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Craft club topic of the month - knitting!


Well since when we originally discussed the craft club, people were hoping there'd be an online side to it, so that those not in London could participate to an extent too, here's the relevant thread for this one. I guess we just use this thread to discuss what (if anything) we're working on, any problems or ideas we've got, anything relating to knitting really. Pictures of the stuff you're working on would be particularly ace.

I'll post about what I'm up to later...
I'm knitting up some hand-spun wool i bought in Skye last year - a mixture of lovely warm reds and purples, and natural undyed sheep colour. I'm kind of making the pattern up as I go along, using Noro patterns with a similar stitch count. Pics soon barring major cock-ups....

I also have a pair of socks on the go, as I can carry them around in my bag. I'm going to knit this pair on the big side and felt them for extra warmth.

After that, my wool stash is nearly exhausted, so I can go shopping again, probably at Colinette :)

Well I've started knitting a whole heap of small squares that are going to be sown together into a patchwork something. So far i'm thinking either cushoins for my bed or a hanging to go on the wall above my bed.
I'm having a real knitting frenzy at the moment, having not done any for ages.

I had a frantic knit against time of the second baby cardigan for my sister's twins when they turned up early - that was a double knit fairisle pattern which is quite nice, except that it's annoyingly vague with the instructions for knitting up the button and buttonhole bands and I ended up with one about half the length of the other and had to unravel and start that bit again. I'm not sure I like knitting for babies, I felt like such a stereotype.

I've also been knitting flower corsages with the pattern moose sent me - they're great because you can do one in an evening, but I do think there's a knack to getting them right. My second attempt keeps coming back to haunt me on my best friend's coat and I keep looking at it and wincing.

And I'm in a bit of a quilt situation again with my mother's Xmas present (ie still not finished). This is a big stoley scarfey type thing in kidsilk haze and a lace stitch. It's my first go at lace knitting. The nice lady in the wool shop told me I didn't need to get a pattern for a rectangular scarf, just find a lace stitch I liked and multiply. I'm using a stitch called fir cone. I tried a few different stitches out of a book from the library and got very confused with some of them. This one I'm finding fairly easy, once I'd got the hang of "yarn forward" which I'd never come across before, and it's pleasingly repetitive after the baby jumper, which I had to look at the pattern for about twice a row. If anyone wants the stitch, I'll post it up.

I'm having a bit of a love affair with kidsilk haze at the moment. To cheer myself up today I bought some in rose pink to make this shawl ("Birch" from Rowan) as my next major project, although I need to make myself a hat in between really. I'm not quite sure how to tackle that - I want to make a beret with this thick/thin wool a friend brought me back from China, but it's not a standard weight, so I'm not quite sure what pattern to use or how it'll work.
When I was in London I went to this place
Thye ahve an absolutely staggering array of really exotic wools and yarns. They had camel wool and all sorts ready for spinning. My mate was just after some bog standard wool so we didn't stay long but I could've spent hours in there. So if any of you are looking fro something out of the ordinary I'd recommend it :)
I am almost finished a cat that I began months and months ago. It all went on hold when uni work and general knackered-ness took over. I do love knitting toys but am hoping to get back into the crochet thing very soon. I've been thinking up a very nice chevron scarf in my head now for a long time and am looking forward to bringing it into existence.

See if you knew how to crochet Rubes I could teach you how to do the easiest peasiest flower corsages!
madzone said:
When I was in London I went to this place
Thye ahve an absolutely staggering array of really exotic wools and yarns. They had camel wool and all sorts ready for spinning. My mate was just after some bog standard wool so we didn't stay long but I could've spent hours in there. So if any of you are looking fro something out of the ordinary I'd recommend it :)

Looks like a wicked place :)

I have brought some natural oiled wool from ebay .. I am going to make a blanket made up of different knitting stitches (if I can pick up some tips) and make it in creams and grays. :)
I really really need to learn to spin. I've got 2 spining wheels but I just can't seem to get it right. I've got shitloads of fleeces just waiting and we've got 3 shetland/jacobs ewes with bloody lovely wool (I was gonna say fur :eek: )
Moan moan grump grump. I'm going to get my wheel out today and have a look at it and see what's going wrong.

In theory that is - in reality I'll probably end up pissing about on the internet all day - just for a change like
I'm having a conflict between dressmaking and knitting

its cheaper to make clothes than a scarf I want to knit so I'm afraid its taken a back burner atm

however the eternal square knitting contines, I'm using mine to make a blanket to take to the festiavls in the summer :cool:

thats the plan anyway :D :rolleyes:
liberty said:
I have brought some natural oiled wool from ebay .. I am going to make a blanket made up of different knitting stitches (if I can pick up some tips) and make it in creams and grays. :)
You can do wonders just with simple combinations of knit and purl stitches -doesn't have to be complicated :)
madzone said:
Do you do leaves and stuff?

never bothered with a leaf but if I was to do one I'd just do a chevron type job, or perhaps begin with a few chains and then symetrically crochet [eg one on each side of chain] double treble, treble and then double crochet.
moose said:
You can do wonders just with simple combinations of knit and purl stitches -doesn't have to be complicated :)

Cheers moose I will give it a go.. The wool has arrived from ebay.. They are shades of brown not gray :(

I can still use the cream though
I saw a woman in the street the other day wearing a wicked knitted hat with woolen corsage on it. If the knitting goes well I might have a go at one myself.
Tell you what they were selling hats like that in Spitalfields for 20 quid a pop last crimble. Dead simple crocheted cap with a corsage, sort of thing you can do a load of in an evening.
fuBganger said:
Tell you what they were selling hats like that in Spitalfields for 20 quid a pop last crimble. Dead simple crocheted cap with a corsage, sort of thing you can do a load of in an evening.
lol - sort of thing you can do a load of in an evening! :)
loving this thread already! :) Blimey, its been so long since I knit anything, and if I'm honest, it wasn't entirely successful. I like the actual knitting but i'm crap at following a pattern.
fat hamster said:

What's a corsage? :oops:

The like of this, but generally less vile.

After giving up on one cardigan I managed to complete another one and I love it. It's Noro wool and pattern and I found the Noro pattern much easier than the Rowan pattern for the first failed cardigan. I am now knitting Wolfie a jumper.
I would also like to sew something, got any links to easy patterns Aqua?
I make clothes and am going to a class to learn the tailoring side and its fab :D

esy patterns, anything that doesn't have the word easy on it :D

I love new look, they fit me fairly well without making too many adjustments :)

have a look here and here

they're american sites but its where I look for ideas etc before hitting the shops
aqua said:
I make clothes and am going to a class to learn the tailoring side and its fab :D

esy patterns, anything that doesn't have the word easy on it :D

I love new look, they fit me fairly well without making too many adjustments :)

have a look here and here

they're american sites but its where I look for ideas etc before hitting the shops
Thanks, I'll have a look on these.
Shirl said:
After giving up on one cardigan I managed to complete another one and I love it. It's Noro wool and pattern and I found the Noro pattern much easier than the Rowan pattern for the first failed cardigan. I am now knitting Wolfie a jumper.
I would also like to sew something, got any links to easy patterns Aqua?

What pattern was the one that failed?
i'm knitting my first jumper ever at the moment - long sleeved mohair tunic in a really open guage, in this wool: look!

I've just done the front panel which is cool cos I got the neckline right first time, and now I'm doing the back :)
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