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what's david shayler done for the stop the war coalition?

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Starry Wisdom
i see that there's a valedictory book coming out about the stop the war coalition. there's an interesting list of contributors, including:

mi5 agent david shayler, cnd vice president bruce kent, film director ken loach, former un assistant secretary general denis halliday, stockhom syndrome sufferer and celebrity "moslem" yvonne ridley; poets benjamin zephaniah, harold pinter (according to the ruc, anyway), adrian mitchell, tony harrison and michael rosen; pete doherty of babyshambles; vietnam veteran & mate of george galloway ron kovic; military families against the war; trade union leaders william hayes, tony woodley and jeremy dear; mps george galloway, alan simpson and jeremy corbyn.


what's shayler ever done for the stop the war coalition?

larry o'hara's 'notes from the borderland' magazine has raised considerable doubts over the exness of his relationship with mi5 - and it would be interesting to know yvonne ridley's [alleged] residual ties to mi6 are.

and pete docherty? what the fuck's he done for the swc? even ms dynamite's done more than him! :mad:
butchersapron said:
I expect Mt Shayler has made some useful contacts. For future work. Like.

Yup I read Notes from the Borderland its a bit worrying. Especially as the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which has won some useful victories recently such as Vanunu winning the rectorship of Glasgow University, are also promoting Shayler. Why?
He spoke at one of the stw conferences IIRC....don't ask me what was said though, was over a year ago.

and just found this...
Security Service Failures

David Shayler has spoken in great depth at a number of Stop the War meetings on the failure of the security services to correctly identify the fact that Saddam had no stockpiles of WMD’s. David, from his years working inside the security services, is able to give a clear and analytical perspective on this central part of the Butler Report.

He is also able to shed light on how the Official Secrets Act has today silenced any internal dissention against the war.
the Shayler/Machon road show

the Left/PSC is right to be wary of Shayler

1) He & Machon admit ongoing contact with spooks

2) his speech to STWC
--let MI5 off ther hook on WMD
--still blamed Libya for Lockerbie

3) He & Machon are happy to finger Jack Jones (ex-TGWU) as passing info obtained from Tony Benn to KGB (re Polaris) but...

4) Never raised this publicly until Mail on Sunday recently. Could this be because if they had Benn might not have told them anything about his pre-invasion visit to Saddam in Baghdad?

5) Scottish PSC success re Vanunu would itself trigger a spook response.

All this explains why I have written about Shayler/Machon's recent antics in latest (issue 6) Notes From the Borderland, (see http://www.borderland.co.uk for details, including how to obtain it, and suggested people try and secure an open debate between myself, Class War (long slandered by Shayler/Machon) & ther two spooks. As long as the Guardian-reading Last Century Left gives these two creatures uncritical house room they will continue to operate unhindered. About time that ceased
Hold on. I may be missing something here, but - mainstream, identifiable "insider" into the processes of the intelligence services supports STWC... therefore, surely, making them more credible to those who're not quite sure of other justifications?
i had an interesting chat with an old chum who mentioned how uncomfortable he felt when shayler & machon turned up at a (lefty) party he recently attended. reckoned they were definitely more ears than lips - funny that :D
bristle-krs said:
i had an interesting chat with an old chum who mentioned how uncomfortable he felt when shayler & machon turned up at a (lefty) party he recently attended. reckoned they were definitely more ears than lips - funny that :D

Did Shayler eat all the pies?

More seriously when he/Machon were slagging Class War, I did write to him, c/o Punch magazine where he was working at the time, rebutting his comments (much of which were rants about crusties, Class War being a threat to public health, it was the sort of stuff Richard Littlejohn would consider beneath him to write!)

I got no reply, but Shayler did manage to travel to Bristol for some meeting or other, where he told Tony Gosling that Class War was propped up by the security service.
Gosling has been repeating this ever since, with his only source being Shayler.
Not really my forum so please be nice to the newbie like. :oops:

Isn't it the case that just cos people have a "fall out" with the spooks it doesn't mean tthat they are on the side of progressive politics or still aren't palying some role with the spooks.

Peter Wright and Spycatcher spirings to mind.

Are there ANY radical political organisations that someone isn't alleging are funded by the states / MI5 / CIA whatever. ????
Perhaps the last spook I met who came out to me with a lot of Thatcherite / UDM / military / police rubbish was funded by "the party" to check that I'm still on the trot line? :D
Would be interested to know if the Respect posters on here agree with their leadership's decision not to stand a candidate against Blair, as David Shayler is standing against him?

It is certainly a decision that has cost respect publicity......
'Pete Docherty's been around the left for at least a couple of years.'

What bit of the 'Left' would that be then?
treelover said:
'Pete Docherty's been around the left for at least a couple of years.'

What bit of the 'Left' would that be then?

Yeah, I'd be intrested to know.... I think what flimsier means is, Docherty is one of the celebrity's who's jumped on the bureaucratic bandwagon of the StWC to boost his record sales... :p

Shayler should have nothing to do with the left. Interesting to note that Shayler was a wanted man for a while after he 'blew the whistle', in fact I seem to remember that he wasn't able to show his face for worry of being arrested....

....Obviously not the case anymore, seen as he has appeared at public meetings... its all to clear that the kudos he gained with certain 'lefties' for whistleblowing has got him in with a particular crowd, and is now no doubt very useful to his 'former' employers.
treelover said:
'Pete Docherty's been around the left for at least a couple of years.'

What bit of the 'Left' would that be then?

dunno. But he's been sighted in Freedom bookshop, and apparently offered to do a benefit gig for 'em (never happened though, obviously)
Sorry. said:
dunno. But he's been sighted in Freedom bookshop, and apparently offered to do a benefit gig for 'em (never happened though, obviously)

he did his protest song with the libertines 'time for heroes' about mayday 2001. It's got a good beat.

He has got a social conscience, heart in the right place, trouble is as the boy wilde said, 'them temptations are a bit to tempting, alfred me boy'.

We'll win him over to the anarchist cause. Better drugs, innit.
I really think the left could do without druggy chancers like Docherty even if he has written a few good tunes. We've all had drug problems and got over them without courting media publicity. I don't think he's a good advert for the progressive cause what with the damage hard drugs do in working class areas drugs for us are dead ends not some Libertine adventure.

The left can definately do without public school chancers like Shayler. He's probly spent half his life running hard drugs to inner city areas! Anyone on the left who endorses the point of view of an ex(?) spook seriously has to justify themselves to the rest of the movement. How can anyone on the left expect to be taken seriously we they endorse such a persons point of view uncondotionally? Come on here now and explain yourselves.

However contentious it is, I think Larry O'Hara has a proven track record and anything he puts foward deserves to be taken seriously even if only to be refuted.

P.S. Is Ketamine an 'anarchist drug'?? How? I thought any serious anarchist would be straight edge!
sipriano said:
Serious question, when you paint your model T34's what kind of paint do you use humbro ?

I've always used airfix own brand, but real trotsky-fascist blood on the caterpillar tracks.
ernestolynch said:
I've always used airfix own brand, but real trotsky-fascist blood on the caterpillar tracks.

you have to stamp on their heads to get it though, try using the tank to spill the blood just ends in tears and a trip down to the model shop to replace it
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