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Keep Paddick Campaign


Lee Jasper & Keep Paddick Campaign

I understand from today's news that Lee Jasper has said that he will mount a campaign to keep Paddick in his job if necessary. Well, if you are reading this Lee - that's necessary now, before a final decision is made on his future.

I would like to be a part of this campaign. Would anyone else? Please sign below.

I am now going to look for a contact email or phone number for Lee. Could anyone who already knows of one please also post it below. Thanks everyone. Let's bite the bullet and mobilise on this one.
Well, Lee Jasper works for GLA so we should be able to contact him via their offices. I have emailed my support for Paddick to the MPA and the Commissioner of the Met. I agree we must mobilise quickly. A petition around Brixton would be a good start. I don't have a printer that works (pathetic isn't it) but count me in for pounding the streets for signatures of support.
Can you keep me in the loop for this one? I'm sure I can get the odd journo interested in the story!
Could we get Grubby Local to do a similar thing to 'We Luv Our Pub Guv' in the SLP? A form (that CAN be photocopied) 'We Luv Our Top Cop' form in the Big Issue! Sorry if it's too mad an idea. I just think loads of different things, serious and more light-hearted is a campaign on many fronts.
available, willing, originally a Lambeth girl and angry.
I've mailed commissioner@met already. I want to do more.
MPA chairman Lord Harris said: "I have been impressed by recent progress made by Commander Paddick in his efforts to build up relationships with the community in Lambeth and drive down crime. I hope these improvements will continue."

This is taken from the www.guardian.co.uk/uklatest/story/0,1271,-1593870,00.html site... a glimmer of hope maybe?? I hope so... I'm sure "St. Paddick's day" is media friendly enough. Although I must have said it about 20 time by now... I'll stop, I'm obviously in way over my head.
I'll do mostly anything and so will the Spawn who feel very strongly indeed as 1) They have also been the victims of the gutter press and 2) They have been helped and protected by the Lambeth police
I'm not from Lambeth but would really like to show my support for Brian. I think what's happening is disgusting.
I can't remember the address for the Greater London Authority. I signed off and rang a friend to get Lee Jaspers details but he's out. I'm sure that detective-boys email address if not right is damn close!

Ken Livingstone has issued a spirited defence of Paddick (Nice to hear him talking again! He's been quite quiet recently!)
For what it's worth...

I'd like to add my name to the list. I don't live in Brixton but I work for a national newspaper. Please don't assume we're all like that disgraceful, hypocritical Kensington rag.

I want to ask Paul Dacre: If your teenage daughter was caught smoking a joint in the King's Road, would you prefer her to be dealt with by a cop like Paddick, or one of the sinister "police insiders" who are driving your papers' witch-hunt?

Lambeth can stop this vile vendetta. Protest.
Mrs Magpie - I emailed the support letter to the SLP and others last week. Standard printing it tomorrow - they might do some editorial off the back of it.
a lot of very good changes took place in brixton in the past year, and this is said by someone who lives right in the heart of brixton since 4 years. much more needs still doing though, and we can't afford to loose someone special in the policeforce who actually could cope with brixton (and this very successfully) to a somewhat rumourous story of an ex-partner in the yellow press. i would like to see a police men/officer who had never had anyone who smoked a spliff in his/her flat (this is all just unreal if it wouldn't be happening).

so we should act quickly while the media is still reporting. how about wednesday afternoon (this is my quick intuition) in front of brixton police station. looking our best, representing the local citizens and just say no, we are not interested whether he ever had a puff or partner who smoked spliffs because this is absolutly not relevant at this time in and for brixton and basically that we want him back.

(latest since today i'm ready to go on the street to demonstrate for a good police representation in an area that needs it and is worth it))
Do it... do it... do it... but play nice.

I can guarantee there isn't a media outlet on the planet that wouldn't cover a pro-police demo by the people of Lambeth.

But, please, no violence. That is exactly what the likes of The Mail want.

Get it organised, make it colourful, keep it to the single issue that Lambeth loves The Commander and doesn't want to lose him and no newspaper, telly or radio station could resist.

And do it quick, before the story fades and Brian is left to rot at the Yard.

...oh and let me know when. I want to be there.
people who are interested should meet tomorrow afternoon/eve in the prince albert (or somewhere else) to plan on some action (and surely a riot is out of question, sorry wl). it seems a little impossible to plan anything via the internet.

what do others think?
I'm up for it.

I mailed various people in a rush this morning including R4s PM, but didn't hear the prog. Don't suppose they ran it?
The Mission Starts Now

I must admit to being new to Urban75 but having seen the news today I am disgusted that taxes can be so absurdly abused against democracy where a clearly popular, probably the most popular policeman in the country should be a victim of a witchhunt.

I would sign any petition.
Go on any demonstration.
Support any coordinated action.
Lobby my MP, lobby all MPs, lobby my councillor and for that matter virtually anyone who has a post inbox.
The Rest of the World

You Brixtonians are going to be very busy over the next couple of days. I really admire your spirit and support you to the hilt.

However, I am on the other side of Britain, so I can only offer remote support. And I doubt that I am alone - there must be many, many people across the world who feel strongly that something really hopeful is about to be extinguished if BP does not get back to Brixton.

So, don't forget to exploit the mass support from afar.

Can we start an email petition - I would, but I don't know how!

If the Met, Ken Livingstone, Lord Whatsisname et al are bombarded with letters emails and phone calls, it will add some serious force to your physcal demo.

It would also help, to publicise the demo and postal campign on other message boards eg BBC R4 etc etc.

Can I do any thing to help???
Do all you've suggested Lydia.

This will be better if we join forces with Brixton people who don't use Urban75. We don't need to picket anywhere tomorrow. We should try and organise something reasonably substantial in the next few weeks.
I am a Brixton resident, Black, 30 odd years old, been the victim of almost deadly violence and work in the borough. Getting rid of Commander Paddick is a backward step. He has the confidence of a great deal of the local Black community, something unheard of not to long ago. This action reeks of homophobia, prejudice and a political witch hunt. Demo for the Commander? Count me in.
Welcome to the U75 boards!

Keep half an eye on here and I think something will shape up in the next week or so. I'm hoping to speak to Lee Jasper tomorrow for a start.
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