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bristol indymedia: press release (pre-server seizure) (2)

<heavy sigh>

-Yep, I've been following the threads for the last few days.

IMO, Zaskar's fatuousness really seems to have excelled with regards to this latest incident.

At the very least, he's a reckless, egocentric, loose cannon. On the strength of what I've seen, that's honestly the most charitable thing I can say.

There's really not a lot more I can post on this subject at the moment without resorting to outright swearing and insults.

:mad: :(
What's Zaskar got to do with this? I read Geri's Bristol Indymedia thread* and I don't understand what he's got to do with anything.

<edited to add>

* D'oh, I mean this thread...too many windows open at once :oops:
Mrs Magpie said:
What's Zaskar got to do with this? I read Geri's Bristol Indymedia thread* and I don't understand what he's got to do with anything.

zaskar (who used to be involved in bristol indymedia) contacted the police.
No Comment.


Ps: You all like writing loads, any of you ever tried your hands at writing articles? It's not as difficult or as daunting as it seems. Some articles only need to be a few sentences, as long as the info is pertinent enough.

Although, one line articles along the lines of "BIM is crap, discuss." nowadays just get binned, as ironically and paradoxically enough, they were the very type of thing making BIM crap.

Go on, have a go. Some of the submissions here are only a couple of sentences short of a submission. (I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere.)

Go on, you know you want to ;)
munkeeunit said:
Go on, have a go. Some of the submissions here are only a couple of sentences short of a submission. (I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere.)


;) :D :oops:
Sunspots said:

;) :D :oops:


Maybe you've hit a nail on the head.

Having the expression


may put off the dominatrix's amongst you from submitting,

while the submissives need to be given an article to submit to in advance.

A recipe for a sub-dom snarl-up.
munkeeunit said:
: You all like writing loads, any of you ever tried your hands at writing articles?

Oh yes, we do. we can. Funnilly enough there's a fair number of Urbanites who are involved in 101 projects across Bristol and the South West. Some of us have even had stuff published in "CheeezCider on the Fosse" Weekly Mercury so fuck off with your condasending wank; my luvver.
Isambard said:
Oh yes, we do. we can. Funnilly enough there's a fair number of Urbanites who are involved in 101 projects across Bristol and the South West. Some of us have even had stuff published in "CheeezCider on the Fosse" Weekly Mercury so fuck off with your condasending wank; my luvver.

Cor blimey me luvver I weren't beiong no condescending wank. Jus trying to make youse all feel more come-for-table.

I knows from ex-peer-e-ence that somertimes people donts ree-cog-neyes know there own all-reddy eggs-sisting eerbiliteyes.
Isambard said:
Oh yes, we do. we can. Funnilly enough there's a fair number of Urbanites who are involved in 101 projects across Bristol and the South West. Some of us have even had stuff published in "CheeezCider on the Fosse" Weekly Mercury so fuck off with your condasending wank; my luvver.

PS: Just thought about your response a bit more, and as my original pitch was directed at people who *don't* yet write articles, your response, as someone who already does, is kind of equivalent to seeing an advert saying something like...

Advert : "ever thought, of being a brain surgeon?"

Isambards Response : "I already am a brain surgeon you condescending wank!"



So, for those who *already do* write articles (and possibly fix brains while they're at it), it would be great to see your articles posted up on BIM too. Sorry, we can't pay you coz that's not what we're about. I don't get any cash for my efforts, and if anything we might even ask for a donation too.

But hey, that's open publishing for you. :D

errrrm, I was a bit tanked when I wrote the above, sorry. :oops:

The issue isn't whether BIM is any good at all.
The issue is that an individual has proudly exposed himself as a willing grass.
Even if I didn't give a flying fuck for BIM, it certainly has implications for this community.
What I'm concerned with at present is how XXX (Zaskar) has spent the last 5 hours trying to disrupt the BIM newswire, by repeatedly posting up articles along the lines of.

""Cum Spattered Survivor Describes Sex Riot in Druggy Vegan Cafe"
"Found a stray pigeon in Bristol"

and so on.

I was quite willing to accept there was no malice towards BIM in his report of the incident to the police.

Now I am not so sure.
Not easily at present. Our current codebase is a bit of a mess, but we are shortly due to switch over to a new code, which should make it a lot easier to put delays on the ability to post, etc.

People can help if they like by testing the new site for us for any bugs. Uploading articles, pictures, files, etc, and then reporting back any problems to me with a clear description, as a PM, would be very useful, and will speed things up, as currently my time, and others vols time, to do this kind of this is being thoroughtly wasted on moderating this kind of rubbish.


munkeeunit said:
What I'm concerned with at present is how XXX (Zaskar) has spent the last 5 hours trying to disrupt the BIM newswire, by repeatedly posting up articles along the lines of.

""Cum Spattered Survivor Describes Sex Riot in Druggy Vegan Cafe"
"Found a stray pigeon in Bristol"

and so on.

I was quite willing to accept there was no malice towards BIM in his report of the incident to the police.

Now I am not so sure.

Well, munkee, I have actually been at work for the last five hours. My postings on bim in the last 24 hours have been very few and very sober. If you require rpoof of this I am happy to supply this thru the PM system. I really am quite prepared to cop it (as always) for the real stuff i post. I always post under the same name.

It really is very unfortunate that anyone can post anything under any name IMHO.

I am glad to see that you appreciate I intended no malice in my original action, except to the rock droppers.

Geri, the discussion you mention was not heated, it was infantile, threatening and hurtfull.
Did you post these articles - ""Cum Spattered Survivor Describes Sex Riot in Druggy Vegan Cafe" and "Found a Stray Pigeon in Bristol" - on Bristol Indymedia, Zaskar? :confused:
fat hamster said:
Did you post these articles - ""Cum Spattered Survivor Describes Sex Riot in Druggy Vegan Cafe" and "Found a Stray Pigeon in Bristol" - on Bristol Indymedia, Zaskar? :confused:
As I said, no. Clearly some very odd people are attempting to dicredit me.

I NEVER post abuse (except amybe once i think). I always post in my own name. I always am honest and take the falk, even when it is just nasty abuse and attempt to engage and discuss.

i have no idea what is going on.

If you require further proof, pm me and I am happy to proove I have been at work with no access to a computer.
munkeeunit said:
The very statement, you never post abuse is a ridiculous and completely indefensible lie.

An example of the utterly disgusting scale of abuse XXX is capable of is found about two-thirds of the way down this thread.
Can I just say that Zaskar is clearly a fruitloop but everyone else on here is allowed the anonymity of a user name and I don't think it is right for people to decide unilaterally that Zaskar shouldn't also enjoy this (although i do think the mods should ban him and his abusive chum for the abuse and slander they have dished out.)
Jeff Baxter
jannerboyuk said:
Can I just say that Zaskar is clearly a fruitloop but everyone else on here is allowed the anonymity of a user name and I don't think it is right for people to decide unilaterally that Zaskar shouldn't also enjoy this (although i do think the mods should ban him and his abusive chum for the abuse and slander they have dished out.)
Jeff Baxter

who is his abusive chum?
Then again, I've noticed someone else who lurks on Urban 75, but who never comments, but whose tag begins with I and ends in S, and is well known for his earlier sabotage of BIM in unison with his chums Zaskar and Bad News Wade.

Oh well, whoever it is, their silly mess is tidied up now.

Hopefully the bonds between that grotty trio will now begin to disintegrate.
If you watch the currently active users box at the bottom of the screen you should be able to work it out, there's only two letters between the I and the S Funny how I've noticed him lurking there all afternoon while BIM was trolled. Should have maybe put the two together earlier.

Hi I**S,

Having fun?
Ashton Court is just around the corner :cool: and there'll be Bristolites from near and far, old and new, getting together for all the fun, the pubs, the discussions, the music and hanging out together. How is someone who is maybe new to Urban and wanting to be part of the community suppoosed to feel? Are they going to have to bite their tongue not knowing whether it is safe to say their opinion in our community?

All leaves a rather nasty taste in the mouth.
Does anyone suspect that todays episodes were an IP testing exercise by Z.s mates - 'ban us for this, you do have our IPs don't you?' sort of thing - when Z. was handily at work...
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