbie Bombing' which is what I was half expecting.

Not exactly 'news' tho is it? 'CIA Stitches Someone Up'...

Good find on the justice side and all that but...well...
Not exactly 'news' tho is it? 'CIA Stitches Someone Up'...

It's nice to have some proof for once. Pretty monstrous thing to do though, wasn't it? I.e. to knowingly pin it on the wrong people for the sake of political expediency? :eek:
Backatcha Bandit said:
I was hoping that Larry can expand on what 'Shayler's line' actually is, rather that assume (as he appears to) that everyone is familiar with it already.

Shayler's 'line' is that the Libyans did it, period, and going right back to his time in MI5, he & Machon spearheaded a propaganda/disinformation campaign to this effect. When I questioned him about a series of break-ins at a Birmingham venue showing the film 'Maltese Double Cross' by John Francovitch arguing against the Libyans having done it, he seemed (in the immortal phrase) 'distinctly uncomfortable' and denied all knowledge.
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