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I just did a search for ''conspiraloon'' on this site and 122 pages of threads came up! :eek:

Wowsers. I never heard the word before I came here. Or knew much about them. Now I find the whole thing oddly fascinating.

Sorry, I must learn to call them 'independent public investigators'. ;)

What is the most popular conspiracy theory on the site? Is it the liberal mono-thought ban-police cartel theory? Or the new world order baby eating owl worshipper thing? Or 9/11? And do other sites get as much debate on the subject of conspiracy theories, and interaction with conspiracy theorists as this one?

I ask because friend is doing Psychology MA and she said she is thinking of doing a study of them because she has got rivited by them as well, so I sent her to a few conspiracy boards where I had got drawn into ding-dongs (following conspiracy theorist invasion of my blog.) U75 seems to me to be unusual both in the amount of enagagement with, and frustration with conspiracy theorists: strikes me people will engage with enthusiam if only for the fun of a great big argument with them. Kind of like the resident arch-Tory on a forum I used to frequent: life would have been much duller without him there to disagree with. But my God it could get tiresome as well.
It's just about bad mental practice and lack of balanced analysis. You can prove God shits smarties if you're prepared to believe it.

I'd say 9/11 was the most popular, but then the conspiraloons only really came here after the world turned to shit.
When the US was developing the stealth fighter-bomber, they had a problem. If the Russians had gotten wind of a plane that could breeze through their air defences like they weren't there, then they might be tempted (in the minds of US cold warriors) to launch a nuclear first strike. So the yanks ran the whole programme in the the deep black at the remote Nellis air force base in Nevada.

Oddly enough, all those lurid conspiraloon media stories about Area 51, alien autopsies and downed UFOs being reverse-engineered by the US government started up around the time this was happening, and even more coincidentally Area 51 was said to be located at this very base.

So guess what happened to all the eye-witness reports about funny looking aircraft that didn't show up on radar?

Conspiracy theories are incredibly valuable to dodgy government types engaged in actual conspiracies.

Unfortunately that makes it extremely hard to tell which is which.
Wookey said:
It's just about bad mental practice and lack of balanced analysis. You can prove God shits smarties if you're prepared to believe it.

I'd say 9/11 was the most popular, but then the conspiraloons only really came here after the world turned to shit.
ffs, we all know that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the conspiraloons, so they'd have something to talk about when they wear their tinfoil hats :rolleyes:
If you want a good example, try this thread:


Apart from the usual content - a, shall we say, "off the wall" theory and a complete disregard of any evidence to the contrary - it is notable for a reasonably polite response by other posters. Oh yes, and an incorporation of lizards/illuminati/lucifer into the opening position by around page 4. :D
My dad used to have a conspiracy theory it's a bit mad he reckon's the goverment pump out loads of crap in the atomosphere, we all absorb it and then it goes round london, not just round, but through, then we all end up ill and try and blame it on someone else just to make ourselves feel better
White Lotus said:
Apart from the usual content - a, shall we say, "off the wall" theory and a complete disregard of any evidence to the contrary - it is notable for a reasonably polite response by other posters. Oh yes, and an incorporation of lizards/illuminati/lucifer into the opening position by around page 4. :D
I'm afraid that thread has deteriorated now. For a while it was looking promising as the OP added Iraqi oil and GM crops to his argument, before advancing the theory that the queen actually owned the whole country and we were her slaves. :D

However, the usual suspects have now leapt into the fray to support this assortment of points, arguments have broken out and the whole thing is now getting rather bad-tempered. Pity.
You people are pathetic.

You refuse to listen to the facts and hand forth dogma as your proof...

Whats the difference between a conspiracy theory and a prosecution case?

Narrowminded bigotry would be one case i`d bring forth against people like you guys.

I could write a book on how 9/11 was conducted by a criminal element with the US govt. Welcome to the real world.
Bernie Gunther said:
Conspiracy theories are incredibly fnord valuable to dodgy government types engaged in actual conspiracies.

Yes... disinformation... of which there is lots.
But I also wanted to make a serious point - was going to post it there but by now only the hardiest posters are on that thread, so I bumped this one. Sorry.

What really pisses me off about all these loony conspiracy theories, is not just that they're wrong, but they detract attention from the real corruption out there.

Part of my previous job(s) was to understand the rich and powerful, on behalf of my charity. And it's pretty much as you'd predict: complex networks based on family, friendships, obligations and favours. There are different groupings based on business, celebrity, aristocracy and politics - with a lot of cross-linkage between these groups. If you study these you can use them benignly: if one of your supporters has a daughter in school with the daughter of a trustee of a grant-making foundation, you can ask her to arrange an introduction.

The trouble comes about when they are used less benignly, eg the husband of politician A does a favour for politician B and receives a bung from businessman C who owes B a favour ...

However, any thought that there is some sort of "board of directors" or "13 families" or any one group in control of what happens on this planet, is sheer wishful thinking. Wishful, because it means if we could only crack that group, they could put right everything that's wrong with the world. In my book, it's what people come up with when they can't quite bring themselves to believe in an omnipotent deity who responds to prayers.

Instead, there are people. Some have more power than others. Being people, they tend to do favours for friends - whether it's a plumber doing a bit of work free for their neighbour, or a big businessman awarding a contract to the company their wife's best friend works for. There's no mystery, and it's the job of the likes of Private Eye to out the more blatant examples, and those where it's the taxpayers money that's involved.
If you can`t read the writing on the wall don`t worry about it. But don`t decry those who do as somehow mentally ill.
Your just stereotyping and thats a sign of ignorance.

There are a group of families that run the economic world and thus much of what we call society.
Thats not a theory its a fact.

They`re all members of death cults, no joke.

People involved do get found out, these people make mistakes, quite a lot in fact. Then when the info gets out people ignore it as "conspiracy theory" because it isn`t on TV.

torrent file - xvid codec and mpga 678MB

ok, thats a link to the filming of the WTC towers on 11th september 2001 from across the hudson river.

its 1 hr 40 mins long with full analysis of the captured footage on a high resolution camera and microphone.

Dont worry there is no mention of NWO, Lizards, spacemen, pagans, illuminati and such stuff.. just the video and sound from that day

hope you all enjoy
A couple of nights ago I tried to relocate a US website from back when you could first post pictures, that claimed that "European-style roadsigns" were markers for sikrit Federal-Emergency-Management-Agency concentration camps where {right-wing-militia types|christians|lefties|all NRA members} (delete according to conspiraloon's affilations) would be rounded up... some of them cunningly disguised as golf range thingies.

I couldn't find it :(

But I did find a whole wide wacky world of other conspiracy theories.

Why do we only get hit here by such a narrow and boring range? True, we did have random - very random - references to chemtrails for a while.

Where, indeed, are Jack Straw's internment camps; the Queen's undoubted rôle as lynchpin of a conspiracy to swamp the US with heroin and bad currency; the vital matter of who killed Marilyn; UFOs and the conspiracy to cover up the conspiracy to cover them up; Free Energy and the ctcutctciu... and the whole of the restof the menagerie of disconnected thoughts and word salad?
azrael and zark - you would be wise to ignore this thread. And to be fair to White Lotus, she is generally polite and entitled to her opinion.
never heard the phrase conspiraloons before, absolutely quality

"some nutter today reckons the world is round.. conspiraloon"

"i swear some people think that the earth goes round the sun.. conspiraloons"

yeah and back in the 40's some conspiraloon jews were telling other jews that the nazis were going to work them to death, gas them and burn them alive.. conspiraloons eh?

next some nutter will claim that Iraq hasnt got WMD;s -- CONSPIRALOONS

Whew! Just read the UK Banking thread having ignored it originally 'cos of the title. What larks.

( I didn't realise that Alex Jones was barking. I suppose it as a result of his career taking a dive after The Snowman and then his voice broke.)
zArk said:
never heard the phrase conspiraloons before, absolutely quality

"some nutter today reckons the world is round.. conspiraloon"

"i swear some people think that the earth goes round the sun.. conspiraloons"

yeah and back in the 40's some conspiraloon jews were telling other jews that the nazis were going to work them to death, gas them and burn them alive.. conspiraloons eh?

next some nutter will claim that Iraq hasnt got WMD;s -- CONSPIRALOONS

Oh dear. What a load of embarrassing bollocks.

But according to your logic, are conspiraloons always correct?
zArk said:
hope you all enjoy
Who filmed it? Has it been doctored? Have you checked its authenticity? Is the author credible? etc etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No, don't bother.
White Lotus said:
What really pisses me off about all these loony conspiracy theories, is not just that they're wrong, but they detract attention from the real corruption out there.

Part of my previous job(s) was to understand the rich and powerful

Top post.

The thing about conspiraloons is that they don't want to understand. They aren't interested in the world. They want to tell stories, with referece only to other stories, and they want to be the only one who's right. Hence their tendency to feud...

They want to be Prophets. And, yes, all the recorded Prophets appear to have been certifiably delusional...
maggots. You know nothing of what you speak.

How am I distracting people from real govt crime when I`m trying to expose it? Simply because you do not believe the truth that doesn`t mean it goes away.
You called me a conspiraloon for talking about bohemian grove and labour camps in america. Thats all provable. You refuse to acknowledge any of the sources and called the video a fake even though the bohemian club admitted it wasn`t.

Your intellectual cowards. If alex jones is such a loon how come he predicted 9/11 2 months before it happened? How come he gets everyone from michael meacher to andreas van buelow on his radio show?

Do some research.
Azrael23 said:

I gather you believe yourself to be a superior being to mere sceptics, then?

Azrael23 said:
Do some research.

I have. Lots. And Bernie Gunther has, and others have.

The difference is that we have a clear idea of what research means. It does not mean endless appeals to the Argument from Authority. It does not mean inhabiting a purely textual universe of mutually-referencing delusional sites, trawling for a quote, any quote, that can be taken out of context to support your current fanciful tale.

It means looking at the content of the claims, at their coherence with what is known of history and physics, and at the ways that the claims have been evaluated, typically by peer review.

It means caring about the world, not the "theories" as ends-in-themselves.
Anyway, to repeat the question that ended up near the bottom of the last page: why don't we get the interesting delusions here?
i believe in the interconnectedness of all things; that all things serve the whole; that everything will "come good" in the fullness of time.

that sentence hardly explains what i mean at all.

one thing bugged me until just now. i have always connected the word believe with religion and the "leap of faith" required to accept the... well, unbelievable.

I just checked with Word Web Pro and it also means
"Accept as true; take to be true"

and "Judge or regard; look upon; judge"

and "Be confident about something"

as well as "Follow a credo; have a faith; be a believer"

well i supose that exposes me as some kind of mental person, forever to be shunned by an uncaring society and my opinions to be ridiculed because i may be mentally ill.
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