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9-11 conspiracies. Are you interested?

Are you interested in hearing the "evidence" of 9-11 conspiracy theories?

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Only if the theories involve buxum female double agents who have a gold-plated gun tucked into their stockings.
Poi E said:
Only if the theories involve buxum female double agents who have a gold-plated gun tucked into their stockings.

Oh yeah that'd be cool.:cool:

Anyway, I voted no, but only because there was no 'especially not when put forward by planks like Azrael23 - as if he'd have some sort of special insight FFS' option.
Poi E said:
Only if the theories involve buxum female double agents who have a gold-plated gun tucked into their stockings.
Let's assume they involve air traffic controller number 30, and he's a middle aged podgy guy with a slight bald patch.
The sad thing is, I might be interested in learning about any objective points of interest re. 9/11, if it wasn't for the headache-inducing insistence of all conspiracy theorists that you either comply totally with their all-out belief or you are a zombie fit only for the grill once the anti-govt revolution comes. Guys, you're doing your cause no favours.
In one way, yes. It's interesting, and a little depressing, that so many people will believe such fanciful bollocks.
Here's a tip, which I've found to be useful on these boards - if you aren't interested in a subject, don't read or post on the threads!

I know, it's quite mindblowing.

Also let's note that this poll question is biased with its "quotation marks"
danny la rouge said:
If you aren't certain, just remove the word conspiracy, the poll question still works.

Would I be correct in that you believe the current Iraq war to be motivated by the greed of a handful of yanks rather than WMDs?
I used to be, very much so - i still feel we were lied to.

But puerile, dishonest, credulous, arrogant, patronising, wrongheaded ignorant fucking cuntpigshitwankers like Azrael23 and the like have ensured that i really don't give a fuck anymore.

so well done, lads :)
Jazzz said:
Also let's note that this poll question is biased with its "quotation marks"

If the quotation marks were to be removed I would vote 'yes'. Real evidence would be very interesting if ever it was to appear.
Oh FFS - 11 of you.


Well, I guess I will have to apologise to Azrael and Jazzz - there are clearly far more broken people posting on urban than I previously suspected.

I'd be interested in evidence. Is only if that's the same thing as "evidence"? I'm not really up for every crack-pot theory and all the bullying of the crack-pots that obscure any possible disscussion.

There are some documentaries and articles that make some interesting points about 7/11. Maby some permanant links to them might be cool but are these the best boards for it?

It's just that everytime someone on these boards refers to anything that can thought as a 'conspiracy', even in the most nebulous terms, there seems to be an inordinate amount of trolling and personal insults exchanged. I rarely see anything like an objective discussion take place. So while I'd be happy for a link to some boards where I can find a serious discussion on various subjects I don't think this is the place for it.
CA91 - you're a couple of years late is why - the issue has been hijacked by utter twats, which has driven away even those initially very curious about the 'truth'
I'm interested in there being a serious enquiry to examine the evidence. I don't think this is a suitable forum for such an enquiry.
Swarfega said:
Oh FFS - 11 of you.


Well, I guess I will have to apologise to Azrael and Jazzz - there are clearly far more broken people posting on urban than I previously suspected.


18 now ;)

I say, I'm astonished. I was expecting 3 or 4. But 18!


Maybe a Tin Foil Hat Forum is in order.
Dubversion said:
I used to be, very much so - i still feel we were lied to.

But puerile, dishonest, credulous, arrogant, patronising, wrongheaded ignorant fucking cuntpigshitwankers like Azrael23 and the like have ensured that i really don't give a fuck anymore.

so well done, lads :)

Your calling me puerile and then 2 seconds later using the word cuntpigshitwanker?!

Something is not right...:D

BTW you can`t dispute where the funding for 9/11 came from, you can`t dispute the origins of the inside trading. It was an inside job. As gandhi said, "the truth is still the truth even in a minority of one"
The question is:

"Are you interested in hearing the "evidence" of 9-11 conspiracy theories?"

not whether we believe them and/or spend most of our time investigating them.
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