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Should Urban Ban 9/11 Conspiracy Drivel?

Should 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get The Axe?

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Rocket Romano

From what I can remember we've had more deabtes on 9/11 than well anyone really, we've accused Bush, Cheney, Blair, Arabs, Saudis, Zippy from Rainbow and Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La-la and Po.

It's all a bit dull and repetitive really, none of them ever make a coherent or valid point, most of them are pointless pseudo political ramblings and they ALWAYS end up in the bin, after of course mike has destroyed the argument/banned the poster, whatever's most amusing

So should us sane non obsessive types that reside on Urban be spared over the minority conspiracistsm, is it time for an outright ban on the 9/11 borefests?
another thread about conspiracy threads - I don't think a thread about threads about conspiracy threads is far off...
I think they should be banned, tbh. The arguments been done to death now. there also other plaqces to havre those threads, that are more suited to them
Red Jezza said:
I think they should be banned, tbh. The arguments been done to death now. there also other plaqces to havre those threads, that are more suited to them
i',m not sure that's wise.. it would be a braver person than me who'd be prepared to say that there's nothing more to learn re: 9/11, whatever happened.. but i certainly agree that one or two threads is enough, and that until the conspiracy mob actually come up with something they could keep a lid on it...

signal to noise ratio, innit? if Dr J or one of his fopping cohorts did come up with something that blew the official version out of the water, i doubt i'd even care...
I'm not in favour of banning new, well argued, intelligently compiled conspiracy theories supported by credible sources.

Trouble is, all we get around here is the same evidence-free, wild suppositions, endlessly rehashed by the same handful of posters, repeating themselves in ever decreasing circles.

I don't think your two-choices only poll does justice to such a weighty subject, so I'm going to close the poll.

Red Jezza said:
I think they should be banned, tbh. The arguments been done to death now. there also other plaqces to havre those threads, that are more suited to them

Thailand provides many jobs in the field of censorhip red, just let us know, and i'll try and get you a job.

Fuck man, just because you are bored with a certain topic, you call for it to banned? Get a grip.
editor said:
I'm not in favour of banning new, well argued, intelligently compiled conspiracy theories supported by credible sources.

Trouble is, all we get around here is the same evidence-free, wild suppositions, endlessly rehashed by the same handful of posters, repeating themselves in ever decreasing circles.

I don't think your two-choices only poll does justice to such a weighty subject, so I'm going to close the poll.


Fair do's

What options do you suggest?

I don't mind the debate it's just the horrendous clip and paste montage we get from so many people who have no idea what they've just posted, maybe we need more stringent administration of the looney tune theories.

Because a lot if it is repetitive, unoriginal, slack jawed, wet eared far fetched drivel and it unfairly shuts out any possible credible debate by turning the thread into most of the time, a slanging match
Rocket, just let it all sort itself out. Let it follow the course it takes. So much control, so much attempted control.

God britons love rules and stuff.

Remember mccartney and lennon? Let it be.
editor said:
What the fuck are you on about now?

It's fairly obvious. Britons love rules and control. There's a rule for almost everything in the country now.

And accordingly we get a poster who's hardly ever been on these threads calling for a ban.
fela fan said:
It's fairly obvious. Britons love rules and control. There's a rule for almost everything in the country now.

And accordingly we get a poster who's hardly ever been on these threads calling for a ban.
Yeah what the fuck are you on about now? You conspiracy fans have had zillions of posts to make your case and you haven't made it in my book. You just seem to be obsessed with bumping threads about 9/11 because you personally find it a fascinating subject to endlessly discuss.

The rest of us don't - other than to tell you we don't think you don't have a case.
fela fan said:
It's fairly obvious. Britons love rules and control. There's a rule for almost everything in the country now.
that is one HELL of a generalisation there, fela! SOME Britons may like SOME rules, but there's some 56 million of us.
fela fan said:
And accordingly we get a poster who's hardly ever been on these threads calling for a ban.
Actually, he's asking a question, not demanding a ban and as a contributor to this community, he's quite entitled to do so.

He also makes some very valid points, IMO.
editor said:
What the fuck are you on about now?

Editor asked me this.

Then 19 minutes later, loki asked me this:

"Yeah what the fuck are you on about now?"

even though i'd answered the editor.

Instead, you chose to ignore my answer, parrot the editor, and address me as a conspiracy fan, even though you know full well by now that i'm not one of those. This is poor behaviour, although by now fully expected of you.

Recently too loki, although you seem peculiarly uninterested in the reality, all the 911 threads (bar one) have been started by posters not normally associated with what you derisively term conspiracy fans.

And i can only think of one, today in fact, that was bumped.

You really don't care for the actualities too much do you dear boy?
Red Jezza said:
that is one HELL of a generalisation there, fela! SOME Britons may like SOME rules, but there's some 56 million of us.

Maybe so red, but there still seems to be a rule for almost everything, and i do concede that many don't like this.

But i can tell you, when i make the odd trip back there, rules hit me in the face at every turn. And i can remember various faces that took great delight in telling me what i could do or couldn't do!
fela fan said:
Thailand provides many jobs in the field of censorhip red, just let us know, and i'll try and get you a job.

Fuck man, just because you are bored with a certain topic, you call for it to banned? Get a grip.
out of order.
I am militantly anti-censorship. but you've had EVERY opportunity to make your irrefutable case. and - despite some interesting little bits (and no, I do not think we have been told the whole truth, nor will we ever be) - you've not done so. As a result of that, a handful of terrifyingly obsessed posters are dragging the boards down.
As ever, my sole concern is - as ever - for the health and vitality of the boards.
editor said:
Actually, he's asking a question, not demanding a ban and as a contributor to this community, he's quite entitled to do so.

He also makes some very valid points, IMO.

Yes, he's asking a question. But where did i say he was demanding a ban? Please curb your itchiness to twist my words editor.

I still stand by MY words: it seems to me he's calling for a ban, question or no question.

And yes he's a member of the urban community, but arguably not the 911 community. My memory's none too good these days, but i actually cannot remember this poster ever posting on these threads before.
Red Jezza said:
out of order.
I am militantly anti-censorship. but you've had EVERY opportunity to make your irrefutable case. and - despite some interesting little bits (and no, I do not think we have been told the whole truth, nor will we ever be) - you've not done so. As a result of that, a handful of terrifyingly obsessed posters are dragging the boards down.
As ever, my sole concern is - as ever - for the health and vitality of the boards.

May be out of order, but you should look at what you're calling for mate, especially if you're militantly anti-censorship. Coz by calling for a ban, that doesn't quite square.

Your sole concern eh? And for someone who's been here for over two years and posted quite a lot, you don't think i'm concerned about the health and vitality of the boards too?

If the topic in the wider world is not dead, why should we kill it on one of the most progressive and exciting debating boards on the net?

Your position seems most tenuous to me red.
to me the topic seems very much dead 'in the wider world'; in fact to me it seems to have diminished to an endless circle jerk by a handful of nutty CT obsessives. err, how many are posting on C66's board yet? are you?

And for me it's lesser of two evils; better there is a slight bit of ruthless board-steerage than that people should be deterred from posting here by the impression that the boards are dominated by a handful of CT 9/11 loons.

I happen to think these boards are lightly moderated, on the whole, and that The Powers That Be have shown commendable grasp of what is necessary to ensure maximum flow. And I'd only want to see posters or topics banned (as happened recently to a friend of mine, and was justified) as a last resort.
but they've had 3 sodding years to land a killer punch.
They have got nowhere. that tells me a lot.
frankly - it's getting daft now.
fela fan said:
Maybe so red, but there still seems to be a rule for almost everything, and i do concede that many don't like this.

But i can tell you, when i make the odd trip back there, rules hit me in the face at every turn. And i can remember various faces that took great delight in telling me what i could do or couldn't do!
there's arseholes everywhere bro'-especially in positions of petty officialdom. trust me, there's as many rebels here as everywhere else.
Generally speaking fela, after 3 long (very very very long if you've read all the conspiracy threads) years the conspiracy buffs have yet to prove a point, other than that you can't really trust Bush, which to be perfectly honest, a carton of pineapple juice could have made that argument.

To end this debate, in the no doubt facetious way it will be continue in other conspiracy threads, here's definitive, and again, facetious, proof of the events of 9/11

red arrow for the benefit of the visually impaired
Rocket Romano said:
red arrow for the benefit of the visually impaired
Hold on. That looks like hologram to me! There's no passengers on there! And isn't that a pod underneath the plane?! And hold on - I'm sure that little blodgy pixel is a missile being ejected by the plane! And I'm sure I can see some cables running off the WTC to the explosive!

It must be true because it's all been explained to me by some anonymous, unqualified homepage author on a dodgy website on the web

editor said:
Hold on. That looks like hologram to me! There's no passengers on there! And isn't that a pod underneath the plane?! And hold on - I'm sure that little blodgy pixel is a missile being ejected by the plane! And I'm sure I can see some cables running off the WTC to the explosive!

It must be true because it's all been explained to me by some anonymous, unqualified homepage author on a dodgy website on the web


:D :D :D
Despite your ridicule, I predict that the forthcoming documentary on Channel4 will not dare show that, and even less likely the slow-motion footage. The Sky one didn't. ;)
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