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The 7/7 Report

Nothing to see here, move along please.........

What a set of fucktards eh? Still no public investiagtion despite the statement that "there was a lack of funding". Its almost as if they have something to hide.........
Just seen an interview with 3 of the survivors on Channel 4 - they all made the same points
a) we need an open public enquiry
b) that the iraq war DID figure strongly (as everyone on the planet knows but the government will not admit in this report...)

The all said they hold no particuler hatred towards the idiots who blew themselves and plenty of innocent people up . After all these fools are all dead - That is, despite the things they themselves have experienced and winessed - something which would be understandable if they did.

In the face of mealy-mouthed politicians covering thier arses and covering up government culpability - in going ahead with the Iraq war - what fantastic examples of decent, ordinary people, of real humanity these three people were.
I didn't know the poor sod who had his legs blown off and lost an eye (the one still in hospital) actually saw the bomber guy set off the bomb in his carriage.

He said he looked the guy in the eye and seconds later the bomb went off.

I can't imagine what that experience must have been like.
On 7 July 2006 fifty-two people were killed in the terrorist attacks
in London. The Intelligence and Security Committee has examined the
intelligence and security matters relevant to the attacks and I enclose with
this letter a Report which covers our findings.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
TAE said:
Did you know that one of those three is Badger Kitten?

Rachel? - that the lass - well I take my hat off to her and the other folk who answered the question put

Reread the blog after seeing the interviews. I must admit it made me tearful again. I know that sounds stupid but it still freaks me a wee bit - i am sure it is a lot harder for folk who went through it...
This will add weight to the conspiracy theorists who said that 7/7 was allowed to happen... do you remember the threads on this before?

Had stuff about how a private firm had been asked to set up a damage limitation excercise which coincidentaly involved the exact tube stations that got bombed, and exactly at the same time of the bombing - which meant that recovery services were called up much faster as a result.

That definitely happened, it was just put down to coincidence by the mainstream press. - no doubt more hardened conspiracy watchers will add to this, until the thread gets binned.
niksativa said:
This will add weight to the conspiracy theorists who said that 7/7 was allowed to happen... do you remember the threads on this before?

Had stuff about how a private firm had been asked to set up a damage limitation excercise which coincidentaly involved the exact tube stations that got bombed, and exactly at the same time of the bombing - which meant that recovery services were called up much faster as a result.

That definitely happened, it was just put down to coincidence by the mainstream press. - no doubt more hardened conspiracy watchers will add to this, until the thread gets binned.
How does it add anything? Ref the planning excersise, let's not waste time on a story/theory/factoid that's been utterly debunked please.
They caught the 7.40 Thameslink train from Luton which as we know was cancelled that day..so all the rest is a crock unless these 4 young men had teleporting abilities.

Quotes from the narrative: (my comments in italics)

How about Hasib buying a 9v battery in KX because ... it is possible (there are a lot of possibles, maybes and might haves in the narrative) that a new battery was needed to detonate the device, but this is only speculation at this stage.


Another possibility is that he was unable to detonate his device with the original battery, but we have no further evidence at this stage (what 10 months after the events?)


Tanweer is wearing white tracksuit bottoms at 04.54 but by 07.21 Tanweer is now wearing dark tracksuit bottoms. There is no explanation for this change at present.

Go read it for yourselves:


Then go read:


It is a travesty of justice, these men didn't do it.

"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."
niksativa said:
Had stuff about how a private firm had been asked to set up a damage limitation excercise which coincidentaly involved the exact tube stations that got bombed, and exactly at the same time of the bombing - which meant that recovery services were called up much faster as a result..
Please, please read up something about this EXERCISE ON PAPER FOR PRIVATE FIRMS before making the same stupid mistake as research-free conspiraloons.
Prole said:
It is a travesty of justice, these men didn't do it
So, about the eye witness still lying in hospital who saw the bomber explode the bomb in his tube carriage....

Is he a liar then?
Prole said:
It is a travesty of justice, these men didn't do it.
Quite right. It was the pixies wot done it.

The innocent Islamonuts just happened to travel to London together that day - carrying bombs, as one does - and were at the very places where the explosions occurred.
How about:

"08.55 Hussain walks out of KX .... Telephone call records show that he tried unsuccessfully to contact the 3 other bombers on his mobile over the next few minutes. His demeanour over this period appears relaxed and unhurried."

Did he forget that it was all supposed to happen simultaneously 5 minutes earlier?

Wake up folks before the water is boiling!
Prole said:
How about:

"08.55 Hussain walks out of KX .... Telephone call records show that he tried unsuccessfully to contact the 3 other bombers on his mobile over the next few minutes. His demeanour over this period appears relaxed and unhurried."

Did he forget that it was all supposed to happen simultaneously 5 minutes earlier?
The people who are trying to cover up for the pixies would have you believe that that particular Islamonut had not been able to get the train he wanted to blow up and phoned his fellow bombers to see if they too had been delayed in committing murder and ask their advice. That's just pixie propaganda.

It was very unlucky that he then got on the very bus that the pixies then blew up - and was at the very centre of the explosion. Cunning bastards, pixies. You'd almost think they wanted Islamonuts to be blamed.
I'm just examining the evidence y'know facts.
BTW where is the CCTV evidence?

All day rolling news have played the dummy-dummy run from the 28/6 as if it were the 7th July footage.

Release the evidence!
BTW at least 20 people have been arrested in connection with the no-bombs bombers from 21/7 and guess how many in connection with 7th July?

How convenient not to have to have a court case methinks.
Prole said:
I'm just examining the evidence y'know facts.
BTW where is the CCTV evidence?
What's wrong with first hand eye witness testimony?
What are you reasons for doubting his word?
What alternative hard evidence have you to suggest that he's lying?

Anything? Anything at all?
Prole said:
How convenient not to have to have a court case methinks.
So who really did it and where's your credible evidence to back up an alternative theory?

Otherwise, please shut the fuck up with your tasteless fact-free conspiraloonery.
JHE said:
No bombs except the ones they were carrying and failed properly to detonate?
Remind me what was in these bombs? Flour, hair lotion, nuts and bolts ... hardly explosive .. Osman said 'we wanted a demonstrative act'.
Compare and contrast, 21/7 & July 7th

Images from subways buses and trains?
21/7 - yes
7th July - no

Arrests of others?
21/7 - yes
7th July - no

Court cases?
21/7 - yes
7th July -no
Prole said:
Images from subways buses and trains?
21/7 - yes
7th July - no
Eye witness, first-hand testimony from someone who saw the bomber blow up the carriage: YES
The slightest shred of credible evidence to support a bonkers alternative theory: NO

So why was the eyewitness lying, Prole? And don't forget the proof now!
Prole said:
hair lotion

And nail-varnish remover.

Do know what's in salt?

Chlorine - a greenish-yellow gas that's lethal if inhaled - and sodium - a silvery metal that bursts into intense flame on exposure to air. And protein contains the very same ingredients as gunpowder.

I'd stop eating if I were you.
Prole said:
Remind me what was in these bombs?
Third-rate pixie dust sold at extortionate prices?

Don't worry. The innocents of 21st July will get their day in court. If they have any sense, they'll expose the pixie conspiracy.
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